Chapter 302 Distress
A certain country, slums.

In a dark, dirty, and garbage-filled alley.

An injured woman is hiding in a dilapidated hut in an alley.

Next to her, there is a seven or eight-year-old girl, and the two of them are avoiding a group of people.

This woman is clearly Tang Wenjin who went abroad.

She was pale, had been shot in the shoulder, and her clothes were stained red with blood.

"Sister, are you okay?"

The little girl looked at her with some fear and worry.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I will rescue you."

Tang Wenjin'e frowned slightly, enduring the severe pain and comforting her softly.

She comforted and checked the wound. If it was not treated in time, she would bleed to death.


Tang Wenjin held the gun with one hand, pushed and pulled on the heel of his shoe, and loaded the bullet.

"Sister, go ahead and leave me alone."

The little girl was a little scared, but she spoke.

Tang Wenjin shook his head: "Stop talking, they are coming soon, hide for a moment and I will bring you home safely."


At this time, there was movement in the alley.

A large group of people were heavily armed, carrying aka47 and looking for someone fiercely.

The leader among them turned out to be a woman. She looked delicate and lovely, but she held a gun in her hand and her eyes were cold and full of evil.

She is obviously a murderous femme fatale.

These people all have oriental faces, but they are not from Daxia.

"Boss, the goods are lost."

A younger brother cautiously stepped forward to report.


The woman raised her hand and slapped her, saying in a cold voice: "Trash, he can't even catch an injured woman."

"They can't run far, search them for me!"

"That's the boss's goods. I have to dig deep to find it."

The woman shouted an order, and a group of men dispersed and began a carpet search.

She had cold eyes and walked slowly in the dark, damp and smelly alley with her gun in hand.

"Come out, you can't escape."

The woman sneered as she walked away.

She knew that the other party had not run far and might even be hiding in this alley.

Tang Wenjin was a little nervous and covered the mouth of the little girl next to her to prevent her from making any sound.

The two of them hid nervously in the hut, looking through the crack at the group of armed men searching outside with an increasingly heavy heart.

This is trouble.

This group of people is not a good person, they are a bunch of people who kill people and set things on fire.

The little girl next to her was their cargo, and she was rescued by accident.

Because of this, he attracted a crazy pursuit from the other party and fled all the way.

"How to do?"

Tang Wenjin felt a little anxious.

If this continues, he will definitely be discovered and caught, and the consequences will definitely be tragic.

Needless to say, once caught, your body will be hollowed out, including your eyes, heart, and kidneys.

At this time, blood dripped from Tang Wenjin's shoulders.

The woman outside sniffed, looking for the smell of blood, but it was so smelly here that she couldn't smell the smell of blood at all.

She was injured and had no time to stop the bleeding, so she naturally smelled of blood.

The smell of blood is extremely familiar to those who commit murder.

Fortunately, the alley was filled with countless garbage and emitted a strong stench, which covered up the smell of blood on her body.

"Ugh--it stinks!!"

The woman waved her hands in disgust, not daring to try to find the smell of blood anymore.

There are piles of garbage here and the stench is so strong that no one wants to come here.


Suddenly, the leading woman knelt down and saw a little blood stain on the smelly garbage.

"not good!"

Tang Wenjin turned pale and realized something was wrong.

She had just escaped all the way, leaving a little blood stain due to her injuries, which was easily ignored by ordinary people.It's a pity that the other party is not an ordinary person.

A bunch of murderous guys.

"Oh, I found you."

The woman sneered, looked up and showed a terrifying smile.

"Go and search in that direction."

She waved and pointed, and immediately several armed men walked towards her.

Tang Wenjin's face was pale, his heart was spinning with anxiety, and he was constantly thinking about ways to escape the predicament in front of him. Unfortunately, after thinking a lot, he was unable to do anything.

There is no escape now.

There were too many people, and she couldn't fight.

Unless the leading woman is captured as a hostage, it's a pity that although the idea is good, it is simply not possible.

The woman was very vigilant and did not even come to search personally. She just asked her group of people to come and search, very cautiously.

The searchers were getting closer and closer, and they were about to be discovered.

"It's over!"

Tang Wenjin showed a trace of despair, there was nothing he could do.

She had a hard look in her eyes and was ready to fight.

Then kill the leading woman first.

In the nick of time.

Rays of light fell from the sky and instantly penetrated each of the armed personnel.

In an instant, everyone was pierced by the lightsaber falling from the sky and nailed to the ground, dying miserably.

The sudden change shocked the others, and everyone looked at the change in front of them in shock.

"what happened?"

The leading woman looked at the scene in front of her in horror. Her men were inexplicably pierced by lightsabers and pinned to the ground.

It's not at all clear what happened.

"call out--"

At this moment, there was a burst of sound above the head.

She looked up, her face suddenly turned pale and her scalp was numb.

What came into view were blazing golden lightsabers, falling from the sky and penetrating the armed men below.


She screamed in terror, turned around and ran away.

When the others saw it, they turned around and ran away like crazy.

Unfortunately, the lightsaber was too fast for these people to escape.


The lightsaber fell, piercing through the bodies of one militant after another and nailing them to the ground.

As for the leading woman who escaped first, her head and heart were pierced by two lightsabers respectively, nailing her to the ground.

The scene was completely silent. More than ten or twenty armed men, including the beautiful and sexy leading woman, were killed on the spot.

Her eyes widened and she refused to close her eyes.

I didn't understand what was going on until I died.

Tang Wenjin, who was hiding in the rancid shabby hut, was completely shocked.

She stared blankly at the scene outside, looking at the corpses with lightsabers stuck on them, and her mind went blank for a moment.

what's the problem?

What happened outside and why these militants died.

Who took action to kill them?
Soon, a figure slowly descended from the sky and landed in front of the corpses on the ground.

His back was to Tang Wenjin, and he couldn't see his face, but he felt familiar.

He waved gently, and the lightsabers separated from the body and flew back, flying around him in a circle before sinking into his body and disappearing.

This magical scene shocked Tang Wenjin and the little girl.

The two of them didn't dare to breathe, for fear of attracting the attention of this mysterious man.

Scary as hell, the mysterious man slowly turned around and looked at where the two of them were hiding.

The moment he turned around, Tang Wenjin saw the other party's true appearance, his eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief.

"Auntie, the danger is over, everything is fine."

The person turned around and said something, showing a smile.


Tang Wenjin was stunned and couldn't believe that the person coming was Qin Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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