Chapter 440 Pangu Continent
boom! !

The World Tree shook, bursting out with powerful force and violent resistance.

It is resisting Qin Hao's collection. Unfortunately, how can this world tree resist Qin Hao's power of the world?

It was quickly suppressed.

In the end, the World Tree was swallowed up by the vast world.

As soon as it fell into the Great Thousand World, World Tree was suppressed by a more powerful force.

It was the World Tree that originated from Qin Hao's Great Thousand Worlds, and was much more powerful than the one that was brought in.

The originally resistant World Tree suddenly became quiet after entering.

Because I met the same kind, as a world tree in the vast world, what is condensed on it is not the world, but three thousand Tao fruits.

Its power is far more powerful than the World Tree that was taken in, and the two are not on the same level at all.

In just one breath, the World Tree was assimilated and completely transformed into a part of the World Tree in the vast world.

It is equivalent to an extra clone of the World Tree, falling into the chaotic void, supporting the nine realms, and beginning to glow with powerful vitality.

Asgard, which was originally destroyed, suddenly burst out with powerful vitality, quickly repaired, and returned to its original appearance in the blink of an eye.


At this time, among the nine realms, a terrifying roar came from the country of the ice giant and the world of the flame giant.

Two giants appeared at the same time, one of ice and one of fire coming to life.

Only to be punched back by Alita one by one, and they fell into complete silence.

The Frost Giant and the Flame Giant fell silent at the same time, not daring to show up again.

"If you are not honest, I will kill you."

Alita looked down at the two kingdoms with disdain, while the two giants of ice and fire trembled and hid in their own world.

This was a shock, not a cold head at all.

What's more, after the World Tree took on new vitality, it began to provide the largest World Tree with a steady stream of world origin.

This makes Qin Hao's world become more and more huge, and it is still almost complete.

Once it is complete, Qin Hao will truly own the vast and boundless world and become a true eternal powerful man.

This is the ceiling of the single universe, the top existence.

A strong man who is at the level of a creation god is eternal and immortal together with the world, and is in a state of immortality just like the universe.

Of course, when the universe is destroyed, it will naturally perish.

This can only be regarded as the ultimate of the single universe. It cannot transcend the single universe and naturally cannot be regarded as truly eternal.

"A little bit."

Qin Hao carefully understood the growth and changes of the world, and his strength increased, but he still almost failed to reach perfection.

At present, he has understood something and has touched the threshold of the eternal Great Luo.

At least now, he is qualified to challenge the Eternal-level powerhouses. He is at the ceiling level of the single universe and has no fear of any Eternal Great Luo-level creation gods.


At this time, the World Tree was lost, and strange sounds came from the void outside.

It seemed as if there was an endless strange aura sweeping over him.


Qin Hao looked stern and felt an ominous aura coming.

After the World Tree disappeared, it actually attracted the ominous evil power in the universe.

Wherever this breath and power goes, everything decays and dies, bringing with it a breath of decay.


Qin Hao raised his hand and struck it with a palm, and the void was shattered layer by layer, and the power of a thousand bombarded the strange aura of decay that was sweeping in.

The two collided, instantly triggering a scene of great annihilation.

The continuous decay of the power of the Great Thousand made Qin Hao's expression become a little more solemn.

"What a weird power, it can actually cause the power of the universe to decay?"

He was a little confused and felt that this power of decay was terrifying.

No wonder the entire universe is in deathly silence. It is obviously caused by this force.

"The power of the great way!"

As a last resort, Qin Hao turned his palm again and gathered a force of great power to slap it away.

The darkness dissipated, and the strange decaying atmosphere disappeared one by one, annihilated layer by layer under the impact of the power of the avenue.

The area where the two intertwined turned into nothingness, and nothing existed.

Qin Hao looked at it for a long time, and finally withdrew the power of the avenue and quietly disappeared from the place.

And just as he disappeared, an even weirder and terrifying force swept in, completely flooding the dimensional space where the World Tree was originally located.

After trying something just now, Qin Hao vaguely realized that this power came from a certain dimension.

It should be the result of the invasion of the dimension demon.


The heaven and earth screamed, and all the stars lost their vitality.

At this moment, that strange aura was blocked outside the solar system.

This made Qin Hao, who was observing in secret, show a look of surprise, and looked at the earth with a look of surprise.

The earth has a mysterious force that blocks this invasion and decay.

The Milky Way was exhausted, and other galaxies seemed to be exhausted as well. Qin Hao even noticed that the entire universe was in a state of decay and death.It's like entering a period of cosmic decay, a stage of destruction.

Only the earth still has vitality, which is obviously related to this mysterious power.

"Are all the top experts in this universe extinct?"

Qin Hao's eyes scanned the entire universe. Apart from darkness and silence, there was no sound at all.

He didn't feel the existence of this top powerhouse in the universe at all, and even when he turned his gaze to the high-dimensional void, what he saw was the endless decaying breath blowing from above, which was horrifying.

"Either they are hiding, or they are all dead."

Qin Hao secretly guessed that it was a pity that he could not find the top expert in this different time and space universe.

He withdrew his gaze and focused his attention on the solar system again.

Several inspections found no problems, and finally all attention was directed to Earth.

He flashed to the outer space of the earth, looked down at the earth below, and carefully checked the situation of the earth over and over again.

Perhaps the secrets of the gods are hidden on earth.

Maybe the old Pangea still exists on the earth, but is it hidden in other dimensions of the earth?
With this question, Qin Hao checked carefully over and over again and found many strange places where some gods were sleeping.

On the earth, there are a large number of gods sleeping, and they seem to want to revive again with the help of the power of the earth.

He ignored these sleeping creatures and kept sensing something.


After a long time, Qin Hao frowned because he found nothing.

"Pangaea must exist."

Qin Hao became more and more sure, and once again spread his powerful will to cover the entire earth, searching inch by inch.

I can't believe that I can't find any trace.

Time passed minute by minute, when Qin Hao wondered if he had guessed wrong.

Suddenly a mysterious fluctuation flashed away.


The next second, Qin Hao strengthened his sensing and instantly captured the strange fluctuation.

"found it!"

He was overjoyed, and his figure suddenly disappeared into space.

The reappearance has come under the sea.

This is the Bermuda Triangle!
There seems to be mysterious magnetic fields that cause the distortion of space and time, and there are some secrets hidden in them.

In the deepest part of the sea, a dark curtain of light hangs there, as if a black hole is connected to a mysterious world.

Here, Qin Hao clearly felt the traces of ancient aura coming out.

"So it's hidden here."

Qin Hao suddenly realized that the black light curtain in front of him was obviously the entrance to the legendary Pangea Continent.

Moreover, this entrance is extremely secretive, surrounded by various distorted spaces and times, and various chaotic magnetic fields.

All creatures that enter here will, without exception, be drawn into chaotic time and space and disappear.

Unless one has absolutely great strength and even understands the laws of time and space, only those with truly powerful strength can successfully approach this place.

The entrance is closed and cannot be entered.

Only by opening this black light curtain to open an entrance can one enter.

Qin Hao waved his hand and released a breath of time and space laws, activating the surrounding time and space barriers.

Time and space are distorted, ripples rippling.

A strange halo of light slowly appeared on the black screen.

Qin Hao's eyes lit up, and he stepped into the circle of light and disappeared into the black light curtain.

He felt like he was traveling through time and space, passing through a dark curtain of time and space, and finally came to a vast continent.

There is a vast and ancient atmosphere here.

The aura of ancient times rushes towards you, making people feel extremely wonderful.


On the mainland, there are towering mountains and rivers, dense forests, terrifying wild beasts, and ancient ferocious beasts wandering around.

Qin Hao saw various extinct creatures in ancient times, such as various long-extinct ancient creatures, dinosaurs, Titans, etc.

"Is this the legendary Pangea?"

He stood in the void and looked at the continent in front of him. It was the legendary Pangu Continent.

As the powerful spiritual thoughts unfolded, under the will, he immediately noticed several powerful auras, even more powerful auras than Odin.



At this time, several terrifying auras suddenly erupted on Pangu Continent.

It was obviously Qin Hao's arrival that alerted these powerful beings, and they all erupted with terrifying auras and attacked here.

"Mythical Da Luo?"

Qin Hao's eyes were solemn, and he sensed the auras of at least eight mythical giants.

Among them, the auras of two Hunyuan Daluo came toward him and came to him in an instant.

The people who came were a man and a woman, and they looked like human beings with snake tails. They exuded a terrifying aura.

(End of this chapter)

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