Chapter 48

"How could it be him?"


"Qin Hao won't cheat, right?"

In the class, everyone was talking a lot, and everyone was extremely shocked and surprised.

No.1 is actually Qin Hao.

And I heard from the head teacher Han Xiaoqin that she still got perfect marks.

That's a perfect score.

You know, it's definitely rare to get perfect scores, but there are some, but they don't believe it's Qin Hao.

Without him, just because his grades have always been tepid, who would believe that if he suddenly got a perfect score, there must be something wrong.

"Student Qin Hao, you did very well in this mock test."

Han Xiaoqin's expression was a little complicated, and there was a hint of surprise, surprise, surprise, etc. in her eyes when she looked at Qin Hao.

Anyway, she was shocked the moment she got the test paper.

As a class teacher, she never thought that Qin Hao could win No. 1 and get full marks.

As for cheating, she had doubts at first.

But then I thought about it carefully and rejected it. During the exam, they were exchanged, and the class teacher from Class [-] was in charge of the whole process.

So the possibility of cheating is basically ruled out. After all, how can you cheat if you can get perfect scores?

Looking at each of Qin Hao's test papers, both the arrangement and the fonts are extremely neat and clean, making it pleasing to the eye at a glance.

Not only are the words beautiful, but the answers to the questions are also very standard, and they even draw inferences from one instance to another.

This situation is obviously rare, and the perfect score is probably reflected in the neat answer sheet.

"Keep going!"

Han Xiaoqin smiled and encouraged.

"Thank you, teacher."

Qin Hao took the test paper and walked off the stage.

Everyone in the class looked over, many with suspicious looks.

"Teacher, how could Qin Hao get full marks in the exam? I suspect he cheated."

A boy stood up and expressed his doubts.

That's Zhao Feng. His grades have always been No. 2 in the class, behind class leader Li Shiya, and he has always been proud of it.

But now I suddenly saw that Qin Hao actually got first place in the exam with full marks, and I felt sour in my heart.

Even a little jealous, suspicion is normal.

Not to mention him, even squad leader Li Shiya had a hint of suspicion.

She was really confused now. She was so confident that she thought she won No. 1, but she didn't expect that it was Qin Hao.

Still full marks, I was shocked and deeply stimulated.

"Classmate Qin Hao does not cheat."

Han Xiaoqin said with a straight face: "Classmate Zhao Feng, please sit down."

After being scolded, Zhao Feng sat down angrily with a very bad look on his face.

"No. 2 in the mock test, Li Shiya, with a total score of 745, the same score as Su Xixi from Class 2, ranking No. [-]."

Han Xiaoqin clicked on the name again.

This time, it was Li Shiya, the beautiful and top student class president.

But she was not happy at all. At first glance, her results were very good, but in comparison, Qin Hao suddenly felt boring.

Although others took the test with full marks, she only scored 745 points, which is equivalent to 5 points less than Qin Hao.

After all, the full score is 750 points.

She walked onto the podium and happened to pass by Qin Hao who was coming down.


Li Shiya looked at him with a complicated expression and congratulated him.

"Thank you. The monitor took good notes. I reviewed it several times and got full marks."

Qin Hao smiled slightly and said thank you.

Li Shiya was stunned for a moment, and then felt a sudden feeling in her heart.

Was it because of my own notes?
She suddenly felt a little better, and even had a sense of accomplishment.

But it feels weird, and I can’t put my finger on it.

Without thinking much, he went up to get his test paper.

Returning to his seat, Little Fatty Pot looked at him in shock.

"Brother Hao, did you really win first place?"

The little fat pot was really shocked.

I have known Qin Hao for so long, but I never thought that he could have such ability and get a perfect score of No. 1 in the exam.

"Small idea."

Qin Hao shook his head and didn't care.

It's just a false reputation. I got too much in my previous life, and there was no trace of it at all.

It's nothing compared to learning martial arts and cultivating immortality on your own.

"Brother Hao, show me your test paper." Xiao Fat Guo requested with a curious look on his face.

Qin Hao didn't say much and handed over the test paper.

The other party took it over and took a look. At first glance, it was eye-catching.

Neat and clean, every word is as neat as if it were engraved on it, very beautiful.


The little fat pot's eyes widened and he couldn't believe his own eyes.

Is this a word that a human can write?
You are a printer, right? It's so neat, so neat that it feels like it's not missing the slightest bit.

The little fat pot looked at Qin Hao for a long time, looking at Qin Hao with a look like he was looking at a monster.

"Brother Hao, tell me honestly, are you a robot?"

He said with shock, which showed how shaken he was inside at this moment.

This is simply not something that humans can write.

The fonts are arranged so neatly and amazingly.

"Don't be poor. If you can control your body meticulously, you can achieve this step."

Qin Hao answered casually.

This is indeed the case. One is the development of the brain, and the other is the subtle control of the body, so it can achieve this step.


The little fat pot shook his head, almost doubting his life.

He felt that he couldn't do it anymore. Even Qin Hao got the best score in the exam. He had to get a better score and ranking, right?

This was deeply stimulated by Qin Hao.

Jingle Bell--

The students in the class looked at Qin Hao from time to time with surprised eyes.

They were very suspicious, how did this guy get perfect scores?

The whole class passed quickly with the students shocked and confused.

Just after class, Li Shiya came to Qin Hao's seat.

"Qin Hao, can you show me your test paper?"

Li Shiya asked politely.

"Okay!" Qin Hao handed her the test paper without saying anything.

Others gathered around and looked at the test paper in Li Shiya's hand.

The moment they saw the words above, everyone fell silent.

Including Li Shiya, they all froze on the spot, staring blankly at the test paper in their hands.

The words on it are really beautiful and neatly arranged, as if they have some kind of magic that makes them pleasing to the eye.

Seeing the answers and the beautiful and neat words above, Li Shiya knew that she had not lost unfairly.

She took a deep breath and sighed: "That's amazing. You must have comforted me just now. You didn't even read the notes I gave you."

After speaking, Li Shiya looked at Qin Hao with complicated eyes, and suddenly understood that the other party had just been comforting her.

The other party definitely didn’t read the notes I gave you.

Because she remembered that one of the questions in the notes she took was wrong.

If you really watched it, you would definitely not be able to get a perfect score.

And she herself made a mistake on that question. Although it was just a small mistake, she was deducted five points.

Therefore, Li Shiya was convinced of her defeat.

This guy actually pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger. He is obviously very good at studies but pretends to be just average. It is hard for people to understand.

"You obviously study well, why don't you show it?"

Li Shiya was a little angry, when she thought that the other person was worse at learning than her, or even better than her.

He actually took the initiative to help others again and again, feeling like a clown and feeling very uncomfortable.

She was stimulated.

"Studying is too hard, and I'm actually not interested in studying."

Qin Hao spread his hands helplessly to show that he was not interested in studying.


When everyone heard this, they almost vomited blood in depression.

Are you Versailles?
This appearance is really embarrassing.

Li Shiya gritted her silver teeth and snorted: "Next time, I will surpass you."

She put down the test paper and turned around, with strong self-confidence. This is the mentality and self-confidence of a top student.

Li Shiya was determined not to admit defeat and wanted to take back her No. 1 spot.

"No one believes the truth."

Qin Hao shrugged and expressed his helplessness.

What he said was indeed true, but no one believed it.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting No. 1 in the simulation test and completing the task]

At this time, the system prompts that it is long overdue.

(End of this chapter)

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