The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 403 Fire Attack

Chapter 403 Fire Attack
Wu Qi also began to think about his own way out.

Following Jin Dajiao these years, he has also accumulated a lot of savings.

But all the money is in the gang, and you must take it all with you when you escape.

Otherwise, all these years of hard work would be in vain.

He must see the right moment and let other men fight to give him a chance to escape.

Having been a military advisor in the Black Dragon Gang for so many years, he also has a group of confidants who can obey his orders.

Although it made him very distressed that these people would be used as cannon fodder.

But in order to protect his own life, he couldn't care so much.

In order to escape, Jin Dajiao buried the place where the money was hidden and disguised it.

He could only hope that the officials could not find the place where he hid the money, and that he would come back to retrieve it after the officers and soldiers had retreated.

The money is too heavy to carry. Carrying the money will affect the speed of escape.

What's more, if he plans to escape by diving, he must not bring heavy things with him.

Jin Dajiao asked all his men to get ready to go out together.

I found a few more people to inquire about the situation surrounded by officers and soldiers.

Look for the weakest spots.

Lin Hai kept staring at the sky.

He said to Wang Dayong next to him: "You said we have such a big movement now, how do the water bandits feel now?"

"If it were me, I would definitely be very anxious and try my best to escape as soon as possible." Wang Dayong replied.

"That's right. Waiting will lead to death. If you fight to the death, you may be able to find a chance of survival."

“Since we can imagine it, we must prepare in advance.

Prevent these water bandits from jumping over the wall! "

Lin Hai's expression was very solemn.

Although they brought many troops, they were good at arranging troops on land.

Without training to fight on water, no matter how many people there are, they will not be able to exert their full strength.

Only Lin Hai could mobilize so many troops to encircle and suppress the water bandits.

Just the amount of food and grass consumed in one day is a huge amount.

Had it not been for the large sum of money received in advance, the prefect's Yamen would not have been able to afford it.

Even the imperial court would find it difficult to come forward with such a large-scale effort to suppress the bandits.

Only Lin Hai could dare to come to encircle and suppress these water bandits on such a large scale.

Lin Hai also planned to cut through the mess quickly and wipe out all these water bandits as quickly as possible.

Wang Dayong led the people to arrange it, and there were hidden stakes at regular intervals.

These people took small boats and ambush in the reeds.

Their hearing is very keen.

If someone sneaks out, it will definitely make a sound.

When you hear the sound, come over immediately to report or send a signal. Once the signal is seen, more people will come to support.

Lin Hai himself never thought that a temporary method he thought of would have such a big effect!
When it's almost early in the morning, people feel particularly sleepy!

Only the people who harvested reeds were very motivated and offered very high prices. I have never encountered such a profitable job in my life!
They are all working hard to harvest reeds!

Suddenly hearing the sound of water splashing, the person hiding in the reeds immediately cheered up!

Listen carefully to what's going on inside!
The sound became clearer and clearer, and sure enough, someone was holding the boat and walking out!

Immediately set off a firework into the sky!
Huge fireworks exploded in the air, and all the soldiers suddenly woke up!
Dozens of boats are approaching here quickly!

Jin Dajiao slapped his thigh angrily!
"No, they discovered it!"

"Hurry up and rush out for me. We must break out of their siege. As long as we can escape, we can make a comeback!"

Jin Dajiao shouted, but let his boat stay back and let the others rush forward!

Suddenly a hail of arrows shot towards them!
Many people were killed by arrows!
The other people were so frightened that they lay down in the boat and did not dare to raise their heads!
"The Black Dragon Gang's people are right here. Hurry up and ask them to surround you!"

The soldiers shouted loudly while launching fireworks to illuminate the way!

The two sides soon came into contact and started fighting in the dark!

Lin Hai also heard the noise and rushed over with his men!
"We must pay more attention to prevent these water bandits from attacking in the east!" Lin Hai quickly commanded his men to surround him!

In addition to those who launched the attack in front, another layer of encirclement was built outside!

In order to prevent the water bandits from escaping, huge torches were lit on the bows of the ships, illuminating the surroundings very brightly.

Yuhuashi didn't want to wait forever, so he rushed forward with his people.

His martial arts are very powerful, and no one can withstand any of his moves.

The water bandits they killed cried for their father and mother.

Jin Dajiao wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but found that he was surrounded again.

All his plans were disrupted.

He was so angry that he couldn't help but cursed a few times, and had to turn around and retreat.

"The wind is blowing hard, retreat quickly!"

Jin Jiao shouted loudly and led the people back into the reed marsh.

When we got to a safe place and counted the number of people, only less than half came back.

He originally had more than 500 people under his command, but now there are only 90 people in total.

Jin Dajiao was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

The survivors of the Black Dragon Gang were all as listless as frightened birds.

They didn't know when officers and soldiers would appear in front of them, and no one could escape.

Some people even want to surrender, maybe there is a chance of survival.

But they all know Jin Dajiao's temper. If they dare to surrender at this time, they will definitely be chopped down with a knife.

"Gang leader, what should we do? There are so many officers and soldiers surrounding us, it's impossible to escape.

If the weather is warm we can escape by diving, but in this case the water is too cold.

It might be freezing if you go diving! "

"Don't panic, everyone, the gang leader will definitely come up with a solution." Wu Qi quickly reassured everyone.

If the morale of his men is lost, it will really be the end.

"You're right, the reed swamp is so large that even tens of thousands of troops can't find it in a short time.

Let's think of a solution slowly! "Jin Dajiao said loudly.

"Bring over whatever else you have to eat, brothers, let's have a full meal first."

In order to appease his men, Jin Dajiao even asked people to take out all the wine he had collected.

At this time, as long as you are not drunk, you can eat and drink whatever you want.

This can soothe nervous emotions.

While Black Dragon was helping the people here eat and drink, Lin Hai had narrowed down the area again.

Let people harvest the reeds quickly outside, and even if they light a fire, it will not burn to other places.

Let all the people come over to harvest, and soon a wide waterway was cut out, separated from other reeds.

By the time it got daylight, everyone in the Black Dragon Gang, except for a few people standing guard, had eaten and drank enough and fell asleep.

Lin Hai asked people to light reeds from all directions, and the raging fire began to burn.

(End of this chapter)

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