Chapter 404 Swallowing Star Beast

A black and red substance came.

A gray planet directly in front was submerged and instantly exploded into countless powders.

Immediately afterwards, he was swallowed by a giant basin, and everywhere he went, whether it was stars or various meteorites, were swallowed up.

"what is this?"

Qin Hao looked at the black and red substance that was coming in in surprise, and saw a terrifying creature hidden inside.

It is like a starry worm, its huge body is larger than the planet, and it can swallow a star the size of the sun in one bite.

Baby Nebula said in surprise: "Master, this is a star-devouring beast, a species in the starry sky, a creature without intelligence. It only wanders around devouring various planets and matter in the universe."

"Star swallowing beast?"

Qin Hao nodded with understanding, which was obviously very appropriate.

This huge worm-like creature is a special creature in the universe, the Galactus.

They are monsters without intelligence, only an instinct to devour matter.

All cosmic matter they encounter will be swallowed up in one gulp.

And they are also called the destroyers of civilization. In fact, ordinary low-level civilizations cannot compete with such powerful star-devouring beasts.

Encountering a star-devouring beast is definitely a disaster for civilization, and it is normal for the planet to be swallowed together.


A strange roar came.

The body of the Star-Eating Beast squirmed, suddenly arched its body, its tail expanded, and then spewed out a strange black and red gas.

It was exhausting, and these strange black and red gases suddenly gathered around it, forming clusters of strange black and red nebulae.

This thing, after digesting the substance, directly excretes strange gas and turns it into its own protective layer.

"What a freak."

Qin Hao backed away speechlessly, originally thinking about how to deal with this thing.

But when I saw it actually farting around my body, I stopped thinking about it.

"Master, there is a large amount of precious substances and rare energy in the body of the Star Swallowing Beast. Because it swallows various cosmic substances and some of them cannot be digested, they will accumulate in the body."

"For example, some of the rare red matter and black matter in the universe are worthless treasures. However, after killing it, the excreted gas will adhere to you and cannot be removed. It will take at least tens of thousands of years to dissipate on its own."

Baby Nebula began to introduce the various strange abilities of this star-swallowing beast.

Qin Hao's eyes lit up slightly when he heard that it contained various ultra-rare cosmic substances.

But when he thought of killing it and having his body wrapped in the strange gas excreted by the Galactus, he suddenly didn't want to get close and felt sick.

After all, I have never seen anyone fart around themselves to form a protective layer.

The body of the Star-Eating Beast is not only huge, it is also surrounded by rich black-red gas, surrounding it like a nebula, with layers upon layers, excreted by it itself.

If it can't be cleared away after being wrapped up in this thing for tens of thousands of years, then forget it.

You can't afford to mess with this thing.

"Forget it, this thing looks disgusting, so I'd better not touch it."

Qin Hao tried to take action several times but gave up.

He dodged to avoid the path of the Galactus and watched it fly away into the distance with billowing black and red strange gas.

During this period, it swallowed a large amount of cosmic matter, farting every time it swallowed it. Looking at the increasingly dense and terrifying gas around it made people feel inexplicably chilly.

"The universe is so big that there are no surprises."

Qin Hao showed a wry smile. This was the first time he encountered a disgusting thing that he didn't want to kill and didn't dare to kill.

Just when he was about to leave.

Baby Nebula suddenly said: "Master, quickly follow the Star Swallowing Beast."

"Huh? What are you following it for?"

Qin Hao was a little surprised and puzzled.

Baby Nebula explained: "Although the Star Swallower looks disgusting, it is the star beast's favorite food."

"Generally, any place where a star-devouring beast appears will definitely attract the starry sky beast."

As soon as she said these words, Qin Hao was immediately overjoyed.

"You said this thing can catch giant beasts in the stars?"

he asked with some surprise.

Baby Nebula affirmed: "Yes, Master, as long as you follow this star-devouring beast, there is a high chance that you will encounter the starry sky beast."

"If you encounter a giant starry beast, Master, you will be prosperous."

She looked excited when she said this: "Young starry sky beasts can swallow asteroids, and adult starry sky beasts can love to prey on this kind of star-devouring beasts."

"Some powerful starry sky behemoths can break through dimensional space and travel between high-dimensional and low-dimensional worlds."

"Master, if you get a starry sky beast as a pet, you will be able to travel freely between the high-dimensional world and the low-dimensional world, which will reduce the threat of fallen people from high dimensions."

This is what Baby Nebula cares about.

The starry sky beast has a special ability that allows it to travel freely between the high-dimensional world and the low-dimensional world.And it can avoid attracting the attention of high-dimensional fallen people, so countless powerful people and major civilizations in the universe want to obtain a starry sky beast.


Qin Hao was surprised after hearing this.

The starry sky beast actually has this special ability to travel freely through the dimensional space?
"Yes, Master, you can follow the star-devouring beast and see if you can meet the starry sky beast."

Baby Nebula made a proposal.

Her proposal made Qin Hao very excited. It was a giant beast in the starry sky.

Using this star-devouring beast as bait, it is very likely that a giant starry beast will actually be caught.

The starry sky behemoths are truly powerful and terrifying in the universe. Behemoths that can enter the high-dimensional world are naturally not weak.

But the question is, even if you really catch a starry sky beast, how can you capture and tame it?
"Follow up first."

Qin Hao watched the Star Swallowing Beast getting further and further away and couldn't help but chase after it.

There is no way, what Baby Nebula said is too tempting.

It's true that Galactus is disgusting, but it is the star beast's favorite food.

This kind of star-eating worm is the favorite snack of the star-devouring beast. Generally, when such a star-devouring beast exists, a star-devouring beast will appear.

Therefore, as long as you follow the star-devouring beast in front, you will have a high chance of encountering the starry sky beast coming to prey.

"Nebula, do you have a way to capture the starry sky beast? How powerful is it specifically?"

Qin Hao seemed a little cautious.

Nebula said confidently: "Master, don't worry. I might not have advised you to do this before, but you have absorbed the Chaos Spirit Ball and opened up a world with the power of the world."

"So it's very simple to deal with the giant beast in the starry sky. You just need to use the power of the world to suppress it."

"The starry sky beast is very powerful, but it has a weakness, that is, it cannot resist the restraint and suppression of the power of the world."

Nebula said confidently.

She believed that Qin Hao had the power of a world and could naturally suppress the starry beasts easily.

"The starry sky beast has a weakness, is it true?"

Qin Hao expressed doubts about this.

He doesn't believe that the giant beast in the starry sky is afraid of the power of the world and can be easily suppressed?
Don't be ridiculous, if this were the case, the starry sky beasts would have been captured by some of the great gods who opened up the world.

However, the power of the world should be able to suppress the starry sky beast to a great extent.

It's useless to think about it now, just wait and see, you'll know after you actually meet the starry sky beast and give it a try.


In this way, Qin Hao followed the Star Swallowing Beast all the way.

Fortunately, the direction that Galactus went was not the Milky Way, otherwise we would really have to find a way to make it turn around.

Qin Hao followed the swallowing beast farther and farther away from the Milky Way, and saw the swallowing beast swallowing various materials along the way.

This lasted for several months.

Qin Hao counted the time and had been following it for several months.

"Nebula, are you accurate? Why haven't you seen the giant beast in the starry sky yet?"

On this day, Qin Hao was a little impatient.

It has been a few months and there has been no movement, and I feel like giving up.

I didn't even know where I was following this star-devouring beast. Anyway, I couldn't see the Milky Way. If I wanted to go back, I could directly travel through three-dimensional space and enter the Starry Sky Academy.

"Master, please wait patiently. This is a matter of probability. If you are lucky, you will attract the starry sky beast. If you are not lucky, you may not see it."

Baby Nebula was comforted.

Qin Hao took a deep breath, shook his head helplessly and continued to follow.

He was almost ready to give up. After all, continuing to follow would be a waste of time. There was no way of knowing whether a starry sky beast would really appear.

"hold head high!"

Suddenly, there was a roar from the front, and the Star Swallowing Beast suddenly curled up in fear as if it had encountered something terrible.

It was like a bug rolled up and in danger.

boom! !

The next second, the void burst, and waves of void turbulence swept out.

Immediately afterwards, a huge creature rushed out of the turbulent space, rushed towards the Star-Eating Beast, opened its big mouth and swallowed the Star-Eating Beast in one bite.

Qin Hao looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment, his eyes burning as he stared at the huge thing that suddenly rushed out of the turbulent flow of space.

"Starry sky behemoth?"

He whispered in surprise.

That behemoth was clearly a starry sky beast.

(End of this chapter)

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