The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 185 Building Canals

Chapter 185 Building Canals
Lin Hai gave the two of them instructions and found a hidden place to get on the carriage and go back.

Wang Dayong sent many people to guard the streets to prevent anyone from following him.

Lin Hai changed carriages midway, and then returned to his original appearance.

Anyway, now that he has shown that his injury is healed, there is no need to hide it anymore.

When he went to court the next day, Lin Hai was so energetic that he didn't even sleep leaning against the pillar.

As soon as he entered the hall, many people's eyes were focused on him.

Lin Hai almost no one in the court was willing to talk to him.

Or someone who has offended someone.

Or they have never had any friendship with each other, and they dare not communicate with themselves to offend other officials.

Lin Hai was too lazy to talk to other people and leaned on his own pillar waiting to go to court.

Many officials are discussing the construction of irrigation ditches on Shannan Road.

Shannan Road is the granary of Daxia, and the imperial court has always attached great importance to water conservancy there.

Since ancient times, water conservancy projects have been a big investment, and they are also a huge waste.

Lin Hai suddenly had an idea in his mind.

I have learned about this matter before. After all, food is the top priority of the imperial court.

Lin Hai has even considered going there to reserve land for farming, so that he can achieve high grain yields with his own abilities.

But now that I am tied down by my official position, it is impossible to go to Shannan Road to farm and do business.

Wait until it’s time to go to court!
The Minister of Industry raised this matter from the beginning.

"To report to the Queen Mother, some of the water conservancy projects on Shannan Road have been in disrepair for a long time, and many places have been damaged.

We need to allocate 100 million taels of silver to repair canals! "

Gong Yanwu frowned after hearing this. Now the court's money is a little more generous.

Just broke even.

The Ministry of Industry actually has another project that costs money.

Moreover, 100 million taels of silver is not a small amount, and it is not that easy to come up with.

"Didn't it just be built two years ago? Why does it need to be rebuilt again so soon?"

Gong Yanwu frowned and asked,

I always feel that something is wrong. How can water channels be damaged so easily?

The Minister of Industry had long known that there would be such an inquiry and had already thought of how to respond.

He replied: "The Queen Mother doesn't know something. Although the canals need to be repaired every few years,
However, there are still some places without water, which will be greatly affected by drought.

This time, in addition to repairing the damaged areas, new ditches also needed to be built.

Now that I have been fighting in Daxia all year round, if I cannot guarantee a good harvest of food in Shannan Road, I am afraid it will cause a shortage of food in the future.

Even the people’s food cannot be guaranteed! "

Gong Yanwu looked at Lin Hai inadvertently.

Lin Hai nodded slightly.

Gong Yanwu understood.

He opened his mouth and said: "What you said is correct. Regarding the foundation of my country, this matter must be done and must be completed as soon as possible."

The Minister of Industry was extremely pleasantly surprised. He did not expect that it would go so smoothly and he agreed.

Now many officials can benefit and take a share of the pie.

"The Queen Mother is wise and asks the Queen Mother to allocate 100 million taels of silver for expenses."

The Minister of Hubu immediately stood up and said: "This is not possible, although the national treasury already has 100 million taels of silver.

But this amount of money can only be used for emergencies. Once all the money is allocated, there will be no money available for anything.

In severe cases, I'm afraid even officials' salaries won't be paid! "

“Since the imperial court has no money, it is also very important to ensure food cultivation.

Do you have any good ideas?

Not only can we raise money, but we can also repair the ditch! "

Gong Yanwu asked, but all the officials were silent.

Each of them was more active than the other when spending money, but when it came to raising money, they all fell silent.Gong Yanwu was filled with anger and reprimanded angrily: "You officials, all of you stop talking when you encounter problems.

What do you want? "

The Secretary of the Ministry of Finance knew that he could not escape. After all, he was in charge of money.

“I do have a way to ask merchants to hand over next year’s taxes in advance.

This will relieve the urgent need! "

“The tax payment for merchants is already very heavy, if we let them pay next year’s tax in advance.

Wouldn't it be a breach of trust by the people? No! "Gong Yanwu immediately refused,

"Your Majesty, those small businessmen are unwilling to pay taxes, so they are complaining on purpose.

These people are unwilling to work and do some specialized activities all day long.

There is no need to be too nice to them.

What's more, water conservancy cannot be delayed, ensuring a good harvest is the most important thing.

I hope the Queen Mother can issue an order to collect taxes immediately and build water conservancy projects as soon as possible. "The prime minister also stood up and played.

"My minister agrees!"

"The minister also agrees!"


The prime minister came forward.

Almost half of the officials came forward to support the suggestions of the prime minister and the Minister of Household Affairs.

Gong Yanwu's face was extremely ugly.
If you collect Ming tax now, there will be endless troubles in the future.

Lin Tiangui has warned Gong Yanwu many times that many small traders are already living a very hard life.

If the tax is too heavy, they will lose their livelihood. They will not be able to continue doing business and they will have no land to cultivate.

Once these people lose their source of livelihood, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Gong Yanwu would not agree to it anyway.

Lin Hai knew that it was time for him to appear and said loudly: "I am opposed to increasing business taxes!"

Gong Yanwu felt warmth in her heart. Finally, someone could speak for her in the court.

The prime minister glared angrily: "Master Lin is Jing Zhaoyin, and he is responsible for the security of the capital.

Mr. Lin is not qualified to talk about these important court affairs! "

"I cannot agree with what the prime minister said. This is a matter concerning the world and the safety of the people of Daxia.

I am also a member of Daxia, so of course I am qualified to care! "

Gong Yanwu immediately said: "Master Lin is absolutely right, anyone who has a good idea can tell it!

I will adopt it at my discretion! "

“Since the Queen Mother has said so, Master Lin should have a solution.

Mr. Lin, please tell me how to raise these 100 million taels of silver to repair the canals! "

Lin Hai smiled slightly: "I can't afford so much money!"

The Secretary of the Ministry of Finance sneered again and again: "It turns out that Mr. Lin is just making sarcastic remarks.

Since you can't raise any money, don't waste your breath! "

"Look at what you said. Although I can't get the money, I still have a way to help the court build the canal smoothly."

Lin Hai retorted.

Suddenly everyone was stunned, how could they build a canal without money.

Should we forcibly summon craftsmen and make them work for the imperial court in vain?
There is absolutely no way they would agree to this!

Gong Yanwu knew that Lin Hai must have a good idea in his mind, so he cooperated and asked: "What kind of method is it, Master Lin? Please tell me, as long as it is feasible, I will definitely allow it."

"Thank you, Queen Mother! Just now, Her Majesty said that small traders are already living very hard lives, and that is absolutely true.

I am a person who comes from a poor place, and I know that the life of the people at the bottom is not easy.

If you do this, it will be like taking the fire out of the cauldron.Letting these small traders lose their livelihood will definitely cause greater chaos. "

(End of this chapter)

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