Chapter 4

Two sturdy young men walked into the yard, their faces sinister and ferocious.

Lin Hai recognized these two men as the two brothers Qi Hu and Qi Bao from the village.

Because he is physically strong and his family is relatively well off, but he is not very good as a person and specializes in borrowing money.

Although they have a bad reputation, no one dares to offend them.

Seeing that the two brothers came with bad intentions, Lin Hai's heart skipped a beat. They weren't looking for trouble.

Qiaoer's face became even more panicked, and she quickly put down her bowls and chopsticks and stood up.

"What are you doing here at my house?" Lin Hai asked with a frown.

"What are we here for? Do we need to talk about this again?"

Qi Hu walked forward with a smirk on his face.

His brother Qi Bao said loudly: "When your father died, he had no money to bury him, so he borrowed five taels of silver from us.

Even the principal plus interest has risen to 15 taels of silver, so it’s time to pay it back! "

Qiaoer was very anxious after hearing this, and quickly argued: "How can there be so much? I have already paid you back the interest twice by selling grain and silkworm cocoons, so I can't possibly owe you that much!"

"Hmph, our money is profitable, so we can't pay back even a penny less." Qi Hu's face darkened and became extremely scary.

"We don't have any money at this time. We can only wait until we sell the cocoons to pay you some back." Qiaoer said.

"No money? How can you afford to eat fish soup? You can smell the fish soup from a long distance away. I think you have money to eat and drink, but you have no money to pay off the debt!"

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!" Lin Hai grabbed Qiao'er's hand.

Knowing that these two guys wanted to extort money, the five taels of silver they borrowed had doubled several times in just one year.

It's simply worse than loan sharking.

However, these two people are very strong and weak, and they are powerless.

If there is a falling out, the only one who will suffer is himself.

"I was lucky enough to catch a few fish in the river today. You can eat them if you want. But we really have no money now."

"It doesn't matter if you don't have money. Don't you have five acres of wheat fields? You can use it to offset your debt, so you can pay back all the money."

Only then did Lin Hai know the purpose of the two guys' coming, and they actually took a fancy to his fertile land.

Qiao'er was extremely anxious. The whole family was counting on a few acres of land for food.

If there is no harvest to offset the debt, what will we eat in the future?
"No, these five acres of land are worth at least more than 20 taels of silver." Qiaoer said quickly.

Qi Bao's eyes glanced back and forth at Qiaoer with evil intentions.

"Hey, since it's the value of the credit, we have the final say. If you're not convinced, then pay back the money immediately.

If it drags on any longer, it will be 30 taels!
Not to mention selling the land to pay off the debt, even if I hook up with you, it won’t be enough! "

Qiaoer was shocked and angry. This was already a hooligan in front of his face.

"Okay, as you said, the land will be credited to you. All debts will be offset and I won't owe you a penny." Lin Hai said.

"My husband, I can't do it. Our family depends on these acres of wheat fields! If we don't have the fields, how will we live in the future?" Qiaoer was so anxious that she cried. Just when she saw some hope, it suddenly seemed like the sky had collapsed.

"Don't cry. My husband is here and I won't starve!" Lin Hai quickly comforted her.

Lin Hai knew that he must not default on the money owed to these ruffians.

Otherwise, the profits will be compounded and the whole family will be ruined.

They probably focused on their own fields from the beginning.

What worried Lin Hai even more was that Qi Bao looked at Qiaoer in a very strange way.

If it is delayed any longer, not only will the land not be saved, but people may be robbed.

It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years. Wait until things have slowed down and then deal with them slowly.

When the two of them saw Lin Hai agreeing so simply, they had a smile of success on their faces.

"That's right, pay back the money early and get the land deed quickly!" Qi Hu said and sat down unceremoniously.

He poured himself a bowl of fish soup and drank it in large gulps.

Qi Bao also picked up the bowl and drank the soup in big gulps.

"This fish soup is really fresh. I need to drink a few more bowls." Qiaoer was ashamed and angry. The bowl Qi Bao used was the same one he had just used.

It was already very rude in ancient times.

Lin Hai saw the wretched look on Qi Bao's face and knew that he did it on purpose.

She looked at him with cold eyes and suppressed the anger in her heart.

"Qiao'er, go get the land deed, and then get some paper and pen!"

Lin Hai must leave evidence to prove that all the money owed has been paid off to prevent them from finding trouble later.

Get the land deed and confirm it is correct.

Qi Hu happily took out the IOU.

Lin Hai asked him to write a receipt again, indicating that the debt was settled, and asked them both to sign and sign.

After everything was done, Qi Hu said with a smile: "You are really careful. I have already given you the IOU, so what are you afraid of?"

"Be careful, the Wannian Ship and the land are gone. If something goes wrong again, I'm afraid I'll lose the house as well." Lin Hai said calmly.

"Okay, now that the accounts have been cleared, let's go."

When the two left, Qiaoer finally couldn't help crying loudly.

"Uuuuuuuuah, without the fields, how can we live in the future..."

Lin Hai hugged Qiao'er and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, madam, it's just a few acres of land, isn't it? I will definitely make double the money back in the future."

"But what should we do now? We can survive by digging wild vegetables in the summer, but we can't survive without food in the winter." Qiao'er said, wiping her tears.

"Isn't it possible to fish for money? I can go hunting in a few days and exchange for food. Don't worry, my husband is here and everything will be fine."

Lin Hai said comfortingly.

Qiaoer sobbed and saw that there was only a little bottom left in the pot.

The two of them haven't had a few bites of food yet.

Wipe away your tears and put the remaining fish residue into a bowl.

"That's all, sir, please eat quickly. You must be very tired from fishing today!"

"I'm not hungry, so you should eat. When we go fishing tomorrow, we'll have enough to eat." Lin Hai said.

"No, my husband should eat it."

"No, you have to eat too. Open your mouth and I'll feed you..."

Lin Hai forced Qiaoer to eat most of it.


Qi Hu and Qi Bao took the land deed and left, extremely happy.

"Hehe, brother, we made a lot of money this time. With only five taels of silver, we actually bought five acres of fertile land. Adding in the scattered interest paid before, we can make a net profit of at least more than 20 taels of silver."

"Yes, this business is good. It's a pity that the people in the village are cowards and they don't dare to borrow more money when they are in urgent need. Big business like this is rare."

Qi Bao's eyes rolled around.

"Brother, this Lin Hai is a loser, but his wife is really cool. Every time I see her, I am so greedy that I can't wait to take it home and enjoy it.

Can you think of a trick to get Qiaoer? "

"Why are you anxious? With the wheat fields gone, it will be difficult to eat in the future. Lin Hai, that good-for-nothing, can't do any work and relies entirely on his wife to support him.

Sooner or later, he won't be able to survive, and he will have to borrow money from us to buy food.

Can't he use his wife to offset the debt then?

I have to let my brother enjoy it when the time comes.

It's really a waste for such a good woman to follow that nerd Lin Hai. "

Qi Hu smiled sinisterly.

"Okay, let me enjoy it first!" Qi Bao rubbed his hands excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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