Chapter 380 Magical
Huge mountain range, halfway up the mountain.

A primitive tribe built on a steep cliff.

The people here have yellow skin and black hair, and they look like people of Chinese blood.

But they have one characteristic. There is a blue crystal between their eyebrows, like a sapphire inlaid on it.

But Qin Hao clearly realized that it was not embedded in it, but was born with it.

Regardless of whether they are adults, children, or old people, they all have this sapphire-like crystal between their eyebrows, and there is a faint wave of special abilities on it.


Qin Hao was thoughtful and noticed that there was a faint energy fluctuation in these blue gems, which was a special ability.

Looks like he has super powers.

After some observation, Qin Hao concluded that he did have super powers.

Humans on this primitive planet actually have superpowers.

He saw one of the men, with the sapphire between his eyebrows glowing, and a burst of flames coming from his body, burning a raptor to death.

Some people, with the sapphire activated, actually control the rocks of the earth to fight.

There are also people who use tree vines to wrap around a primitive beast and kill the opponent in two or three strokes.

There are also all kinds of abilities, all kinds of, anyway, they are all kinds of super powers.

A group of primitive people with super powers.

They have no technology and are still in an extremely backward primitive social state, but they possess innate superpowers.

If people on earth knew about it, wouldn't they die of envy?

"Find a way to recruit a believer here. In the future, we can rely on the believer's thread of faith to come to this primitive planet."

Qin Hao began to think about this problem.

He decided to leave a believer here so that he could come to this primitive planet at any time.

After all, there are abundant primitive resources here, including various prehistoric behemoths, monsters, etc., which are the main materials for making alchemy and medicine.

Greymon can be said to be the refining material of Dragon Blood Pill and Dragon Bone Pill, which can be mass-produced here.

But how can these primitive people believe in gods if they have superpowers?
After some secret observation, Qin Hao discovered that the people here actually believed in the spirit of nature.

Perhaps because of their superpowers, they believe in the spirit of nature and think that this is an innate ability given to them by the spirit of nature.

"Perhaps, I can study their superpowers first."

Qin Hao suddenly thought of this.

He wanted to study the secrets of the primitive people's superpowers here.

Next, Qin Hao did not show up, but hid in the subspace and silently observed the humans on this primitive planet.

Learn the secrets of their superpowers.

One day, a man who was out hunting died.

Qin Hao took the corpse away immediately after seeing it, and found a cave inside to study the secrets of the superpowers carried by the other party's body.

The corpse was bitten in two by a prehistoric beast, and he took back the upper body.

After all, the sapphire between the eyebrows is the source of superpowers and must be studied carefully.

"These people are actually blue-blooded."

Qin Hao looked at the half corpse in front of him and was surprised to find that the blood was actually blue.

He began to research and found out that there was a strange energy substance contained in the other party's blood, which had a certain connection with the sapphire between the eyebrows.

The two seem to complement each other, and there is a superpower hidden in the sapphire.

In other words, this thing is the key to their awakening, with traces of soul consciousness remaining in the gem.

"It turns out that their soul consciousness is in the sapphire between their eyebrows, and their awakening of super powers relies on this sapphire and the blue blood in their bodies."

Qin Hao studied it carefully and even released Alita to assist in the research.

"Master, according to their genetic information, they have one more strange gene than humans. Perhaps this is the reason why they have super powers."

After some inspection, Alita came to a data and conclusion.

Alita explained in detail: "Master, after pattern scanning and calculation, this sapphire has the ability to awaken various magical abilities, such as invisibility, flight, fire, earth and stone, wind, water, thunder, electricity and other supernatural powers."

"Isn't this just like mutants?"

Qin Hao said with a look of amazement.

People here are born with the ability to awaken all kinds of superpowers, which feels amazing.

In the days that followed, Qin Hao hid in secret and continued to study some dead blue-blooded people.

After constant detailed comparison and research, Qin Hao gradually grasped the key points of their awakening superpowers.

Once again, when the blue-blood infant was born, Qin Hao suddenly noticed something.

After the newborn is born, they will take the newborn to a strange place.

It was a natural temple they built.

Qin Hao, who had not paid attention at first, suddenly noticed the situation of this natural temple.

"What a strong energy fluctuation."

Qin Hao hid in the dark and was surprised when he looked at this natural temple.He clearly sensed powerful energy fluctuations suddenly emerging from the temple.

This made him wonder what was hidden inside.

When the babies were taken out, Qin Hao clearly felt that the sapphires between their eyebrows were shining with a faint energy.

This is the key to awakening.

Seeing this, he suddenly understood.

The blue-blooded man's awakening of super powers is related to this natural temple, or to the powerful energy that just burst out.

Watching the others leave, Qin Hao quietly sneaked into the temple.

In the temple, there was an old man with a white beard sitting there, his eyes closed.

He exudes a powerful aura, and the blue gem between his eyebrows appears dark blue.

The old man suddenly opened his eyes, and two blue lights flashed away.

He looked around in surprise, as if he noticed something strange.


The sapphire between the eyebrows was glowing, and energy swept through it, but nothing was found.

But the old man with the white beard had a serious look on his face. He felt something was wrong, but he couldn't find the target.

"Strange-" He checked it a few times and then gave up.

After thinking about it for a while, Whitebeard simply thought that he was delusional, as if something was watching him.

He closed his eyes again, but secretly became wary.

In the secret, Qin Hao was a little surprised that the old man with a white beard had such keen perception, and he could sense a powerful energy aura from him.

The opponent's super power is extremely powerful, and his soul consciousness is very strong, but it is far inferior to Qin Hao, so he cannot find Qin Hao.

At this time, Qin Hao's eyes were attracted by a strange crystal in the temple.

It was a blue spar, very huge, nine feet high. It was floating in the mid-air of the temple out of thin air, emitting circles of hazy blue halo.

In these blue haloes, Qin Hao saw all kinds of strange energies.

Earth, fire, wind, water, thunder, light, darkness, and even various special energies exist.

"Could this be the real key to the awakening of blue-blooded people's superpowers?"

Qin Hao was surprised and couldn't believe it.

What is this super large blue crystal? It feels like there is a terrifying and terrifying energy inside.

He had a feeling in his heart that if he studied this thing thoroughly, he would definitely gain unexpected benefits.

It's a pity that there is an old man with a white beard here. If he takes this crystal away directly, he will definitely alarm all the blue-blooded people.

And Qin Hao can't steal other people's treasures.

If you want to take it, do it openly and honestly. At most, you can take it away by force. It's considered robbing, but it's better than stealing.

Qin Hao quietly approached the huge blue crystal. Out of curiosity, he reached out and touched the mysterious blue crystal.

hum! !

The moment his hand touched the blue crystal, Qin Hao's brain roared.

Yuanshen suddenly felt an indescribable aura pouring into his mind, as if there was a mysterious force acting on him.

Strange energy suddenly emerged in his body. For a moment, Qin Hao's body suddenly produced various wonderful natural forces.

The earth, fire, wind and water emerged, and the chaos in the small world was churning. All kinds of energy surged, and the void chaos in the small world resounded like the creation of heaven and earth in the body.

Qin Hao's soul was glowing, and the mysterious power of the blue crystal poured into the soul, constantly tempering and improving, and even awakening certain innate abilities.

This is super power.

Qin Hao felt as if he was integrated into nature, and all kinds of wonderful insights came to his mind.

Transformed into a wisp of wind, it constantly wanders, drifts, and blows all living things.

Then it turned into a ball of flame, continuously releasing heat and burning itself, and finally came to an end.

It turned into a piece of stone and a piece of soil, and experienced long years of erosion and baptism under the sun and rain.

After a while, it turned into a sapling, experienced wind and rain, and finally grew into a towering tree.


In the temple, the blue crystal vibrated inexplicably, releasing circles of mysterious light.

The white-bearded old man who was guarding here suddenly woke up and looked at the sudden movement of the blue holy stone in shock and felt at a loss.

Because no one touched it at all, why did the holy stone suddenly revive?

In fact, he couldn't see the person hidden behind the holy stone. It was Qin Hao who caused the mutation of the holy stone.

Time passed by minute by minute.

When the Holy Stone gradually calmed down, it soon returned to its original appearance.

The old man with the white beard breathed a sigh of relief. After checking a few times and finding no problems, he sat there in confusion and thought.

Little did they know that Qin Hao had already quietly left the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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