Chapter 304 Destruction
Wa Village.

A huge base is built in the mountains.

A large number of armed men gathered here, all armed with firearms.

In the center of the village, in a luxurious building, a group of armed leaders were sitting together and discussing something.

"General, people have escaped."

"All the people sent out died."

One of his men was reporting the news.

The man who looked like a general sitting at the front had a gloomy expression.

There was a trace of sinisterness in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Check, we must search the ground to find the person. No matter who it is, if you dare to go against us, you will die."

"The goods cannot be lost. The big boss told me that they must be found, otherwise you will not be able to eat and walk around."

The general ordered angrily.

Soon, a large number of heavily armed personnel set out to search for Tang Wenjin and the little girl who had escaped.

boom -

At this moment, a violent explosion came from the village.

Then screams came, causing huge chaos.

"What happened?"

"Go and see."

In the room, the general's face darkened and he yelled angrily.

A group of people came out and saw the whole village in chaos.

Countless people were running around carrying guns.

"what happened?"

The general's expression changed, and he saw a terrifying scene as soon as he came out.

I saw a dense swath of light shrouding the sky, and countless lightsabers descended from the sky and penetrated the large number of armed men in the village.



These armed men killed many people, although they were extremely fierce.

But facing such a strange and terrifying scene, they were all frightened and fled in terror.

It's a pity that they can't escape.

Countless lightsabers gathered in the sky, roaring toward the village.

A river of swords swept down mightily.

Terrifying explosions came. Houses exploded wherever Jianhe went, and ravines were plowed on the ground. Countless people were minced into pulp before they could escape.

The tragic scene shocked everyone.

"General, run."

Seeing this, the leaders screamed in horror.

Someone pulled the dazed general and ran away.

The others didn't care and fled towards the back mountain one by one.


The sword light fell one after another, converging into a river of swords and flooding the entire village.

There were explosions, the forest shook, and smoke billowed. In the blink of an eye, a large village disappeared.

What was left was a mess, and the people inside, including the leaders, were all buried here without exception.

A sudden accident turned the entire village into ruins.

As for the militants inside, none of them survived, and they were all strangled to death by the countless sword rays.


The sword river surged across and quickly flew into the air and disappeared.

Only the mess and bodies were left on the ground. Some people died with their eyes open, and most of them turned into a pile of flesh and died in a miserable state.

In the air, Qin Hao took back Jianhe and glanced at the stronghold below. There was no one left alive.

He turned and flew in the other direction.

There are other forces and militants there.

Qin Hao wants to uproot these forces and leave no one behind.

Soon, Qin Hao came to another huge military base.

There are at least more than 3000 armed men here, which is huge and belongs to a powerful force in this area.

Standing in the air, Qin Hao looked at the countless resentments and grievances gathering above the base. His spiritual mind swept across the base below and found no other innocent personnel.

"I'll give you a ride." Qin Hao's fingertips gathered a cluster of strange flames and gently threw them downwards.

Without even looking, he turned around and disappeared in the form of sword light.

The next second, a strong light erupted from the base, instantly engulfing the entire base and turning the mountains and forests within a kilometer into ashes.

That terrifying light instantly vaporized everything within a two-kilometer radius.

The entire base was evaporated instantly, and not a single militant inside was left behind. They all disappeared without a trace under this terrifying energy.

When the light dissipated, a blue-white mushroom cloud rose into the sky and lingered for a long time.

This movement naturally alarmed all forces.

But not long after, an astonishing light came from the other side again, followed by an explosion, and the ground shook.

Soon, a ball of light burst out.

The entire triangle area was boiling, and countless people watched in horror as the blazing light bloomed, followed by a huge roar.

Many houses were directly destroyed by the earthquake.

One after another, blue-white mushroom clouds soared into the sky here.

A dozen mushroom clouds bloomed, and everyone was shocked.

As if it had been directly washed away by some terrible destructive weapon, bases and villages turned into ruins and disappeared.

This incident lasted for most of the day, when everything calmed down.

Everyone was terrified and ran away in fear.

Tang Wenjin's face changed continuously in the hotel, and he remained silent for a long time while looking at the sudden burst of terrifying light and mushroom cloud.

She was extremely shocked, looking at the strange mushroom clouds that kept popping up with a horrified expression.

It was very similar to the scene caused by the explosion of a devastating weapon, but it felt different.

She panicked, if it was true, it would be over.

Fortunately, these explosions did not affect other places and only destroyed a dozen large armed forces.

"Xiao Hao, please don't let anything happen to you."

Tang Wenjin stood at the window of the hotel and looked at the horrific scene outside, filled with worry.

In the afternoon, Qin Hao finally came back.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing Qin Hao coming back, Tang Wenjin nervously stepped forward and pulled him to check him continuously.

"Auntie, I'm fine."

Qin Hao said there was nothing wrong with him.

Tang Wenjin breathed a sigh of relief, looked a little confused, and opened his mouth not knowing what to say.

She pointed outside and asked in a low voice: "Did you cause those explosions outside? You, you wouldn't have detonated that kind of weapon, would you?"

Qin Hao shook his head after hearing this: "Don't worry, aunt, it's not what you think. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"It's fine."

Tang Wenjin felt the cold sweat on her forehead. To be honest, she was very nervous and scared.

That's not a joke.

"We will return home immediately."

She was a little panicked and felt extremely uneasy. She turned around and went back to the room with Qin Hao, holding Xiangxiang who was still sleeping and preparing to return home.

"I'll take you back."

Qin Hao thought about it and realized that the noise he made was too big and would definitely cause a huge sensation. It would be very troublesome to go back.

Just fly back with Tang Wenjin and Xiangxiang.

"Auntie, hold me tight."

On the window sill, Qin Hao reminded him, hugged Tang Wenjin and swooped away into the sky.

Tang Wenjin, who had not had time to mentally prepare himself, was so frightened that he held the little girl Xiangxiang in his hands and leaned against Qin Hao.

Her face was pale, and she looked at the scenes flashing around her in horror. In the blink of an eye, the three of them were above the clouds.

"I-I-am dreaming?"

She was dumbfounded, stunned by what happened in front of her.

Qin Hao smiled slightly without explaining, opened the light curtain and took her flying towards the country of Daxia with sword light.

As soon as he left, the place became chaotic.

Because hundreds of forces, large and small, in this area have all been purged without exception.

The commotion caused by this incident was so great that it alarmed countries all over the world and plunged countless people into panic.

(End of this chapter)

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