Chapter 451 Reaper

in a black hole.

Qin Hao fell into deep thought while listening to the message the empress said.

"According to what you said, when will we have enough help?"

He is the kind of cautious person, but he cannot remain silent all the time.

Thinking that he was now at the highest peak that this main universe could reach, waiting no longer meant much to him.

"The wait is long, which is why I am committed to cultivating major civilizations and need the help of some strong people."

The Empress revealed her plan.

She is cultivating countless civilizations, hoping that one or two civilizations can break through, and even give birth to one or two super strong people.

Qin Hao's appearance gave her hope.

This is part of her plan. It is definitely a good thing to give birth to a strong person of the same level.

"I don't think there's any point in waiting any longer."

Qin Hao shook his head and said a different plan.

He suggested: "On this main universe, I don't know how powerful the restarters you mentioned are, but I have encountered those reapers before."

"They are not as powerful as imagined. It can be easily killed and destroyed by you and me."

"No matter how many Reapers are hidden, I think the most important thing to do now is to test the Restarter and draw it out to eliminate this threat."

"As long as we kill the restarter, the universe will be liberated. We can break the single universe and step into the multiverse, and we will no longer be bound and restricted."

Qin Hao explained his plans and decisions in detail.

He wanted to take a chance. After all, there was no point in waiting. His strength had reached the extreme that this universe could achieve.

There is no way forward, so you must break the shackles of the main universe and step into a higher level.

He thought of Pangu's multiverse and sea of ​​chaos. Perhaps only by breaking the main universe can we truly enter this stage.

"Your power alone is limited, and you can't fight against the mastermind behind it."

The empress' face hardened and she spoke to persuade.

Qin Hao waved his hand: "No need to say more, I am here to tell you that I will break through the shackles of the main universe next, and anyone who stands in the way will be killed no matter who they are."

"I will take the lead. If you have this idea, please contact your helpers. When the time comes, we will take action together to destroy the black hands of the high-dimensional world above."

After hearing Qin Hao's words and looking at his firm eyes, he understood the other party's determination.

The empress thought for a long time and finally nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'll take an adventure with you. Maybe this is an opportunity."

She was naturally decisive and agreed without much hesitation.

In fact, I want to give it a try. What if it succeeds?

"Can you really handle the Restarter?"

The empress had to confirm again.

"Don't worry." Qin Hao nodded and promised: "Leave the restarter to me. As long as he is not a multiverse-level existence, there will be no problem."

"Then let me go crazy with you once."

The empress finally made the final decision.

She waved her hand, and a beam of light spread out.

At this time, several areas of the Milky Way suddenly erupted with powerful and mysterious auras.


"His Majesty the Emperor is going to take action?"

"So fast?"

"Did something happen?"

In the galaxy, several top powerhouses were awakened by the Queen's notice.

In the divine kingdom of a galaxy, a divine ship pulls a sun.

On the divine ship, Ra God slowly stood up with a serious look on his face: "Has His Majesty the Emperor decided to take action? Finally, we can no longer allow the drama to continue."

"Then act."

After God Ra finished speaking, the divine ship under his feet suddenly enlarged and rushed into the vast darkness and chaos.


The next second, the divine ship was embedded in the head of a chaotic beast, using the beast as a mount to fly out, dragging thick chaos energy.

This is the chaotic beast that Ra God has been fighting off before. Unexpectedly, this old man is actually acting.

The Chaos Beast is just his pet. Who is he acting here for?
Qin Hao noticed the movement and looked over in surprise. He saw that the God of Ra had recovered a trace of his true form, exuding a powerful aura.

The Hunyuan Daluo level is just one step away from reaching the Eternal level.

"Can we finally take action?"

At this time, on the other side, Mount Olympus suddenly rose, dragging a large galaxy slowly to the surface, with a large number of gods densely gathered on it.

The god-king Zeus appears.

Immediately afterwards, another divine kingdom slowly emerged from the dimension, dragging a huge galaxy halo into the Milky Way.

God King Odin awakened the sleeping gods and appeared in the main universe with the huge nine realms.

"Are you your helper?"

Qin Hao looked at the empress with surprise, but he did not expect that her helpers would be these three god kings.

In addition to these three god kings, there are two other powerful men of the same level. A huge and unparalleled god walked out of the void interlayer of the dimension, with nine huge stars surrounding its shoulders, emitting infinite light and heat.

Inlaid on its forehead are eighteen terrifying neutron stars, with a black hole celestial body in the middle, giving people a terrifying aura and oppression.

"That's the Star God."

The empress introduced.

Then Qin Hao looked at another strong man, his body was twisted, as if he was an illusion and unreal.

"That is the spirit master, with an eternal soul."

The empress explained softly.

Qin Hao understood, but he felt a little strange.

"Once upon a time, there was an emperor in the Milky Way who successfully led the gods and immortals to break the shackles of the universe and escape."

"Today, I will join forces with other gods to accompany you crazy once, to see if you can really fight against the Restarter."

The empress stood up with a serious look on her face, and the aura emanating from her body made the black hole sway as if it would burst at any moment.

She had suppressed it for too long, even suppressing herself motionless in the black hole.

Now he suddenly stood up and caused the black hole to tremble, which shows how terrifying his strength is. "The master of the Fairy Galaxy has already notified us."

She mentioned again that the strong ones who can unite have already united.

Next, it depends on what Qin Hao does, how he does it, and whether he will really succeed in breaking the shackles of the main universe and solving this crisis.

"Okay, leave it to me next."

Qin Hao nodded and stepped out of the black hole to the Milky Way.

His appearance had no hidden meaning at all, and his aura emanated directly, attracting many eyes.

"It's him?"

La Shen's expression changed, showing a hint of shock.

Apparently he had dealt with Qin Hao.

The same was true for Odin, because one of his clones was killed by Qin Hao, and his artifact, the Spear of Eternity, was also taken away.

"How could it be him?"

Odin's face looked a little ugly, his eyes flickered, but in the end he said nothing.

When Qin Hao appeared, he simply scanned the galaxy, and finally focused on multiple dimensions, his aura becoming more and more powerful.

Finally, the void of the three-dimensional world couldn't bear it and cracked, revealing an entrance.

Qin Hao stepped forward and officially entered the high-dimensional world.

He made no secret and even entered in a high-profile manner, immediately stirring up the high-dimensional world that was originally as quiet as a pool of stagnant water.

Waves of ripples rippled out.

The high-dimensional world is like fish ponds. Suddenly a big fish jumps out and causes a huge commotion.

For a moment, Qin Hao's appearance attracted terrifying looks.

The black hands from the high-dimensional world cast their gazes one after another.

"A bunch of old guys still want to fish, but now the fish jumps up on its own, why don't you show up?"

Qin Hao had a sneer on his face, his eyes sternly swept across the dimensions, and he saw figures one after another hiding behind the high-dimensional scenes.

These are the masterminds, the harvesters, the anglers.

"A big fish!"

"Very plump."


In the high-dimensional void, powerful and terrifying figures appeared one after another, staring at Qin Hao, the big fish that suddenly appeared.

After some observation, they were delighted to find that Qin Hao was actually a big fat fish.

"Let the fallen ones out first."

After a black shadow finished speaking, other black shadows took action.

Immediately afterwards, strange things came towards Qin Hao.

Those are the fallen ones, the cannon fodder belonging to the masterminds behind the scenes. They are specially used as cannon fodder to weaken the fish in the fish pond.

That's how easy it is to catch.


Qin Hao snorted coldly, his body trembled, and suddenly a series of terrifying figures suddenly appeared and quickly enlarged, turning into giants in an instant.

These giants, holding giant axes, exude a violent aura all over their bodies, just like the gods and demons of the Great Dao, which are terrifying.

That was the Pangu conceived in Qin Hao's body. A total of nine Pangu came out of the body, holding a giant ax and standing proudly in the high-dimensional void.

boom! !

ka ka ka-

As soon as the Nine Great Pangu came out, it immediately triggered a great collapse. The high-dimensional void could not bear the pressure and directly collapsed into infinite chaos.

The huge movement shocked the entire main universe and attracted countless eyes.


Qin Hao shouted loudly, and the nine incarnations of Pangu directly swung their giant axes to kill him.

"Open the sky!"

The nine Pangu statues swung their giant axes in unison, splitting the sky with one axe.

Boom! !

The high-dimensional world collapsed and disintegrated, and Pangu opened the sky, directly splitting the entire high-dimensional universe. The terrifying energy raged, wiping out all the fallen people who were like cannon fodder.

The horrific scene in front of them frightened the hidden strong men on all sides.

They were all frightened by the nine Pangu gods in front of them.

"get out!"

The nine Pangu clones roared together, swung their giant axes into the high-dimensional void, and struck at the hidden masterminds behind the scenes.



There were angry scoldings coming from behind the scenes in the high-dimensional world, and the hidden reapers and fishermen were forced out one after another.

They come in various shapes, and some are covered in golden light like a cosmic giant.

Some are twisted and have several weird heads, and some are emitting bright light, like a light person.

These are the masterminds behind this, a group of reapers.

"It's the Reaper."

Below, the Empress and other powerful men looked solemn, and looked at the reapers who were forced out with serious expressions.

"Everyone, it seems that our opportunity has come."

"Go ahead."

The empress took the lead, and with a wave of her hand, the entire galaxy erupted into bursts of light, instantly turning into a powerful ray of light that fell into the back of her head to form a halo.

Immediately afterwards, the Empress' aura increased steadily, reaching the sky with one step, raising her hand to smash the void of the dimension and punch in.

"Then kill!"

The other strong men looked at each other, shouted loudly, no longer hid, and followed the empress into the high-dimensional void world.

At this moment, the entire universe was in turmoil.

A great war swept through the entire high-dimensional universe, awakening countless hidden powerhouses.

(End of this chapter)

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