The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 37 Veterinary Bone Settling

Chapter 37 Veterinary Bone Settling
"Yes, the bandits have hoarded a lot of food, and what we brought is only part of it. Let people cook first, and then go back to transport the food after the meal." Lin Hai replied.

"It's great. With so much food, people in the village no longer have to worry about going hungry."

"Village chief, that's what I'm thinking about! The bandits' village has almost two thousand shi of food. Half of it will be distributed to the people in the village.

The remaining half is divided equally between us hunters.

In addition, there are these women, who are all poor people who were kidnapped by bandits and taken to the village. They will also stay in our village from now on.

If a man from another family likes her and doesn't dislike her, she can marry her into the family, whether she is his wife or concubine.

But the prerequisite must be the consent of these women. "

Lin Hai introduced these people.

After all, the village chief has the highest prestige, and everything must be approved by him.

"Okay, this is already very good. If you can provide half of it, it will cost one thousand dan of grain, and it will be enough for each family to eat for a year.

These people are poor women. Anyway, we have enough food now, so it’s not a bad idea to stay. "

The village chief agreed immediately.

Lin Hai has brought so much food to the village, and now his prestige is getting higher and higher.

These days, anyone who has the ability to say anything will be effective. Naturally, they will not refute Lin Hai’s face.
After unloading the grain, the women in the village also prepared meals.

Let the village chief direct the distribution of food to each family, and Lin Hai takes people to eat.

Only then did I realize that the one-eyed dragon was still tied to the horse.

"Put it down and give him some food, so he doesn't starve to death!" Lin Hai said.

"There's no use keeping this guy. Otherwise, if you don't do it, let me kill him." Wang Dayong said.

"I have already sworn a poisonous oath, do you want me to die miserably?" Lin Hai said with a smile.

"That's not what I meant, even though you swore a poisonous oath. I asked others to kill him without telling you, so that it would not be fulfilled on you."

"Haha, no need to bother. I never care about poisonous oaths or my credibility with these bandits.

But there is no need to break your oath casually for this kind of person.

Of course I have a way to settle him, so you don't have to worry. "

The one-eyed dragon was hurt all over, hungry and tired.

He was shocked and angry just now when he heard that someone actually wanted to take the opportunity to kill him.

He didn't even bother to eat, and shouted loudly: "Lin Hai, you have sworn to spare my life, you can't keep your word."

"Don't worry, just eat quickly! I said I won't kill you and I will do it. If you don't eat again, you will starve to death if I don't kill you."

The one-eyed dragon was still a little worried, and the pain from the fracture was already unbearable.

"Please help me find a doctor. I feel like my bones are broken. If you don't heal me, the pain alone will kill me."

"The old blackhead in the village, isn't the veterinarian who knows how to set bones? I want you to call him over and join his bones." Lin Hai said.

"Okay, I'll call the old blackhead over here!" Wang Dayong couldn't help but snicker.

Lin Hai actually found a veterinarian to set his bones, and everyone around him burst out laughing.

This is how you have to deal with such evil people.

The one-eyed dragon was indeed furious.

"You can't treat me like this. You must find a doctor who treats people."

"Come on, it's good to have a veterinarian to treat you. Where can you find a doctor within miles?

If others find out that you are a bandit leader, let alone setting your bones.

I might kill you with a knife.

Besides, Lao Heitou is very good at setting bones, and he will definitely be able to cure you. "

Lin Hai said angrily while eating his meal.

As soon as the old blackhead finished receiving the food, he was called over.

"He has several broken bones, help him reconnect the bones!"

The old black man was stunned when he heard this. "How is this possible? I can set bones for horses, cows, even dogs and rabbits! I have never set bones for anyone.

I can't afford it if this goes wrong. "

"Who said you should take the responsibility? Even if you connect his arm to his thigh, you will not be held responsible. Just give him bold treatment, as long as he doesn't die, he will do whatever he wants."

Wang Dayong also said: "This is a good opportunity for you to exercise. Hurry up and treat him. If he can be cured, maybe I can give you a few more kilograms of food."

As soon as he heard that he could get more food, the old blackhead became very motivated.

"Are you telling the truth? How many kilograms of food can you get by grafting his bones?"

"I'll give you ten kilograms of grain, and I'll make the decision!" Wang Dayong said.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Lin Hai.

Lin Hai knew that he was getting his permission.

Wei Wei nodded towards him.

Now Wang Dayong can be regarded as his right-hand man and has a lot of prestige in the village.

The hunters also admired him.

The key is that his character is also quite good and he particularly supports himself.

Of course Lin Hai would not refute his face.

The old black man rolled up his sleeves and said, "I can do anything with these ten pounds of grain."

Hearing the conversation of several people, One-Eyed Dragon felt huge humiliation.

I had no regard for his life or death and found a veterinarian to set his bones.It was simply to punish him to death.

"Lin Hai, you treat me like this because you want to torture me to death. If you violate your oath, you will go to hell and die miserably."

The one-eyed dragon cursed angrily.

"Don't worry, you won't die. Lao Heitou's bone-setting skills are top-notch. I guarantee that I can cure you well."

Wang Dayong found a few people to hold the one-eyed dragon to the ground to prevent him from moving around and hurting the old black head.

The old blackhead was also very nimble with his hands and feet and began to set his bones.

The one-eyed dragon screamed loudly in pain and struggled hard on the ground.

But no one took pity on him.

If Lin Hai hadn't been so capable, he would have killed all these bandits and brought food.

Being robbed by bandits this time, I'm afraid many people will starve to death during the winter.

They all wished that the old blackhead would strike harder and just kill the one-eyed dragon.

After a while, all the broken bones were fixed for him.

The one-eyed dragon was sweating profusely in pain, and his clothes were already soaked.

Lying on the ground gasping for air.

"Let me just say that Lao Heitou's technique is very good. Didn't this cure you?" Lin Hai said with a smile.

Then he said to the old blackhead: "Go and get another ten kilograms of grain, and just say it was me who said so."

"Okay, if this happens again, just call me!" The old black man left in a hurry.

The one-eyed dragon's eyes were full of hatred, and his teeth gritted loudly.

If he was allowed to escape, he would definitely lead someone to kill Lin Hai.

Kill all the people in this village.

Some hunters tied him up again to prevent him from escaping.

Lin Hai had already told them that they must watch him with extreme caution.

"Qi Bao is still detained by us, what do you think we should do with him?" Wang Dayong asked.

"Does that need to be said? As long as you want to keep the money and food, you must not let others know about this matter!" Lin Hai made a killing gesture!
(End of this chapter)

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