Chapter 284 Entering Shennongjia

Qin Hao's arrival more or less aroused everyone's curiosity.

However, the situation was urgent, so everyone did not delay and soon entered the mountain.

Together with Qin Hao's team of nine people, two people were left outside to respond.

Among them, Xiao Mo, the technical geek, stayed in the small Tujia village to take care of him. At the same time, he was left with a special soldier sent by his superiors as protection.

The remaining people followed the captain Wu Qiming into the mountains to find the missing scientific expedition team.

"Xiao Mo, keep in touch."

At the front of the team, Wu Qiming took the lead and used tools to clear the way with another special soldier who followed the team into the mountain.

Xiaowu and Xiaoliu followed closely as the second echelon.

Behind them were Mu Qingqing and Lan Xiaoyu, with Qin Hao hanging at the end following the people in front.

In the team, Mu Qingqing looked back from time to time, actually looking at Qin Hao, thinking that it wouldn't be a big problem to ask him to come over to help today.

As long as the scientific expedition team is still alive, they will definitely be able to find it.

After all, she felt relieved to have hired a powerful Qi practitioner.

"Sister Qingqing, who is this handsome brother you invited?"

In the team, Lan Xiaoyu asked curiously in a low voice.

Mu Qingqing's expression changed, and she smiled and said, "Why, have you fallen in love with her? If you want to know, go and ask yourself."

Lan Xiaoyu blushed and waved her hands, "Sister Qingqing, don't talk nonsense. I'm just curious. I feel like he has a natural affinity with me."

"Then if you go and communicate with him more, you will know?"

Mu Qingqing smiled and joked.

Lan Xiaoyu looked at Qin Hao behind him and slowed down.


She slowed down and actually communicated with Qin Hao.

Qin Hao nodded slightly and smiled: "Hello, just now Mu Qingqing said that you have a natural affinity with animals. What kind of ability is it?"

Lan Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed and explained: "Actually, it's nothing. I just can briefly communicate with animals. I don't know anything else. I'm a very stupid person."

"How to communicate?"

Qin Hao was a little curious. He could actually communicate with animals, but he only communicated with his spiritual thoughts.

The young girl with a ponytail in front of her can actually communicate with animals and has a natural affinity with animals.

This actually made him curious.

"There's a little squirrel over there, would you like to try it?"

Qin Hao suddenly pointed to a pine tree in front of him and said.

Lan Xiaoyu glanced at it and then walked under the tree.

She raised her hand. The squirrel on the tree, which was originally wary of avoiding, stuck its head out and looked at Lan Xiaoyu under the tree.

Soon, the squirrel relaxed its vigilance for some reason and actually ran down and approached Lan Xiaoyu under the tree.

It jumped and landed on her hand.

This scene surprised Qin Hao and looked at her curiously.

"Look, it's not afraid of me."

Lan Xiaoyu looked at Qin Hao with a smile on his face, with a little pride in his expression.

Indeed, being able to get close to animals obviously has special abilities.

"Then how do you communicate with it?"

Qin Hao was very curious about this and couldn't help but ask.

I saw Lan Xiaoyu gently stroking the little squirrel and saying softly: "I can simply communicate with it and get some information from it."

"Well, it says there's no danger nearby, but there is danger deep in the forest."

After Lan Xiaoyu finished speaking, he put the squirrel back on the tree.

The two followed the team, and she explained on the way: "I can simply communicate with them and get some relevant information from the animals."

Qin Hao thought about it and asked: "Then can you let these animals help find the missing scientific expedition team?"


Lan Xiaoyu looked disappointed and said, "I can only get some simple information from them, but I can't control them."

"That's it." Qin Hao basically understood.He had just observed secretly, and even used his spiritual thoughts to observe how Lan Xiaoyu and the little squirrel communicated.

But he didn't find anything. He just felt that Lan Xiaoyu's brain was very active just now, as if there was a strange brain wave being transmitted.

Is this her special ability?
You can use brain waves to simply communicate with animals. Because these brain waves are very weak, you can't do better.

Or maybe her ability is too weak. If she could improve this special ability, it might be a good ability.

"Is your ability innate or acquired?"

Qin Hao asked curiously.

Lan Xiaoyu smiled and said, "I don't know if it's innate, but I've felt very close to animals since I was sensible."

"Is that what you are born with?"

Qin Hao was thoughtful and wanted to study this special ability.

However, the two of them have a close friendship. It's their first meeting and you can't be rude and study them, right?

"My ability is actually of little use."

Lan Xiaoyu shook her head with a wry smile.

She looked at Mu Qingqing in front of her and said, "Sister Qingqing's ability is amazing. She can see the surrounding creatures."

"And the captain's super sixth sense, Xiao Wu, Xiao Liu's super sense of smell and super hearing are all very useful abilities."

Lan Xiaoyu has a lively personality and was able to chat with Qin Hao during their first meeting.

Perhaps it was Qin Hao's aura that made her feel so comfortable that she couldn't help but want to get close to him.

Just like animals getting close to her.

"Your abilities aren't bad either. If you could improve them, you might be even more powerful."

Qin Hao smiled and comforted him.

She shook her head: "There is no way to improve it. I have tried countless methods and studied it for a long time but still have no clue."

Hearing this, Qin Hao nodded.

He didn't think so, he just didn't find the right method.

Her brain waves are very active. It is obvious that her ability comes from her brain and is related to her mental power. Naturally, this is the most correct way to start.

And if she can develop her brain, she will definitely be able to improve this ability, and she may even gain real superpowers.

In front of the team, Wu Qiming and others naturally saw Qin Hao and Lan Xiaoyu chatting behind them.

But he didn't say anything, he just thought thoughtfully about whether he could absorb Qin Hao into the team?

"Qingqing, what is the ability of this friend you invited? Can he be absorbed into our bureau?"

Wu Qiming waved and asked Mu Qingqing in a low voice.

She glanced at Qin Hao behind her and shook her head slightly: "I have tried it before and the other party refused, but I can ask him to help."

"That's it."

Wu Qiming nodded to express his understanding.

He said nothing more and continued on his way.

"Everyone should be vigilant. There are ferocious beasts and poisonous insects in the mountains. Don't be careless."

As they walked, Wu Qiming suddenly spoke to everyone.

At the end, Qin Hao followed slowly, his spiritual thoughts quietly reaching out, constantly looking for and sensing the auras of other creatures.

However, after searching for ten kilometers, no one was found.

The scientific expedition team was not found, so I felt a little strange.

The team continued to move forward, and half an hour later they finally arrived at the area where the drone had discovered the situation.

"Captain, look, there are traces left by the scientific expedition team here."

Several people came to an open area and saw some traces and clues left here.

After checking it, Wu Qiming said: "They should have rested here before. Judging from the traces, they should have entered from here."

He pointed to a road ahead, which was created by man.

Obviously the scientific expedition team entered from here.

"Go, keep going."

After he finished speaking, he took the lead and followed the traces and routes here towards the depths of Shennongjia.

(End of this chapter)

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