Chapter 392 Hall of Civilization

With a flash of light, Qin Hao felt that he had passed through some kind of barrier.

He was shocked to find that he seemed to have entered some kind of dimension.

Then in a blink of an eye, I came to a brand new place.

Here, I suddenly felt a feeling I had never experienced before, as if I was above an interface.

"Master, welcome to Starry Sky Academy."

Nebula next to him introduced crisply.

Qin Hao looked around in surprise, faintly feeling a strange aura.

It's like time is passing around you, you can feel it clearly, but you can't control this power.

"Where is this place?"

Qin Hao was a little surprised and felt incredible.

Nebula hurriedly explained: "Master, Starry Sky Academy is between the three dimensions and the fourth dimension. It can observe any three-dimensional space and can also touch some powers of the fourth dimension."

Upon hearing this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

In the four-dimensional world, you can feel and even see the power of time.

That's right, the mysterious power Qin Hao saw was the power of time in the fourth dimension.

"This is nothing. Where is the academy we agreed on?"

Qin Hao looked around and was stunned.

There is nothing around, it is empty, in a strange scene that is above three dimensions and below four dimensions.

The school that was promised does not have a single building?

Also, as for the people, the instructors of the college, and the other students, why didn't they see any ghosts at all?

As if knowing Qin Hao's doubts, Xingyun explained: "Master, there are no mentors in Starry Sky Academy. Strictly speaking, every student in Starry Sky Academy is a mentor, and the billions of civilizations in the universe are the best mentors."

"And you need to learn the dazzling knowledge of major civilizations in Starry Sky Academy to lead your own civilization to prosperity, and eventually be promoted to a higher civilization."

"You are the leader, founder, master of civilization, and the light of the future——"

Nebula said this with admiration.

But after hearing this, Qin Hao's eyes jumped sharply, and a chill came over him.

Is there no mentor, no one to teach?
What a joke, you can become self-taught without a mentor.

“How can you learn without a mentor?”

Qin Hao was a little dumbfounded.

But Xingyun said: "Master, you represent your own civilization. The development of your own civilization depends on you. Others cannot teach you."

This makes sense, but why does it feel weird?

"Then how do I learn and grow?"

Qin Hao was a little confused and asked with a grimace.

Baby Nebula pointed happily: "Master, you have now become a member of Starry Sky Academy. You will bring the dawn of hope to your own civilization. It is very simple to learn. You only need to record it in the palace of civilization. It is enough to learn useful knowledge from countless civilizations."

"No matter what kind of civilization it is, any civilization that has made achievements in various fields such as technology, cultivation, martial arts, biology, spirituality, etc. can be the target of your study."

"After all, the growth and development of civilization are full of uncertainties. It is possible that a technological explosion or a great biological evolution in a few hundred years will bring about rapid progress in civilization."

"It is also possible that during the development process, you will encounter natural or man-made disasters and your civilization will become extinct. In the end, you will become a wanderer without an independent civilization and can only join other civilizations."

Qin Hao was speechless for a while listening to Baby Nebula's introduction.

He originally thought that when he came here, he would be like a school on Earth, with teachers teaching you how to develop civilization.

But I never expected that there was no mentor here, no one to teach me, I had to teach myself.

And now he understands why Starry Sky Academy is called the cradle of civilization.

There are no outsiders here to influence your development and growth. It is up to you to incubate your own civilized race.

Intervention by outsiders is tantamount to encouraging the growth of this civilization and will most likely bring about destruction.

Whether civilization ultimately leads to glory or destruction depends only on yourself, not on others knowing how you go.

"Master, every civilization has its own talents and characteristics. You need to learn and explore step by step to develop into a high-level civilization."

Baby Nebula knows a lot. As Qin Hao's personal elf, it can be said that he knows almost everything about Starry Sky Academy.

After listening to her explanation, Qin Hao finally understood.

"Then, how are the levels of civilization divided in the universe?"

Qin Hao asked curiously.

He thought about the earth's civilization, which had not even been able to step out of its home planet. Although it had landed on the moon, it was only a small step.

"Master, as long as you think in your mind here, you can project the palace of civilization."

Baby Nebula pointed from the side.Qin Hao followed her instructions and as soon as an idea came to his mind, he saw a magnificent palace suddenly appear in the vast nothingness around him.

Palace of civilization.

Information materials about countless civilizations are stored here, as well as the development history of various levels of civilizations, and even the abilities of various civilizations are recorded in it.

It can be said that it has everything, it is vast and boundless.

"Master, the Civilization Hall records various technologies and information from first-level civilization to ninth-level civilization."

"However, you can currently only browse all information on level one to level four civilizations. Information on civilizations above level five requires you to complete some studies at Starry Sky Academy."

Baby Nebula took him into the palace of civilization and introduced it in detail.

Qin Hao was stunned and said in surprise: "Academic studies, what kind of studies do you need to do without a tutor?"

"Master, studying is to use the knowledge you have learned in 100 years to guide any lower civilization to the correct path of development."

"As the master of civilization, how can he not know how to guide the development of lower civilizations?"

"This is the study of Starry Sky Academy, which guides the correct development path of civilization."

Baby Nebula paused for a moment before continuing: "There is another way to complete your studies, and that is to clean up some lower civilizations that do not meet the standards of civilization."

Qin Hao frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "How to tell whether a talisman does not meet civilized standards?"

"This standard is to see if you agree with this civilization, master. Do you think this civilization has no need to develop? If it does not meet the standards of civilization, it can be destroyed directly."

Baby Nebula said calmly.


Qin Hao felt a chill in his heart and thought of a lot.

A student is actually asked to determine whether a civilization meets the standards. If I don't like this civilization, does that mean it doesn't meet the standards and can I destroy it directly?


He cursed secretly in his heart, wondering if some civilizations that he hated or hated could be destroyed directly.

It seems that the earth cannot be exposed.

Even if the students in Te Miao's Starry Sky Academy don't have a mentor, they can directly destroy some lower civilizations that they don't recognize.

This is Starry Sky Academy, Son of Civilization?

The sons of your civilization can destroy other civilizations at will.

"Nebula, what if someone takes this opportunity to destroy and obliterate some lower civilizations at will?"

Qin Hao expressed his worries.

Nebula said confidently: "Master, don't worry. Once such a situation occurs, it will cause a high-dimensional attack, and there will be a higher-dimensional civilization mechanism to directly erase this person and even the civilization behind him."

"I don't know exactly what it is."

After she finished speaking, she blinked at Qin Hao with her big eyes, as if to say, I don't know either.

The corners of Qin Hao's mouth twitched, and he secretly cursed me for believing in you.

You little thing has so many thoughts, he even doubted whether the birth of baby Nebula had any meaning.

After all, he is the only one who owns the little elf Nebula Baby. None of the students he saw before has it.

"Okay, please be quiet now, I'm going to study."

Qin Hao took a deep breath and looked at the vast and vast information and development history of countless civilizations, which included various technologies and abilities that were born in the development process of each civilization.

For example, various technologies developed during the development of scientific and technological civilization, superpowers developed by superpower civilization, various martial arts techniques developed by martial arts civilization, etc.

Anyway, major civilizations are different and their development processes are different.

"Look for martial arts civilization first."

Qin Hao took a deep breath and thought quickly. Countless pictures appeared in front of him, and strange books flew in front of him.

Here, you can do many incredible things just by thinking about it.

For example, Qin Hao is now surrounded by volumes of strange books, which are countless information materials about martial arts civilization.

Books large and small represent martial arts civilizations large and small, clearly recorded from birth to death.

This made Qin Hao inexplicably feel chilled. A civilization was clearly recorded from its birth to its demise, and even the abilities and technologies that were born during the development process were recorded clearly.

But the question is how?
Could it be that these civilizations were developed one by one under the guidance of the students of Starry Sky Academy?

Otherwise, how to explain it?
He picked up a smaller book and opened it, and saw a brilliant light pouring into his mind.

A magnificent epic of civilization slowly unfolds.

This is a martial arts civilization.

A level 0 civilization only developed for a short millennium from its birth to its end before entering destruction.

This made Qin Hao a little shocked. It only took a thousand years from birth to destruction?
(End of this chapter)

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