The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 325 The decisive battle against Tubo

Chapter 325 The decisive battle against Tubo
"Master Lin specifically told me when I came down that he would be fine.

Let us defeat Tubo first! "


The scout was a little hesitant when he said this and did not dare to continue.

"If you have anything else to say, hurry up and don't hesitate!" Yu Huashi scolded anxiously.

"At that time, the Turkic princess said that she wanted to capture Lord Lin and make him her consort.

I will treat Mr. Lin well! "

Lin Tiangui and Yu Huashi looked at each other in disbelief.

"This is absolutely impossible! Logically speaking, Miss Shaoyao will definitely hate Brother Lin extremely.

After finally catching him, he should use various means to torture him.

How could she still marry him? "

Yuhuashi's eyes widened, he really couldn't understand.

Lin Tiangui frowned tightly after being surprised.

"This Turkic princess is really extraordinary, she saw Lin Hai's talent.

It was precisely this method that he planned to win over Lin Hai.

Let Lin Hai serve their Turks!

If Lin Hai really couldn't stand such a big temptation, Daxia would be in danger. "

Yuhuashi gritted his teeth: "I really underestimated this woman!

We can't wait any longer, we must defeat Tubo quickly.

Then go rescue Brother Lin.

I believe that Brother Lin will never be tempted by a woman, and he will not betray Daxia. "

"Of course I can trust him! We will launch an attack immediately. No matter what the cost, we must wipe out the entire Tibetan army."

Lin Tiangui looked at the scout and asked, "When will the army led by Wang Dayong arrive?"

“To return to the prince, we are one person and two horses bringing back the news.

The army behind was also rushing back as fast as possible.

It’s probably an hour or two off! "

"Go back immediately and notify Wang Dayong, and we will launch a full-scale attack on the enemy.

Let him come over as quickly as possible and join the fight. "

"My subordinate understands!"

Lin Tiangui immediately ordered the infantry to start attacking.

Use the carriage to move forward with the artillery.

Bring all the weapons you can use and no longer hide your strength.

Yuhuashi, on the other hand, led the cavalry to quickly circle back, and when encountering enemy scouts, he directly shot them with bows and arrows.

There is no need to hide the purpose at this time.

A bold frontal attack.

Mokhtuo also received news of the Xia army's attack, and the army had just been assembled at this moment.

"Send [-] cavalry to launch a countercharge towards the opponent to cut off the rear of the army.

The rest of the army followed my commander in retreat and could not be entangled by the enemy. "

He knew that the situation was extremely critical and that this was the most dangerous moment.

If the army cannot be brought back smoothly, Tubo will surely perish, and he is even prepared to kill more than half of them.

We also had to protect the Tubo army from retreating smoothly.

As long as we return to Tubo and rely on the city walls to resist, we should be able to block the Xia army's attack.

First protect Tubo from subjugation, and then slowly restore its strength.

Yuhuashi was extremely anxious at the moment and led the soldiers to circle back as quickly as possible.

Seeing that Yuhuashi dared to intercept them with less than [-] cavalry.

Mokhto felt deeply insulted.

When did Daxia's army become so arrogant that they dared to fight with a small number against many, and all of them were cavalry?

"Everyone listens to the order and launches an attack! Kill all the more than 1 cavalry."

Mokhto also got angry.

He has [-] elite men under his command, which is more than three times the number of Xia army cavalry in front of him.

Even if Daxia had the best weapons, he felt that it would be impossible to fail.

Both sides have become fierce, and no one is willing to take a step back.

Seeing the enemy army that was several times larger, Yu Huashi looked solemn.

Let your own speed slowly decrease first.

Wait until the opponent comes within range. "The first platoon listens to orders, shoots arrows, and drops bombs!"

Immediately someone picked up a crossbow and grenades and threw them forward.

There is also a rope tied to one end of the grenade. After lighting it, swing it a few times to throw it further.

These breakthrough armies had never seen the power of grenades.

They watched long objects being thrown towards them.

Subconsciously holding a shield to block.

The moment the grenade touched the shield.

It exploded suddenly!

It's more powerful in the air than on the ground.

Exploding shrapnel flew everywhere, killing and injuring everyone around him.

The power of the crossbow is not small, and it can penetrate the enemy's armor at close range.

Countless explosions sounded, knocking the enemy troops at the front to their knees.

After the first round, quickly retreat.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers in the second row rushed forward and continued to light grenades and throw them.

Soldiers holding crossbows cooperated to shoot the surviving enemy soldiers.

The Turkic cavalry had no power to fight back.

The sufficient speed was quickly reduced, and it was impossible to rush in front of Xia Jun.

The people behind could only take out their bows and arrows to fight back.

However, their range is far inferior to that of crossbows, so they can only be beaten.

Mokhto looked at the scene in front of him and was stunned in shock.

How to fight against such a weapon?
Just throwing something at random can kill a large number of people.

Moreover, the soldiers behind could not continue to charge.

As long as they can't get entangled with Xia Jun, they can only be the one who gets beaten.

Not even a chance to fight back.

"Retreat quickly, the archers are ready to fight back!"

Mokhto reacted and gave orders loudly to his men.

The soldiers at the front could no longer control them.

They can only sacrifice their firepower to attract Xia Jun.

Yuhuashi's face was expressionless, and his eyes were cold as he looked at the enemy in front.

Spread all the anger in your heart on the Tubo army.

Seeing the breakthrough army begin to separate, they wanted to turn around and retreat.

Yuhuashi said calmly: "Leave 2000 people to continue the attack, and the remaining people will be divided into two teams to flank.

Try to avoid hand-to-hand combat with the enemy and use crossbows and grenades to attack.

Never let anyone go! "

The general under his command received the order and led his men to rush towards the enemy's flanks.

With the help of modern weapons, numbers no longer hold any advantage.

The cavalry, which Tubo was proud of, was even more unable to display its strength.

Mokhto was so shocked by the destructive power of the grenade that he was speechless.

His whole body was shaking and his heart was bleeding.

We can only continue to divide our troops and let others intercept them from the front.

Another [-] soldiers and horses were separated and retreated quickly.

It is impossible to bring back this [-]-strong army, so we can only try to retain our strength.

Lin Tiangui led [-] infantrymen and charged forward as quickly as possible.

Encounter the enemy's [-] cavalry and attack with grenades and artillery.

A crossbow for each person.

The rain of arrows shot at the enemy was denser than the raindrops.

It was a one-sided massacre.

The powerful cavalry, which once had almost no opponents, did not even have a chance to counterattack.

At most, he only had time to shoot one arrow.

The whole person was blown upside down by the artillery attack.

Or it would be easily shot through by a crossbow.

Get a little closer and you'll be faced with a barrage of grenades.

(End of this chapter)

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