The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 405 Wanmin Umbrella

Chapter 405 Wanmin Umbrella

"I obey my orders!" Wang Dayong agreed, and called on his men to tie up Jin Jiao and go over for execution.

Although Wang Dayong did not have the ability to execute Ling Chi, he also knew that Lin Hai wanted to scare Jin Dajiao.

Anyway, just use a knife to cut slowly when the time comes.

When the other members of the Black Dragon Gang heard that Ling Chi was going to execute their gang leader, they were all trembling with fear.

Although they are cruel, they kill without blinking an eye.

But when it really happened to them, they were all terribly afraid of death.

"You bandits have committed heinous crimes, and you will all be put to death.

But I can give you a chance now.

So if you can tell the government's evidence of the crime and find out where Jin Dajiao hid his money.

Anyone can perform meritorious service and be exempted from Lingchi's punishment. "

Lin Hai looked at the water bandits and said loudly.

"I know, I know where the gang leader hides his money." Wu Qi shouted loudly.

Unlike the other members of the Black Dragon Gang, he was born as a scholar.

I couldn't stand Ling Chi's punishment.

They all have to die anyway, and there is no use leaving money behind.

As Jin Dajiao's confidant, he still knew where the money was hidden.

After all, Jin Jiao couldn't move so much silver alone.

Every time he came back from robbing money, he would ask a few confidants to help carry the money.

What's more, Jin Dajiao didn't think that any officers and soldiers had found their hiding place.

So the location of the hidden money is not too secretive!
It's better to just say it and perform meritorious service, which can avoid some punishments and die more happily.

"You bastard, I don't treat you well, but you dare to betray me." Jin Dajiao was furious.

Unexpectedly, the person he trusted the most would be the first to stand up and betray him.

"Gang Leader, what are you doing with money when you've lost your life? You're going to die anyway, so why not die quickly!"

Some people also think that Wu Qi is right. Few people can bear the punishment of Lingchi's execution.

Everyone who knew where the money was hidden rushed to tell them.

Some people also scrambled to explain the matter of sending money to the government.

Lin Hai asked people to record everything they said.

Then take people to find where the money is hidden.

Jin Dajiao was much smarter than the others and did not hide his money in his residence.

Instead, there is a sunken hole on the island that was transformed into a basement.

The amount of money stored inside is eye-opening.

There was a mountain of copper coins alone, and countless other gold, silver and jewelry.

For a while, it was impossible to estimate how much money there was.

"Let's move all the money out first, and then count it slowly.

The people have cut so many reeds, and they must pay them in time. "

After completely wiping out the three gangs, Lin Hai's next step was to go back and try the prefect.

In addition, let the craftsmen from the papermaking workshop come over and build a large workshop here.

Teach the people here how to use reeds to weave some daily handicrafts.

At the same time, the papermaking workshop should be put into operation as soon as possible so that the people here can have work every day.

The interrogation of the prefect was very simple. There were many identifications of water bandits, and both witnesses and material evidence were present.

They sent people to search the house, and the money found was equivalent to more than 40 taels of silver.

It is simply appalling that a mere prefect could have embezzled so much money within a few years.

Lin Hai wrote a memorial about the situation here and presented it to him.

After Gong Yanwu saw the memorial, she was so angry that she almost tore it up on the spot.

Immediately reply to the letter so that Lin Hai does not need to escort these officials back to Beijing.

All executed locally.

On the day of execution, there were huge crowds of people on both sides of the road and near the execution ground.

There were more than 200 people who were beheaded and executed.

These people have been oppressing the people all year round and do all kinds of evil.The people of Jinzhou hated them deeply.

Along the way, they were hit with rocks and rotten leaves.

They were all dying anyway, so Lin Hai didn't let anyone stop him and allowed the people to vent their anger.

Some people were beaten to death by the common people even before they reached the execution ground.

With an order, rows of people were cut down, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

The people cheered in unison.

Many officials in the government were beheaded, and the entire government office was empty.

In order to maintain normal operation.

Lin Hai could only stay and deal with government affairs first, and then go back after the court sent over the new prefect.

During this period, it was also discovered that many government officials were bullying people.

Lin Hai also dealt with everything severely and confiscated all his property.

Jinzhou's officialdom was finally eliminated, and people could live a prosperous life as long as they worked hard.

After all these years, I finally see hope.

Lin Hai asked Cao Fang to gather craftsmen first to study the making of the big ship.

Many people were gathered to quickly build the workshop.

Papermaking workshops and weaving workshops were built and a large number of people came to work.

Cut the reeds into strips and weave them into baskets, baskets, straw mats and other utensils.

By the time summer comes, these items will be very popular.

Use the money earned from papermaking to advance and hoard these goods.

Let the people have work all year round.

After staying here for more than half a month, he promoted several capable people to official positions among the people.

They are all distinguished scholars.

Because he couldn't stand the corrupt officialdom, he disdained being an official.

In normal times, life is even more difficult.

Lin Hai came and asked people to investigate among the people, and invited all these people over.

Seeing that Lin Hai was indeed a good official who made decisions for the people, these people were willing to serve.

When Lin Hai was about to leave, all the people in Jinzhou came to see him off.

I was very reluctant to leave Lin Hai.

Both sides of the road were crowded with people, all hoping that Lin Hai could stay and continue to be an official.

Lin Hai stood on a high place and said to everyone: "Don't worry, everyone, even if I leave, the future prefect will be very honest and make decisions for the people.

And the practice I have established here, if the official uniform dares to oppress the people.

I will definitely come back to pick them up again! "

After hearing this, the people reluctantly let him go.

He also made a Ten Thousand People Umbrella, and many people signed their names on it.

People who couldn't write names even bit off their fingers and put their fingerprints on them.

Lin Hai was very moved at this moment.

It is really not easy for people in this era.

A faint official can make the people miserable.

I am even more determined to rectify the officialdom in the future so that the people can live a good life.

Those scoundrels must be suppressed mercilessly, and all of them must be pulled out and executed.

If it doesn't work, take them to the army and serve as cannon fodder in a war.

These people will only harm the people and waste food while they are alive. They can all be cut down and cleaned up.

All the people in the city traveled more than ten miles.

Lin Hai asked them all to go back, and then reluctantly walked back.

Yuhuashi was also extremely emotional.

In the past, we could never see the miserable lives of the people in our families.

This time I finally felt it!

(End of this chapter)

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