Chapter 325
The moment the Pure Yang Pill entered the body, it immediately turned into a majestic energy sweeping through the body.

That is the power of pure Yang.

Such a majestic force of pure Yang, even Qin Hao was shocked.

He hurriedly ran the Tai Chi Sutra to digest this majestic pure yang medicinal power, Yuanshen, and his body made great progress after absorbing this pure yang power.

At this time, a bright light shined in the soul, and a mysterious Taoist scripture came to mind.

That is the "Notes of Lu Zu", which records Lu Zu's life, and also records Lu Zu's understanding and perception of Tao.

The Tao Sutra flickered, and under the stimulation of the power of pure Yang, it suddenly underwent wonderful changes, giving Qin Hao a glimmer of enlightenment.

This is enlightenment.

Qin Hao gained new insights from it, and suddenly realized the two methods contained in the Taoist scriptures.

The Tao cannot be taught lightly, simply because it is hidden in Taoist scriptures, and ordinary people cannot understand it at all, let alone practice it.

Only by enlightening can one realize the true Dharma.

At this moment, Qin Hao had an inexplicable enlightenment and understood the two true methods contained in it.

"Innate Qi~!"

"Tian Escape Sword Technique?"

In my mind, two mysterious teachings poured into my heart and were imprinted on my soul.

Qin Hao woke up from his enlightenment, and the power of pure Yang was absorbed.

Two blazing sword lights flashed in his eyes, tearing the air abruptly, and he was retracted three feet away. The sword lights flashed in his eyes, and he could retract and release them freely.

"Unexpectedly, there is an unexpected surprise?"

He looked at the two true methods he had just comprehended with a look of surprise on his face.

Astonishingly, they were Lu Zu's Zhendao methods "Xiantian Yiqi" and "Heavenly Escape Sword Technique".

Xiantian Yiqi is a profound method of refining Qi, which can temper flesh, blood, muscles and bones, and refine a body of pure Yang.

The Heavenly Escape Sword Technique is Lu Zu’s true secret skill, and it is a profound and mysterious method.

Qin Hao silently comprehended and integrated the innate energy into his own Tai Chi Sutra, becoming more and more complete and perfect.

As the saying goes, stones from other mountains can attack jade. The most correct way is to integrate hundreds of schools of scriptures and Taoism to create your own supreme Taoism.

After integrating Xiantian Qi into his own method, Qin Hao's eyes fell on the second method.

"Tian Escape Sword Technique" is a mysterious method.

This is a super powerful secret method for cultivating the sword light of the soul.

"Heaven" represents the supreme, and "Escape" represents the formless and formless method. As a supreme method for cultivating the sword light of the soul, its power is extremely terrifying.

Once it is completed, it can kill the gods of the Nine Heavens and the evil spirits of the Nine Netherworld.

"The Heavenly Escape Sword Technique is formless and formless, the soul sword light is condensed!!"

Qin Hao formed a seal with his hands, and his soul shone brightly.

The power of the soul boiled, and under the pull of an invisible force, it suddenly condensed into an invisible sword.

That is the Heavenly Escape Sword Light.

"The Heavenly Escape Sword Technique can kill nameless greed, anger and ignorance with one stroke."


The sword's intention was clanging, and the invisible sword struck at his own soul.

Just hearing a "click", something above the soul was chopped off.

Greed, anger and ignorance were directly destroyed by the sword light of the soul condensed from the Heavenly Escape Sword Technique.

Qin Hao felt that his soul was transparent, as if some kind of shackles had been opened, greed, anger and ignorance disappeared without a trace, as if he had become purer and closer to the Tao.

"Two cuts of nameless love, desire and hatred."

The next second, Qin Hao instinctively used the Heavenly Escape Sword Technique again, and the Soul Sword clanged and struck at his own Soul again.

With a clang, the soul emitted pure light, and something was chopped off.

That represents the emotions and emotions of love, desire and hate, which were chopped off with a sword.

In an instant, Qin Hao felt that he had been sublimated. His soul was shining, pure and flawless, and thousands of golden lights bloomed out, as if he was turning into a god, getting closer and closer to the Tao.

"Three ends of the world's troubles."


Another slash of the sword struck him down, and if he was too ruthless, he would kill himself.Qin Hao's Yuan Shen roared, and thousands of golden lights shone brightly, turning into circles of halo and surrounding the Yuan Shen, exuding a supreme sacred aura.

No joy, no sorrow, no emotion and no desire, as if he had suddenly been sublimated into a wonderful realm close to Tao.

Is this not a human being anymore?

Qin Hao's eyes were indifferent and pure, without a trace of emotion or distracting thoughts. All the worries of the world were cut off, as if they were about to soar away.

"No, no, no, this is not what I want."

The next second, Qin Hao's soul was shaken, and a voice originating from the depths of his soul sounded.

The entire sea of ​​consciousness was turned upside down.


The sea of ​​consciousness is boiling, as if a chaotic world is opening up.

The Yuanshen stood in it and was cracking apart.

"If you are heartless and have no desires, no joy and no sorrow, what's the point of being like this?"

Qin Hao kept asking himself about his soul.

Is this the answer he wants?
No, that's not what he wanted.

"I am greedy for the mortal world and do not want to give up my seven emotions and six desires. There is no point in becoming an immortal like this. I would rather become an immortal mortal than become a true immortal with no heart and desire."

Clang! !
A sound of sword chants came from the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and the sonorous sound was endless.

That Tao sound that seemed to come from the soul was a manifestation of Qin Hao's comprehension and understanding of Tao.

He is unwilling to give up the seven emotions and six desires that belong to humans and cultivate himself into a heartless and desireless "immortal". What's the point of that?

In this way, wouldn't it be more perfect to directly cut three ounces of meat and turn into a real eunuch, without having to think about anything.

"It shouldn't be like this."

"Did I fix it wrong?"

Qin Hao kept questioning himself, and his Taoist heart was undergoing violent shocks and changes.

This is the process of asking one’s mind.

Once a mistake is made, the Taoist heart will be damaged and the future will be ruined.

Is it wrong to maintain the seven emotions and six desires and practice Taoism?
"My way, yes."

Qin Haoran suddenly shouted, shaking away the fog of the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the soul's light flashed, and the originally flawless golden light instantly turned into colorful light and bloomed.

It is precisely because of the seven emotions and six desires that life will become more exciting, otherwise, living for hundreds of millions of years is just to become a heartless and desireless thing?

What's the point? What's the point of living for such a long time without doing anything for hundreds of millions of years?

"My way is the way of the world, the way of sentient beings."

Qin Hao's eyes were bright, and sword lights flickered.

clank! !
Infinite sword light emitted from his body, and the invisible sword light condensed with the power of the soul had a wonderful change. It was originally ruthless and without desire to cut through the world of mortals.

Now it is full of worldly atmosphere.

"I have attained enlightenment in the world of mortals and seek the truth in the apocalypse of Dharma."

Qin Hao's Taoist heart was firm and became more mellow. His collapsed soul also recovered and became more mellow and transparent. Although it was sacred, it did not have the terrifying feeling of being aloof and without joy or sorrow. Instead, it gave people an extremely comfortable and cordial feeling. feel.

Maybe this is the human side.


Qin Hao let out a breath, and a halo of light surrounded the soul. It was a curtain of soul light composed of invisible sword light.

It was really dangerous just now. I almost cut off all the seven emotions and six desires. In this way, I would no longer be the same as before.

Fortunately, I almost escaped into the ruthless path.

The Heavenly Escape Sword Technique can even kill you, although it will make your soul more transparent and closer to the Tao.

But this was not what Qin Hao wanted, so he woke up and transformed back in time. Instead, he cultivated another form of Heavenly Escape Sword Technique.

"Draw the talisman to calm down the shock."

Qin Hao got up and came to the desk to practice drawing talismans. He was going to make elixirs and weapons later.

Cultivating Taoism naturally requires all-round development and progress. If you don't know how to make elixirs, refine weapons, draw talismans, or set up formations, you can't be considered a true Taoist.

(End of this chapter)

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