The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 305 Night Attack

Chapter 305 Night Attack
Lin Tiangui was also frowning at this moment. He had at least twice as many troops to fight the enemy.

Only then did he dare to take the initiative to fight head-on with the enemy's cavalry.

But now the number of people has doubled, and it is impossible to lead the army to break through.
Even if they brought [-] cavalry out to stop the Tibetan army, they would still be no match for them.

Instead, they will only be chased and beaten.

Lin Tiangui is more good at defensive operations.

"Haven't you heard that the best defense is offense?" Lin Hai said with a smile.

"You mean to take the initiative to launch an attack?" Everyone was shocked.

“We can’t act rashly, even though we won the battle.

But the strength of the Tubo cavalry cannot be underestimated.

Especially their coach Mokhto is very powerful. Once he knows that we will launch an attack.

Definitely surround our people as quickly as possible.

Without the defense of city walls, they are no match for them. "Lin Tiangui was shocked.

He was afraid that Lin Hai would get hot-headed and go head-to-head with the enemy.

"My lord, please rest assured, even if the enemy sends troops to rob food, they will choose to do so at night.

We can't see how many troops they sent out.

This makes us afraid to attack with all our strength.

We will also launch an attack at night to disrupt their march plan. "

"I'm afraid that Tubo has anticipated that we will launch a sneak attack at night, so be prepared in advance." Lin Tiangui reminded.

"Isn't the point of fighting to see who is more skilled?" Lin Hai smiled mysteriously.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Lin Tiangui perked up.

Lin Hai actually said this, after all, he had a good plan.

Everyone looked at Lin Hai with great anticipation, wondering if there was any good way to defeat Tubo.

"As soon as it gets dark, we'll beat the gongs and drums and pretend to attack.

Then only a small number of elite cavalry were sent to shoot arrows and burn their camps.

If Tibet comes and sends troops to besiege.

Let our people return immediately.

Arrange some artillery in the middle to attack the pursuers.

After receiving a heavy blow, he would naturally not dare to continue the pursuit next time.

We can launch a comprehensive attack and catch the opponent off guard..." Lin Hai explained his plan.

First harass the opponent, taking advantage of the darkness so that Tubo cannot judge how many troops there are.

Once you send troops to pursue them, use artillery to hit them.

In this way, the enemy army will not be able to rest quietly all night.

Be prepared for Daxia's sneak attack at any time.

They would be extremely exhausted, and they would not dare to divide their troops to rob the people of Daxia.

Yuhuashi agrees very much.

"This is a good method. Originally, the sight was greatly affected when fighting at night.

We can take advantage of this opportunity to kill the enemy on a large scale! "

Generally, troops are rarely sent to fight at night.

In particular, Daxia's army suffers from night blindness. Once the fighting becomes chaotic, it is very likely that the army will become separated.

I couldn't find my direction and was running around everywhere.

They may even be caught by enemy troops.

The situation is almost the same on both sides, except that the Tibetans eat more meat.

Night blindness is much better in comparison.

Lin Tiangui also strongly agreed with this strategy.

If Tibet sent fewer people to pursue them, they could send more people to fight them head-on.

If there are many pursuers, use artillery to bombard the enemy.

It can definitely cause huge casualties.

Deployment will be carried out immediately after the discussion is completed.

Remove the cannon from the city wall.

Especially those artillery pieces that are lighter and easier to move.

It can be easily carried by only two people.Tibet did not continue to attack, and both sides ceased fighting and reached a tacit ceasefire.

Wait until it gets completely dark.

The Tubo side began to prepare for action and secretly sent troops to leave the camp under the cover of night.

However, the camp was not taken away and remained in place to confuse Daxia's army.

Just as he was about to set off, he suddenly heard a cry of death.

The shouts of killing were heard all over the sky, and the earth was trembling slightly.

This was the sound of a cavalry attack.

The expression of the Tubo general changed.

"They dare to launch an attack at night. They are so impatient!"

"Could it be their trick?" Mokhto did not panic.

Instead, he quickly thought of ways to deal with it.

"Marshal, we can't wait any longer! The enemy is about to rush forward, and we must stop them!"

"Lu Zhe, you send an army of [-] people to launch a counterattack.

Your Royal Highness, please lead your men to respond from the left wing. "

"You must remember not to chase too far to avoid falling into the enemy's trap."

Shaoyao didn't object. Their army was already ready to set off.

Can fight directly.

What's more, the Turkic army is just supporting from the sidelines and has almost no need to fight.

When the distance was very close, Lu Zhe roared and led his men to launch a counterattack.

The leader is Wang Dayong, whose eyesight has always been particularly good.

Because as a hunter, I often hunt at night.

It eats the offal of some prey all year round and does not suffer from night blindness.

It is very suitable for him to lead the army.

Hearing the sound of the enemy's counterattack, Wang Dayong knew that he could not continue moving forward at this time.

The opponent ordered and shouted: "Everyone listen to the order, shoot arrows at the enemy, and immediately turn the horses' heads..."

They all took out fire sticks, lit the oil-covered rockets, and launched them towards the enemy camp.

At night, countless rockets streaked across the sky like meteors and landed in the enemy's camp.

There is a bonfire in the Tubo camp, and you can see their situation if you get close.

But the Tubo people could only hear the hoofbeats of the Daxia cavalry, but could not see their shadows.

Suddenly I saw countless rockets shooting towards the camp.

The Tubo people were shocked.
He quickly came out with his shield to resist. Some arrows landed on the tent and ignited immediately.

Only some people could be sent to put out the fire.

Suddenly, the Tubo camp became a little chaotic.

"What are you afraid of? Just put out the fire quickly. The enemy hasn't come over."

Hearing his scolding, his subordinates became much more at ease.

The commander is in the military camp and all he has to do is follow orders.

Lu Zhe has a very violent personality and likes to kill his enemies the most.

He rushed at the front, holding a shield in one hand and a scimitar in the other.

I want to have a fun battle.

Suddenly, many bows and arrows were fired from the front, and they all lay down on their horses and covered their vital points with shields.

It is difficult to tell the direction of the bow and arrow in the dark, so you can only rely on luck to avoid it.

In addition, the other party couldn't see anything clearly, and they all shot arrows randomly.

Although many people were hit by arrows and fell from their horses, more people were chasing after them.

After shooting the arrow, Wang Dayong immediately turned around and left with his men.

You can't fight at night.

Especially if the number of people brought is too small, once they are surrounded, there is only a dead end.

When escaping, he also threw some caltrops on the ground to prevent the enemy from pursuing.

(End of this chapter)

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