Chapter 32 Ambush
Lin Hai took people back to the village and spent a lot of money this time.

He just kept all the prey, cut it into skewers and grilled it.

I thought life would be very difficult if I was robbed by bandits.

But I never expected that I would be able to eat meat in large quantities. I don’t know how many times better than before.

Especially the children were extremely happy to be able to eat meat.

Running back and forth in the open space.

The village chief felt a little distressed. In his opinion, the meat could be exchanged for some food, so that more people could have enough to eat.

"Wouldn't it be too wasteful to have the whole village come over to eat meat? It's not easy to save some food these days!"

"Village chief, just feel free to eat while your teeth can still chew the meat. As for the food issue, don't worry, our harvest will get better and better in the future, and no one will go hungry anymore." Lin Hai smiled. said.

I got him a piece of rotten stewed meat.

"The grilled meat may not be chewy. Eat more of this!"

The village chief smelled the aroma of meat and couldn't bear to refuse.

He took the meat and chewed it in big mouths.

"Smell, this meat is so delicious! To be honest, I have never eaten meat so happily in my life!"

The village chief was eating meat and talking incoherently.

"Eat as much as you can, as long as you don't burst!" Lin Hai said with a smile.

Qi Hu and Qi Bao were not far away watching the people in the village eating meat.

His eyes were full of jealousy.

"How come this bastard is getting better and better, and it looks very generous to distribute this meat to the people. It must be to cover up the stealing of our money.

This way no one in the village would suspect him.

On the contrary, he will always be on his side. "Qi Hu gritted his teeth angrily.

"Brother, hurry up and report the news, let the bandits arrest him, and then ask where the money is hidden. Those bandits are ruthless in doing things.

It will definitely help us get our money back.

And look at Qiaoer, he looks really exciting.

Why not let the bandits snatch it away for us? We can also hide it in a golden house, lock it up and play with it slowly. "

Qi Bao had a wretched look on his face and his eyes were fixed on Qiao'er.

"Okay, just keep an eye here, and I'll report the news right away! You must keep an eye on me this time, and you must not let Lin Hai escape."

"Don't worry, brother, I'm just here watching and not going anywhere." Qi Bao replied.

Qi Hu explained and ran to the city to report the news.

After a while, the stone came back quietly.

"Lin Hai, what you said is absolutely correct. Qi Hu and Qi Bao are secretly watching us in the dark. Now Qi Hu has gone to the city, and he is probably reporting to that Scarface."

"Where is Tiedan'er? Are you still staring at Qi Bao?"

"I'm watching from a short distance behind him. I promise not to let him run away!"

"You have done a good job, and your merits must be remembered. Those watching at the entrance of the village must be alert and come back immediately to report the bandits."

"You two should keep an eye on Qi Bao! As soon as the bandit starts attacking, take him down immediately."

"I know, I'm going to look at him right now!"

Lin Hai quietly passed the news to other people while eating and drinking.

Hearing that the bandits would attack again tonight, everyone's eyes showed hatred.

These bandits must be taught a lesson this time.

Kill or capture them all and send them to the government to receive rewards.

Almost two hours passed, and it was almost late at night.

The people who were watching at the entrance of the village ran over quickly.

"A lot of bandits are coming, no less than last time!"

Wang Dayong immediately came over to inform Lin Hai after receiving the news. "I saw the bandits coming and they have already arrived at the entrance of the village. I guess they are waiting for news and will come to attack soon."

Lin Hai nodded after hearing this: "Okay, everyone will immediately follow the instructions previously arranged."

Lin Hai pretended to stretch, and then said loudly: "You guys continue to stay and eat. I'm so sleepy that I should go back and take a nap!"

Qi Bao, who was watching from a hiding place, became very anxious when he saw that Lin Hai wanted to leave.

Seeing that the bandits were about to come, Lin Hai actually wanted to leave again.

"No, I have to rush to the village head to take over. We must not let Lin Hai run away."

As he spoke, he turned around and saw two figures.

He was startled immediately.

"What are you doing at night? I'm so scared!"

"What are you doing? I'll beat you to death!"

Stone suddenly punched him in the face.

Before Qi Bao had time to react, he felt a heavy blow on his face and leaned back.

Tiedan'er was not to be outdone and rushed forward.

He took a piece of rag and stuffed it into his mouth.

The two men worked very quickly and took out the rope and tied him tightly.

"Leave him here first, let's go help!"

Lin Hai asked the villagers to stay here and continue eating, telling them not to panic no matter what happened.

Take the Orion and the young men in the village to the vicinity of the village entrance.

You can see the light of the bonfire burning at the entrance of the village, which is very conspicuous in the dark night.

The sounds of children laughing loudly can also be vaguely heard.

The one-eyed dragon asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure you won't make a mistake this time?"

"Don't worry, the boss, there will definitely be nothing wrong. I asked my brother to keep an eye on them. If Lin Hai is not here, he will come to the village entrance to report the news.

It's almost midnight, let's rush in quickly. "

"Okay, if I can steal the money this time, I will definitely be rewarded heavily.

Brothers, follow me and rush, no one can let go! "

The one-eyed dragon swung his sword forward and was the first to rush in on his horse.

Qi Hu was very smart and had already prepared a piece of black cloth to cover his face in advance.

In this way, even if you follow him to rob, you won't be recognized by others.

A group of bandits followed closely behind the one-eyed dragon and rushed into the village.

Although the horse's hooves were covered with cloth, you could still hear the sound of the horse running when you got closer.

"The bandits are already here. They have no defense. When do we start taking action?"

Wang Dayong couldn't help but feel a little nervous at this moment.

I was used to hunting normally, but this time it was different. The bow and arrow shot people.

After all, it was the first time to attack someone, so everyone was very nervous.

"Don't panic, everyone listen to my orders. No one can shoot arrows in advance and ruin the event!"

Lin Hai whispered.

Soon he saw the figure of the bandit, and he rode forward with great arrogance, approaching quickly.

The eyes of these bandits were extremely greedy.

If it wasn't for a sneak attack, he would have raised his knife and shouted loudly.

Suddenly, the one-eyed dragon suddenly felt a lightness in his body, and suddenly felt that something was not good.

(End of this chapter)

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