The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 329 The Turkic Problem

Chapter 329 The Turkic Problem

After that, ask someone to bring a pen and paper!

Lin Hai drew the drawing of the artillery and handed it to Shaoyao.

Shaoyao took it over and took a look and found that the structure was very simple.

"Is this what it looks like? Are you trying to trick me with something?"

"Replace it if it's fake! If there's any problem with the artillery, you can do whatever you want with me!"

Lin Hai said seriously.

"How should this be used?" Shaoyao asked!
Lin Hai took the drawing and patiently explained to her: "Actually, artillery is very simple.

Although the structure is simple, the requirements for materials and processes are particularly high.

It must be made of fine iron. If it is ordinary iron, it cannot withstand the explosion of gunpowder and will easily explode!

If the cannon is cast too thick, the weight will be staggering.

Just transporting it will consume a lot of manpower and material resources, and the gain outweighs the loss..."

After speaking, he looked at Shaoyao: "As far as I know, you Turks probably don't have much fine iron that can meet the requirements for casting artillery.

Even if the whole country is working together to cast a few, it won't be of much use! "

Shaoyao was silent after hearing this.

Their metallurgical technology is really poor, and there are very few iron ores that can be mined.

The key is that they simply don’t have much ability to explore for minerals.

Even if the Turks have rich minerals, they don’t know where they are buried.

Most of the iron was used to make weapons and armor.

Even so, it's still not enough.

We must go to Daxia to grab as much as possible.

He thought that as long as he could get a way to make artillery, he could also create powerful artillery.

It seems that this road is no longer feasible.

But Shaoyao was still very unwilling.

Give the drawings to your subordinates and fight the artillery as quickly as possible.

Lin Hai was not worried.

The requirements for casting gun barrels are very high, and if the craftsmanship is not good, bubbles will easily form.

This greatly affects the strength of the barrel.

Maybe after one or two uses, the entire barrel will explode.

Not only will it not pose a threat to Daxia, but it will also cause great damage to the Turks.

It's easy to get the method of making artillery.

Shaoyao's attitude towards Lin Hai became better.

He took the initiative and said: "From now on, you can live here with peace of mind!
I have already reported our matter to my father.

He has already agreed to the marriage between the two of us.

From now on, you can stay in Turks and be your consort! "

"Um? The Turkic Khan is so generous?" Lin Hai was very surprised.

I originally thought that it was impossible for the Turkic Khan to agree to such a thing.

After all, he is an official of Daxia, and he is also married.

Logically speaking, we will definitely oppose it firmly.

After all, Shaoyao is the most beloved princess of the Turkic Khan, so her marriage partner must be a Turkic powerful person.

In fact, Lin Hai underestimated the customs here.

The living conditions of the Turks are very poor, which has led to a more serious male superiority and female inferiority.

Even if Shaoyao is loved again, she will still get married after all.

If it can bring great benefits to the Turks, they will definitely carry out a political marriage.

If he could recruit Lin Hai as his consort, he could keep Peony by his side.

Lin Hai is equivalent to the Turks' door-to-door son-in-law.

Under this situation, the Turkic Khan simply agreed to Shaoyao's request.

"What's your attitude? Do you really not want to marry me?"

Shaoyao's face immediately fell!
"That's not true! A princess can marry a beauty like you.

I'm afraid it's the dream of every man in the world.

I'm not that ignorant! "

Lin Hai said with a smile.

There is no need to be harsh at times like this, as you might even suffer a loss.The only thing that can be done now is to delay as much time as possible.

Waiting for Daxia to rescue him.

Lin Hai has enough confidence that Daxia will never give up on him.

Wait until enough troops are mobilized.

I will definitely try my best to find a way to save myself back to Daxia.

Of course there is nothing to worry about.

Sure enough, Shaoyao was immediately elated after hearing what Lin Hai said.

It's rare that a woman like this meets a man she likes.

At least in the entire Turks, no man has ever been able to seduce Shaoyao.

Even the first warrior of the Turks, in Shaoyao's eyes, was just a reckless man.

No matter how strong a person is, he can't compare to a master who knows how to plan.

Lin Hai was better than Shaoyao in both strategy and literary talent.

This is also the biggest reason that makes Shaoyao fall in love with it.

"It's boring to be idle anyway, why don't you go out with me and see the living conditions of our people here!" Shaoyao suddenly suggested.

"Okay, I also really want to see the customs of the herdsmen here!"

Lin Hai immediately nodded and agreed.

This must be the capital of the Turks, and it is quite well built.

He followed Daxia and learned how to burn clay and make bricks, and built a city.

But compared with the capital city of Daxia, it is still far behind.

It's almost equivalent to an ordinary government office.

Moreover, the streets are relatively scattered, with many people setting up stalls and selling things on the roadside.

It looks a little dirty.

While shopping, Shaoyao introduced the situation here.

The reason why we chose to build the capital here was because the terrain was low.

It can protect you from strong winds all year round.

And because of the topography, it is easy to extract underground water sources.

Lin Hai nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

Even though the Turks are very backward, they have accumulated experience over the years.

Allowing them to live in this harsh environment.

It's just that most of the people are in ragged clothes and live in very poverty.

“We Turkic people live very poor lives and only rely on herding for a living.

It is difficult to feed so many people.

Going to Daxia to snatch it is also a last resort! "

Shaoyao explained.

"Haha, I don't agree with this!" Lin Hai said with a sneer.

"Am I going to lie to you again?" Shaoyao was a little unhappy.

“As far as I know, the entire Turkic region is vast and occupies a large amount of grassland.

Even if you just rely on grazing, you can definitely feed the people.

The reason for the current problems is still due to internal reasons within the Turks themselves. "

"Oh? Then tell me!"

Shaoyao asked doubtfully.

"First, your distribution is seriously unfair! The rich and powerful occupy most of the fertile pastures, leaving ordinary people unable to find suitable places for grazing.

Moreover, grazing also requires water sources. Without water sources, livestock cannot bear just grazing.

Therefore, Turkic grasslands cannot be used rationally, resulting in people not having enough to eat. "

"What you said makes sense, what about other reasons?" Shaoyao did not object.

Even if this disadvantage is known, it is difficult to solve it.

The Turkic dignitaries occupied a large amount of resources and population, and even the Turkic Khan did not dare to easily occupy their interests.

Once these dignitaries and tribes resist, the entire Turks will immediately fall into melee.

"The second point is that you Turks are too lazy! As long as you learn farming skills from Daxia, it shouldn't be too difficult to grow food!" Lin Hai said.

(End of this chapter)

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