The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 196: The strongest one is not moving

Chapter 196: The strongest one is not moving
This was the first time Xian'er tasted horse meat. After taking a bite, she immediately felt that the taste was very amazing.

"They say horse meat is not delicious, but why does the horse meat you make taste so delicious!"

"Haha, this is a secret recipe and cannot be shared with others! If you like it, eat more. You can stew pork or mutton and eat it at any time in the future.

If you want to eat horse meat, it depends on your luck! "

Lin Hai said to her with a smile.

"I'm not specifically praising you for opening a restaurant with such a good recipe.

Just selling these stewed meats must be a very good business.

When I was in Guiyufang, I also tasted a lot of delicacies from mountains and seas.

But this is the first time I have encountered meat that tastes so good! "

Lin Hai said seriously: "Since you all think the meat is good, I really should open a restaurant later.

Specializing in braised pork! "

"What is braised pork?"

There is no concept of braised pork in Daxia, and the large pieces of meat usually eaten are stewed or boiled.

When I heard braised pork, I didn’t understand what was going on.

"This is braised pork you are eating! First, you need to boil the braised pork with seasonings, and then put the meat in and stew it over high heat.

The rich and powerful don't like to eat pork, but pork is cheaper and more delicious.

You can braise mutton and sell it to rich people, and sell pork to ordinary people. "

Lin Hai had quickly figured out the business map in a short period of time.

Although the profit of this business is far less than that of selling wine and lottery tickets.

But with such a large population in the entire capital, sales will definitely not be bad!

It’s no problem to earn 10,000+ taels of silver in a year!
As the saying goes, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, they are still meat. I used to think that this business was slow to make money and I didn't have the time to run it.

But since it was brought up, Lin Hai felt that it would not be a bad thing to start a business.

"Okay, the business of such fragrant meat must be good! We will often support you after you open your business!" Xian'er said.

"Then I'll lend you my blessing! When you have time, start the business as soon as possible!"

Lin Hai simply agreed.

After finishing their meal, Lin Hai escorted them to the door.

Lin Ruoxue did not get on the carriage immediately, "There is something I want to ask you alone!"

"Is there anything you can't say directly?"

"Come with me!"

Lin Ruoxue actually took the initiative to pull Lin Hai to the side.

A pair of big eyes stared at Lin Hai closely: "Did something big happen yesterday?

It is impossible for such a good horse to break its leg casually.

The roads in the capital are so smooth, how could something like this happen? "

"Sure enough, I can't hide this from you. Let me tell you the truth. An assassin attacked me yesterday.

The horse pulling my carriage was also unlucky and was shot to death by a bow and arrow on the spot! "

Lin Ruoxue suddenly became nervous when she heard the answer: "Are there any assassins in the capital?"

"It should be an assassin sent by some officials who don't like me. I can guess that even without investigating!

In order not to alert others, I blocked all the news and it must not be spread out!
You must keep this matter a secret and don’t tell anyone! "

"I know! You must be more careful, there will be more and more enemies in the future.

They will definitely use any means to deal with you.

Things were very wrong when my father lost the battle, but there was no time to investigate.

Dad has already had his military power taken back! "

Lin Ruoxue looked very depressed. His father was the prince of the dynasty. Even if he did not have military power, he was protected by elite soldiers.

But Lin Hai did not have such good conditions, and only these loyal hunters protected him.

Lin Ruoxue couldn't help but become very worried when she thought of this.

"Don't worry, they will definitely restrain themselves if they fail this time. And I will investigate secretly and find out what these people are doing. Anyone who dares to be my enemy will never let them end well!"

Lin Hai's tone became extremely cold, and strong murderous intent burst out in his eyes.

I had always controlled my emotions very well before, and even when I was assassinated, I didn't have any mood swings.

In order to make Lin Ruoxue feel at ease, Lin Hai did not hide anything.

Speak out what's on your mind.

Seeing Lin Hai's fighting spirit, Lin Ruoxue knew that he could definitely defeat all enemies.

Suddenly I felt a lot more relieved.

"Since you are sure, I feel relieved. I will go to the newspaper office first!"

Lin Hai watched them leave!

Next, go back to the Yamen and send your men out to check the origins of those assassins!
As long as they are from Daxia, they will investigate carefully with the portraits of these assassins.

There is no hiding where these people come from.

Just based on the people they usually come into contact with, they can infer the mastermind behind it!
The news of the failed assassination was soon known to the Minister of Household Affairs and the Minister of Industry.

I originally thought that the entire capital would be under martial law again to investigate this matter.

But things were unexpected.

None of the assassins sent out came back.

I waited until the next day and still had no news at all.

Exactly the same as usual, as if nothing had happened.

The two people met quickly to discuss what to do next.

It didn't take much thinking to know that the assassination must have failed.

But I can't understand this situation.

What exactly is the problem?

"Could it be that the person who was sent escaped? He didn't even try to assassinate him!"

The minister of the Ministry of Industry frowned. The more he didn't respond at all, the more unsure he felt.

"How is it possible? These are all trained dead soldiers! It is absolutely impossible for them to betray us!"

Shangshu Hube's expression was also very ugly.

So many people were sent, but there was no movement at all, and they all disappeared.

"Then why is there no news at all so far! I have already sent someone to the Yamen to inquire.

They also said nothing happened.

This is simply telling lies! "

"What on earth did Lin Hai want to do! Could it be that his assassination was covered up like this?"

The Minister of Industry and Commerce had a heavy expression on his face: "This person is really terrible. He did this deliberately to hit us psychologically.

What the Prime Minister said is absolutely right, this person cannot be touched easily! "

"It's unreasonable that we can do nothing to a small fourth-grade official." The Minister of Tohoku slapped the table angrily.

"Let's end this matter here. The more this happens, the more it shows that his scheming is very deep.

Maybe they are secretly investigating the assassin.

Are the people you are looking for unreliable? Don’t find out about us. "

"Don't worry, these assassins don't even know they were sent by us.

Notify the assassin and I will deal with it as soon as possible.

No matter how powerful they are, they can't find any information. "Hubu Shangshu replied.

"That's good, Lin Tiangui has really found an amazing person this time.

No wonder the Queen Mother tried her best to protect him.

We have to be more careful when doing things in the future. I always feel like things are getting more and more wrong! "

The Minister of Industry and Commerce said with a solemn expression.

(End of this chapter)

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