Chapter 307 Wudang Mountain

Wudang Mountain, also known as "Taihe Mountain".

In ancient times, it was called "Taiyue", "Dayue", etc. It is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round, giving it a fairy-like scene.

On the mountain road, a Taoist priest walked up the steps quickly, causing many overseas friends to exclaim in surprise.

"Oh, Mai Kar!"

"Kung Fu? It's really Chinese Kung Fu!"

Several young girls with blond hair and blue eyes exclaimed in surprise, and they all clapped and cheered when they saw the Taoist priests walking swiftly on the mountain road.

Many people were holding their mobile phones and taking pictures with their cameras.

"so tired--"

Beside the mountain road, Jiang Yuanyuan was tired from walking and panting to rest.

Qin Hao stood aside, looking at the misty clouds rolling around, giving him an air of immortal Taoism.

"Qin Hao, look quickly."

At this time, Jiang Yuanyuan exclaimed, pulling Qin Hao to point at the Taoist priest who was rushing up the mountain road.

"so fast!"

Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the Taoist priest in amazement, with a look of surprise on his face.

Qin Hao looked at the Taoist priest. He was walking swiftly on the mountain road. His movements were nimble and his body was light and strong. He could tell that he often practiced martial arts and his lower body was very stable and powerful.

"Qin Hao, do you think martial arts really exist in this world?"

Jiang Yuanyuan looked curious and asked with longing as she looked at the Taoist priest disappearing on the mountain road.

Hearing her question, Qin Hao replied: "Yes, there are thousands of years of inheritance in China, including martial arts, Taoism, mysticism, etc."

"I have read many ancient books, which record that there were qi masters in the pre-Qin period who could do anything in heaven or on earth. Is it true?"

"Also, according to the records in "Su Wen, Ancient Innocent Theory", people in ancient times lived a hundred years in the Spring and Autumn Period, and their movements never faded. Does it mean that in ancient times, everyone practiced martial arts and everyone was like a dragon?"

Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Qin Hao and asked curiously.

Because of her health, she often reads and reads. She has no other activities and can only immerse herself in the sea of ​​books.

So she had read a lot of books, which surprised Qin Hao.

"It's probably true that in ancient times everyone was like a dragon."

Qin Hao pondered for a moment, thinking of the Qi practitioners in ancient times. With abundant spiritual energy, people could naturally live long and healthy lives.

Now, in the Age of Ending Dharma, spiritual energy has dried up, people have gradually degenerated, the air has become polluted, and the environment has deteriorated. In addition, people's bodies and life spans will be shortened when spiritual energy is exhausted.

Look at what modern people eat, it's all technology and hard work. It's like growing up soaked in toxins. It's strange that they can live a long time.

“It would be unimaginable if everyone could live over a hundred years old and remain in good health.”

Jiang Yuanyuan was full of amazement and could not imagine this situation.

The two walked and chatted.

She held Qin Hao's arm, panting a little, and said softly: "I used to think that my life was not long, and I was desperate for a while, but God allowed me to meet you."

"Thank you for curing my illness and giving me a new life."

After Jiang Yuanyuan finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at Qin Hao. The breeze blew his snowy hair, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

Along the way, her appearance attracted many eyes.

Both of them are handsome men and beautiful women with outstanding temperament, which naturally attracts the attention of people around them.

Soon, the two came to the mountainside and saw a group of Wudang Mountain Taoist priests practicing martial arts in front of them.

"Qin Hao, I want to practice martial arts."

Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the Taoist priest practicing martial arts and suddenly said something.

Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Of course you can practice martial arts, but practicing martial arts is very hard. Have you thought clearly?"

"I'm not afraid of suffering, I'm just afraid that my body will collapse again."

She shook her head and said firmly.

For Jiang Yuanyuan, who has suffered from illness since childhood, what does the hardship of practicing martial arts mean?

She longs for a strong and healthy body, not a sickly child suffering from illness.

She had had enough of that sick body and life.

"Your body is a bit special, and it would be a waste if you practice martial arts."

Qin Hao looked at her eyes shining with a longing expression on his face and suddenly spoke.

Without paying attention at first, Jiang Yuanyuan suddenly reacted: "Qin Hao, you said my body was wasted in martial arts training. What do you mean?"

She was a little surprised and surprised, but more puzzled.

Qin Hao thought for a while and explained: "You forgot, I told you that your body is special. If you were born in ancient times, you would definitely become a powerful Qi practitioner." "You are wasting your special body talent by practicing martial arts. ”

Hearing this, Jiang Yuanyuan's eyes lit up and she said excitedly: "Qin Hao, you mean, my physical talent can make me a Qi Refiner, right?"

"Yes." Qin Hao nodded: "You are right. It would be a pity to practice martial arts. It is better to practice Taoism."

"Do you want to become a Taoist priest?"

Jiang Yuanyuan was a little moved, but hesitantly said: "Then will we no longer be able to fall in love?"

"That's not true!"

Qin Hao laughed dumbly, touched her long snow-white hair and explained: "It's just to let you embark on the path of practice and make better use of your special physique. It's not to let you become a Taoist priest."

"Then should I become a disciple of Wudang Mountain and learn how to practice Taoism?"

Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Qin Hao with excitement on her face, holding his arms tightly and finding it difficult to calm down.

Cultivation, refining Qi?
This made her very excited and looking forward to it.

Qin Hao reminded: "It is possible to become a disciple of Wudang Mountain, but I don't know if there is a real core inheritance here. However, if you want to enter Taoism and practice, I can teach you."


Jiang Yuanyuan was stunned and looked at Qin Hao in astonishment, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

"Qin Hao, do you know how to practice?"

She was extremely surprised, and then suddenly realized: "I understand, no wonder you are so powerful and can heal my body. So you are a practitioner hiding in the world?"

"Ancient Qi Refiner?"

"Or a cultivator?"

Her face was full of excitement, and she stared at Qin Hao with bright eyes.

Qin Hao smiled and said nothing, but Jiang Yuanyuan acted dissatisfied.

"Come on, I'm really curious."

She acted coquettishly for a while, her face turned red and she was out of breath because of climbing up.

Qin Hao breathed a breath into her body, and her fatigue was swept away immediately, and her whole body felt warm and comfortable.

"so amazing."

Jiang Yuanyuan was amazed again and again, looking at Qin Hao with bursts of brilliance in his eyes.

The two of them came to the platform on the top of the mountain and looked at the rolling clouds. They felt relaxed and happy for a while.

Not far away, there were several reporters and the anchor was filming something.

"Taoist Master, may I ask, do gods and Taoists really exist in this world?"

A reporter asked a middle-aged Taoist priest with a microphone.

The middle-aged Taoist priest was the one who had just walked up from the mountain like flying.

He said with a kind face: "Tao and Dharma exist. Gods are in the sky and not in the mortal world. You can't find them if you try to find them."

"Taoist priest, I just saw a young Taoist priest running all the way up the mountain. Does he have the secret of Qinggong and martial arts?"

another reporter asked hastily.

"That's practicing basic skills."

The Taoist priest chuckled, shook his head and said, "This layman, please listen to Pindao's advice. As a human being, you must be down-to-earth. There is no light kung fu or martial arts in this world. They are all deceptive tricks."

"Believe in science——"

"Sorry, Pindao has to go to morning classes."

After the Taoist priest finished speaking, he smiled slightly, turned around and walked towards the Taoist temple in front with his hands behind his back.

He suddenly accelerated and climbed up a stone wall in a few short steps, and soon climbed over the stone wall more than ten meters high.


"You still said you don't have Qing Gong?"

"Taoist Master, wait, I want to become a disciple——"

The anchor couldn't help but cursed and hurriedly caught up with his cell phone.

Qin Hao looked thoughtfully at the Taoist priest who disappeared into the Taoist temple.

"Wow, that's amazing."

Jiang Yuanyuan pulled Qin Hao and said excitedly.

The people around also cheered, especially the foreigners who came to travel. They were all stunned by the performance of the Taoist priest just now.

Sure enough, the secret of Chinese martial arts skills could no longer be concealed.

(End of this chapter)

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