Chapter 331 Mirage
In the desolate Gobi desert, the sun is scorching.

An off-road vehicle was speeding over, kicking up dust on the road.

It's deserted.

Looking around, it is a piece of loess and sand, full of desolation and silence, without a trace of life.

The wind and sand roared, making people's faces hurt.

Very few people come here to travel, and only a few enthusiasts come back.

Ordinary people who want to come to this hellish place will get nothing.

"Very few people come here. We have to walk on foot later, and cars can't enter."

Soon, Guna parked the car at a temporary location.

This is a dedicated parking place, and people charge a fee.

Park your car and wear protective gear.

Guna packed her bags tightly and wore a pair of sunglasses.

"Qin Hao, it's very windy and sandy here, and the temperature is extremely high. We need to prepare sunscreen and windproof things before we can go in."

She said as she took out the things she had prepared.

Qin Hao picked up a pair of sunglasses and put them on directly, and said casually: "Just wear sunglasses. I don't need anything else. It doesn't matter if you get a little tan."

"Well, whatever you want."

Guna looked at the fair and fair Qin Hao and shrugged without any further persuasion.

She looked at Alita aside and asked, "Miss Alita, don't you wear sun protection gear?"

"I don't need it, thank you."

Alita also wore sunglasses and replied politely.


Guna was speechless.

Just like Qin Hao, you don't want a beautiful bodyguard. Are you not afraid that your fair and tender skin will be tanned and burned?
But they didn’t say anything if they didn’t want her.

She didn't know at all that Qin Hao didn't need any cultivation, but Alita was not a human being, just a robot, so she had nothing to fear.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the Loulan Pagoda, but you may be disappointed after going there."

Guna reminded with a smile.

The three of them walked towards the desert ahead.

The wind and sand here are indeed very strong, and the wind is blowing hard. It may be difficult for you to walk in without protective gear.

Walking on the desolate Gobi desert is like entering an oven, the temperature is frighteningly high.

"The Loulan Pagoda is said to be a pagoda, but in fact it has been weathered by wind and sun for hundreds of thousands of years, and what is left is just a ruin."

Guna led the way and introduced.

She pointed to the surrounding loess and sand and said: "This used to be an ancient Silk Road. Look at some of the ceramic fragments left on the ground. They are from the Han Dynasty."

As she spoke, she picked up a piece of ceramic shard and kept explaining.

Qin Hao picked up a fragment and found that it was very rough. It was indeed an ancient object, and it was very old and belonged to the Han Dynasty.

Walking here, there seems to be a sense of historical vicissitudes coming to your face, making you feel like you are on the ancient Silk Road and feel the vicissitudes of the past.

"Look, the mud pagoda right in front is the Loulan Pagoda."

After walking for half an hour, Guna pointed to a large stretch of ravaged wasteland ahead and reminded.

Along the way, we saw many building outlines, which belonged to the Loulan ruins, but were just peripheral areas.

Qin Hao looked around and actually saw the ruins of a round earth building standing alone in the desert.

That is the Loulan Pagoda.

It is said that it is a pagoda, but it has been almost weathered, and only a dilapidated mound is left.

"It is estimated that it will completely collapse in a few years."

Guna looked at the remaining ruins of the pagoda in front of her and said with emotion.

"The vicissitudes of time, who can withstand the passage of time?"

She sighed inexplicably.

Qin Hao looked at the ruins of the pagoda in front of him, thoughtfully.

He can use the ruins of the pagoda to completely outline the complete appearance of the pagoda in the past, and continuously deduce it in the sea of ​​consciousness.

At a glance, this should be the temple area belonging to the ancient Loulan city.

The Big Pagoda is the majestic landmark building here.

An inexplicable sound of bells came from the sea of ​​consciousness.

Immediately after bursts of Buddha's sound, Sanskrit characters flashed one after another, and the Buddha's light enveloped the place.

When Qin Hao simulated and outlined the complete appearance of the Loulan Pagoda, the Buddhist scriptures in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly flickered and hovered independently.

The densely packed sutras resounded through the sea of ​​consciousness, the Buddha's voice burst forth, and the Buddha's light shone everywhere.

His body inexplicably bloomed with a ray of Buddha's light, and his face showed a trace of compassion, exuding a sacred aura.

Under the ruins of the pagoda, a strange aura suddenly overflowed and entered his body, making the Buddha's voice in the sea of ​​consciousness become louder and louder, and the bursts of Buddha's light became extremely dazzling.

As if traveling thousands of years ago, I saw the once prosperous ancient city of Loulan, with numerous temples and countless monks chanting sutras.Qin Hao seemed to have realized something. In a trance, he seemed to have transformed into a Buddha standing in the void, with peaceful Buddha lights blooming all over his body.

Just when Qin Hao was about to turn into a Buddha, a crisp sword chant sounded in the sea of ​​​​consciousness and he woke up instantly.

An invisible sword light shattered the Buddha's light, causing him to wake up from the Buddha's state of mind.

"what happened to you?"

Guna next to him noticed something strange about him and couldn't help but ask.

She looked at Qin Hao in surprise. Just now, there was a trace of strange aura on his body, and his body seemed to be glowing under the sun.

"It's okay, I'm a little emotional."

Qin Hao shook his head and did not explain anything.

But Alita looked at him curiously. She had just scanned that Qin Hao's body had undergone inexplicable changes, and his body was indeed glowing.

But Guna didn't pay attention because she was wearing sunglasses, and because of the sunlight, she thought it was a problem with the sun.

Actually no, Qin Hao's body did bloom with a Buddha's light.

"I just felt like I heard bursts of scripture sounds. It was so strange."

Guna shook her head and felt like she was hallucinating?

Qin Hao smiled and said nothing. The slight change just now was because the historical atmosphere of Loulan Pagoda resonated with him.

This activates the changes that only appear in various Buddhist scriptures in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He almost stepped directly into the realm of the extraordinary Buddha, with no desire or desire. Fortunately, the light of the Tiandun Sword killed the Buddha's light and escaped from this extraordinary state of mind.

It is impossible for him to abandon his emotions and desires and become a Buddha with no desires or desires?

Don't be stupid, what's the point of practicing like this?

To become a thing without desires and desires, and then spend a long time, it is simply the same as a stone.

However, the change he just experienced greatly improved his mood and will.

"Hey, look, what is that?"

Just as he was thinking about it, Guna's exclamation suddenly came from beside him.

Guna pointed to the desert in the distance with a look of surprise.

Qin Hao looked along and suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"Oh my god, is it a mirage?"

Guna shouted in surprise and immediately took out her phone and turned on the shooting function.

In the distance of the three people, there was a hazy scene.

It was a mirage, a mirage in the desert.


Qin Hao narrowed his eyes and looked at the hazy scene in the distance in surprise.

A mirage indeed.

There are vague shadows of the city, and there are also many human figures, as if an ancient world is reflected.

He immediately used his spiritual thoughts and suddenly noticed the emergence of a strong unknown energy magnetic field.

Moreover, there is a strange energy fluctuation in this desert area.

It seems to come from the fluctuations of space, the universe, and the void?

"What a strange magnetic field fluctuation."

Qin Hao frowned slightly, silently exploring this strange magnetic field fluctuation.

This magnetic field energy is unusual, and its sudden appearance must have some unknown supernatural phenomena.

Just when he was about to continue his in-depth investigation, the unknown magnetic field came and went as fast as it could, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

And the mirage in the distant sky gradually disappeared.

As if it was just an illusion.


Guna had a look of regret on her face, and then said happily: "It's really good luck. I didn't expect that we encountered an extremely rare desert mirage."

"Fortunately, I captured it."

She looked at the picture taken on her phone with a look of surprise.

Qin Hao was thoughtfully thinking about the secret hidden in this mirage.

"Master, an unknown energy magnetic field has just been detected."

Alita whispered her discovery.

Qin Hao nodded and said nothing more, just kept it in his heart.

He had a guess that there must be some unknown secret hidden in this desert.

"Come on, let's go back first."

Qin Hao reminded him, and the three of them walked back immediately.

He silently decided to wait until Lan Xiaoyu and others arrived to investigate the secrets hidden here.

(End of this chapter)

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