Chapter 317
Lin Hai smiled slightly. Since he was talking to himself like this, there shouldn't be much hostility.

I went out in the rain and came back with a lot of firewood.

Put the firewood next to the fire and dry it. When the fire is strong, even wet wood can be ignited.

Although a fire has been lit.

But the clothes were completely soaked, and the wetness clinging to the body was very uncomfortable.

Especially after being roasted by fire, wet clothes become very hot.

"You will get sick if you bake your clothes like this. You still have to take off your clothes and dry them."

Lin Hai reached out to take off his clothes.

"What are you doing? I don't allow you to do this!"

Shaoyaojiao scolded, picked up a wooden stick and was about to hit someone.

"Please, you can't even save your life, why are you thinking so much!"

“I hung up the clothes to separate the place.

This way it can be invisible.

You should also take off your clothes quickly, otherwise you will really get sick. "

"Don't worry, even if you are as beautiful as a fairy.

So definitely no peeking. "

"Although I am not a gentleman, I am not someone who takes advantage of others!"

Lin Hai took off his shirt and put up a shelf.

The fire was exactly half full per person.

Shaoyao also felt uncomfortable with the clothes sticking to her body, and finally made up her mind.

Take off your clothes, prop them up with wooden strips and place them next to the fire to bake.

Neither of the two spoke.

They were originally sworn enemies, but now they are hugging each other to keep warm.

This changed too quickly.

Not long after, the two of them were hungry.

"Hey, if only that horse hadn't been washed away by the water!"

“I don’t know if I can find anything to eat in a place like this!”

Lin Hai sighed deeply.

I was cold, hungry, and didn’t know when the rain would stop.

It was impossible to go out to find something to eat in the rain.

I can only hope that the rain will stop soon.

It was almost night time, and the two of them had to go hungry for at least one night.

Just sit like this until the clothes are dry.

While warming himself by the fire, Lin Hai found some more firewood, which would last at least one night.

It is easy to see wild animals in this kind of wilderness.

It would be unlucky if you encountered a wild beast again at night and were eaten in your sleep.

It was freezing when I got back.

Dry yourself and put on your clothes.

Lin Hai brought some wild fruits wrapped in tree leaves.

"I found this when I was collecting firewood. Although it's still not very ripe, it's good for my stomach.

You should eat some too! "

There was a complicated look in Shaoyao's eyes.

"Eat it, I didn't put poison in it!"

"It will be even more difficult at night if you don't eat something when the weather is so cold."

Lin Hai was not polite, picked up a fruit and started eating it.

Although it is very sour, it is not difficult to swallow even though my stomach is already ravenous with hunger.

Shaoyao also picked up a fruit and ate it.

After the two of them finished eating, they sat next to the fire without speaking.

Lin Haijian could hardly open his eyes when he heard Shaoyao murmuring.

"Why are you still talking in your sleep when you are sleeping?"

Lin Hai turned around and looked over and found that something was wrong.

Shaoyao's cheeks were red and her body was curled up and trembling.

"Shaoyao, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Hai walked over quickly.

Shaoyao could no longer hear herself speak.

He put his hand on her forehead, it was so hot.

"This is really troublesome. The fever is so hot! I don't even have any medicine. How can I save you?"

Lin Hai felt extremely troubled.

Shaoyao was so burned that she was confused and kept talking incoherently.

"I feel so cold!"

Lin Hai tore off a piece of cloth from her clothes, soaked it with water and put it on her forehead to cool down.

He gritted his teeth and lit a fire next to it, with the peony in the middle.She must not continue to get cold at night.

Otherwise the condition will become more serious.

Lin Hai was extremely anxious. He didn't know if Shaoyao could hold on like this.

Especially in ancient times, there was a lack of effective medicines, and sometimes a cold could kill someone.

Moreover, Wang Dayong and his men also fought fiercely with the Turks.

I don't know what's going on with them.

Hope they can all come back alive.

After lighting two fires, peony still screamed cold.

Lin Hai gritted his teeth and had no choice but to hold her in his arms for warmth.

The body no longer trembled.

She is truly a beauty, so weak and boneless.

Although it is very comfortable to hold in my arms.

Lin Hai didn't have any thoughts at the moment.

Two people are trapped here, lacking food, water and medicine.

If Shaoyao can't get better tomorrow, it will be troublesome.

It was impossible to get out of the valley with such a burden.

The more Lin Hai thought about it, the more he got a headache.

Waited until dawn.

Shaoyao still didn't wake up.

All the firewood had been burned out at night.

Lin Hai placed the peony on the ground, and his whole body felt sore from exhaustion.

Fortunately the rain had stopped by this time.

Lin Hai moved his body, went out to find some firewood and put it in the fire.

The more times like this, the more we cannot let the fire go out.

Just added firewood.

I heard Peony shouting that I was thirsty again.

Although there is a lot of water in this kind of place, there are fears of bacteria in the wilderness and the water is not clean.

Especially the rain washes away the soil, causing the water in the river to be very turbid.

Lin Hai thought for a while and found a few big leaves and collected some clear rainwater.

Filtered through charcoal.

This will at least ensure that the water is clean and hygienic.

Shaoyao's lips were already a little chapped due to lack of water, but she couldn't get enough water.

Lin Hai had no choice but to take a sip of water and feed it to her mouth to mouth.

After drinking some water, his frown relaxed.

Lin Hai placed the peony on the ground again.

Prepare to find something to eat first.

After walking around for a while, I only found some fruits.

In a place where there is a drop in the river, fish keep leaping out.

Lin Hai saw the opportunity.

Find a wooden stick and wait until the fish jumps out and smash it over it.

Tried several times in a row.

Finally a fish was caught on the shore.

Picking up the fish, it weighed almost two kilograms.

Lin Hai came back with the fish, cleaned the internal organs, and grilled the fish on the fire.

After a while, I gave Shaoyao water again.

She still didn't wake up, and her forehead wasn't so hot anymore.

After Lin Hai finished eating the fish, he finally felt much more comfortable and regained his strength.

Went to the river again and caught two small fish.

Thinking of some way to make some fish soup for peony.

If you remain unconscious without replenishing your energy, your body will collapse.

Lin Hai peeled off a piece of tree bark and simply made a container.

Used to make fish soup.

It didn't take long before I could smell the fish flavor.

After the fish soup is cooked, cool it down.

Feed the peony mouth to mouth.

After feeding him a few mouthfuls, Shaoyao actually opened his eyes.

I noticed that the two of them were so close.

"You, what are you doing!" He wanted to reach out and hit someone.

But I found that I had no strength at all, and it was very difficult to even raise my hands!

(End of this chapter)

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