Chapter 428 Black Hole
"Back to the three-dimensional universe."

Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed completely while sitting on the giant Kun.

I have just witnessed some situations in the high-dimensional world with my own eyes, so naturally I am full of fear about it.

"hold head high!!"

The giant Kun screamed, waking him up.

"Master, look over there."

Alita reminded him, pointing ahead.

Qin Hao then looked up and was surprised to find that Ju Kun had brought the two of them to a strange three-dimensional world.

As far as the eye can see, there are shattered planets.

There is a large amount of black material around, like ink, connecting the light groups.

Those light clusters are the light emitted by some galaxies and stars.

And black matter is actually a kind of dark matter, connecting the entire galaxy, and every planet is connected by dark matter.

It's like a strange black galaxy.

"The dark matter here is so abundant that it connects the entire galaxy and looks like it is bound here."

Qin Hao came to a conclusion after some observation.

There is a lot of dark matter here, and naturally there is also dark energy filling the void of the universe.

A large amount of dark matter and dark energy naturally gives birth to a variety of powerful creatures.


A strange cry came from the universe.

I saw a huge thing flying out from the broken planet. Its huge body was like a planet, and it turned around and swallowed the broken planet in one bite.


The planet was chewed into pieces and eaten like jelly beans.

"Starry sky behemoth?"

Qin Hao suddenly realized it and looked at the huge beast in surprise.

It is a giant beast in the starry sky.

It has a lizard head, like Godzilla's head, and its body is covered with black armor. It emits a bright red light after swallowing a planet.

The huge body looked like a lizard wandering in the universe, with a pair of huge wings on its back, burning with red flames.

"hold head high!"

Jukun roared, his body expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye he returned to a body even larger than his opponent.

Numerous tentacles around its body emitted blue light, immediately alarming the starry sky beast.

The two giant beasts stared at each other, with a crazy killing intent in their eyes.

The giant beasts in the starry sky will fight to the death once they meet.

Because both sides want to devour the other, there is no possibility of peace unless they are giant beasts of the same race.


On the opposite side, the lizard-like starry sky beast roared, and a terrifying red light bloomed all over its body, as if countless lava-wrapped bodies rushed forward.

It obviously saw the giant kun, and naturally it attacked without hesitation to kill the giant kun and then devour it.

"Little Kunkun, do you need my help?"

Qin Hao squinted his eyes and looked at the huge beast rushing towards him. It was like a star hitting it, wrapped in a terrifying dark energy.

"Ang——" Ju Kun shouted, indicating that he didn't need it.

It looked at the Starry Sky Monitor with disdain and didn't take it seriously at all.

I saw the giant Kun opening its mouth, a black light condensing, and countless dark matter and dark energy in the surrounding starry sky quickly converging to form a terrifying black hole-like mystery.

With a big mouth and a palm, he swallowed the sky and the earth.

boom -

A huge suction force came out, and all the surrounding materials were sucked into it without exception.

Not even the light could escape, and was sucked in by the huge Kun's mouth.

It exerted its powerful ability, as if it had formed a black hole to swallow up the Starry Sky Monitor.


Sensing the danger, the Starry Sky Monitor roared, bursts of red light lit up inside its body, and then opened its big mouth to condense a burst of red energy.

As it spurted out, red energy roared in and hit the giant Kun's mouth.

That powerful energy could easily destroy any planet, but there was no ripple on the black hole that hit the giant Kun's mouth.

The black hole doesn't reject anyone who comes, and swallows this energy directly.

The powerful suction force made it impossible for the starry sky monitor lizard to maintain its body, unable to stop, and quickly slammed into the giant kun's mouth.

When it realized something was wrong, it immediately turned around and tried to escape. Unfortunately, the giant Kun was not stupid enough to wait for it to come over or escape.

I saw the giant Kun open its big mouth, flick its tail, and suddenly rush towards the starry sky giant lizard and bite it on the body.

With a click, the starry sky monitor lizard's huge body was bitten into two pieces, and half of its body was directly swallowed by the giant kun.

This scene made Qin Hao have to admire the giant Kun's good appetite. The starry sky giant lizard was bitten off in one bite and its body was severely injured.

"Ouch~~" The starry sky monitor lizard let out a miserable wailing sound.

It was frightened and frightened. Half of its body was waving its wings in an attempt to escape, and it even tore apart the dimensional void in an attempt to escape into the dimension.

It was a pity that the giant kun could not let it escape. The tentacles on its body lit up one by one, turning into a blue light that enveloped the starry sky giant lizard.

In an instant, the starry sky monitor lizard's body was bound by blue light and imprisoned in the starry sky.

It struggled and watched in fear as the giant Kun slowly opened its mouth and swallowed half of its body like a black hole.

Ka Ka Ka! ! !
The giant Kun closed his mouth, chewed twice and then burped, spitting out a ball of red light.

The Starry Sky Monitor was completely eaten by it.


Qin Hao patted Ju Kun on the head and praised him.I have to say that the battle between the starry sky beasts is very brutal and straightforward, that is, eating.

It's a pity that the starry sky monitor lizard is much worse than the giant kun, so it can only become the food of the giant kun.

After swallowing a starry sky giant lizard, the giant kun exuded a powerful aura of energy. The energy brought by digesting a starry sky giant lizard was very large.

Qin Hao felt the energy fluctuations on Ju Kun's body. Endless dark energy surged around him, and even the dark matter was absorbed by Ju Kun.

It seems to be evolving and reaching an extreme.

"With such strength, even ordinary mythical Da Luo strong men can't deal with it."

Qin Hao felt that the aura of the giant Kun was getting stronger and stronger, and there seemed to be signs that it was going to break through the dimensional void and cause waves.

He did not hesitate to shoot out the golden light to seal this aura and isolate everything.

Otherwise, it would be bad if the giant kun caused waves in the high-dimensional void and attracted the eyes of Lao Liu.

"hold head high!!"

After a long time, the blue light on the giant Kun's body reached its extreme, and the whole body underwent an inexplicable transformation.

It has lines of laws engraved on it, exuding a heart-stopping aura.

"Is this an advancement in life?"

Alita's eyes flashed with countless strange lights, scanning the giant Kun's progress.

She seemed to realize something and looked at Qin Hao, her master, scanning the condition of her master's body all the time.

Unfortunately, the scan results were a mess and could not be scanned out at all.

"Master, why is your body changing all the time?"

she asked, somewhat confused.

Qin Hao was stunned for a moment and said amusedly: "You don't want to analyze the secrets of my body and transform yourself according to my life status, do you?"

"Yes, master!"

Alita nodded obediently.

Qin Hao ruffled her hair in a funny way and said, "You are too ambitious. You shouldn't target me. After all, I contain 12 Pangu in my body."

"And my body is always engraved with the Law of the Great Dao. It would be strange if you could analyze it."

He comforted in a calm tone.

"Is that so?"

Alita tilted her head and nodded in understanding.

She couldn't understand it for a moment, but she saw Qin Hao reveal an acupoint in his body, revealing a realm of chaos inside.

The world is like an embryo of chaos, and what is contained in the embryo is Pangu.

"I see."

Alita's eyes burned with a bright blue flame.

Her body adjusted rapidly, and the billions of cells in her body seemed to evolve into super stars like blue supergiants.

The energy released by this kind of star is extremely terrifying. How terrifying is the energy released by hundreds of millions of blue supergiants together?
It can be said that Alita seems to have found her own way forward and found inspiration and direction from Qin Hao.

"Master, what would happen if every one of my cells turned into a neutron star?"

"If every cell evolves into a black hole, can it directly transcend the constraints of this single universe?"

Alita's eyes flashed with intense light, and her body was constantly undergoing transformation and reorganization, as if it was evolving towards a more terrifying level.

Qin Hao's face turned solemn, and he felt the energy fluctuations coming from Alita becoming more and more terrifying, and was greatly surprised.

Is this the ultimate path to taking your own cells?
Evolving every cell to the level of a neutron star or even a black hole would be equivalent to turning hundreds of millions of cells in her body into black holes.

He couldn't imagine what would happen in such a situation, whether he would directly transcend the single universe or directly transform himself into nothingness in an instant.

"I can't give you any advice on your path."

Qin Hao thought for a moment and gave his answer.

He couldn't give an opinion because his own path was unknown.

After all, he himself was somewhat unsure whether he could nurture 12 Pangu. When Pangu opened the sky and integrated into himself, it would be equivalent to integrating 12 Pangu into his body.

It is unknown how high the body and achievements will be.

It is certain to transcend the single universe, but whether it has reached the point of being invincible in the multiverse remains to be verified.

hum! !

As she spoke, Alita reorganized her body countless times.

Suddenly a powerful wave filled the air, and then endless dark matter and dark energy surged into her body.

At this moment, the energy core in Alita's body suddenly transformed, as if it had turned into a quasar, constantly devouring various materials and energy in the universe.

She reorganized again and completed the advancement, becoming even more powerful.

"Master, I have found a way forward."

Alita happily hugged Qin Hao's arm and shared all the changes in her body with Qin Hao.

"You actually formed various dimensions in your body?"

Qin Hao didn't know it until he saw it, and he was shocked when he saw it.

The core in Alita's body not only reorganized into a terrifying super core of a quasar, but also formed dimensions within her body.

Is this treating your body as the universe to evolve?

"hold head high!!"

At this time, Jukun's voice interrupted their research.

Only then did Qin Hao realize that Ju Kun had brought the two of them to a dark galaxy at some point.

The entire galaxy was swallowed up, except for a terrifying celestial body in the central area.

"Black hole?"

Qin Hao looked at the terrifying celestial body in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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