Chapter 274
Death Valley.

There are skeletons of creatures everywhere, including wolves, cattle, horses, etc., and even some human remains scattered here.

Qin Hao flew at a low altitude and looked at the large area of ​​biological remains below, which was like a mass grave and made people shudder.

The strangest thing is that this place is filled with some kind of weird magnetic field, with unknown energy floating around.

People entering here can easily be affected by this unknown magnetic field energy, causing their consciousness to become trance-like, or even directly causing hallucinations and coma.

"What a weird magnetic field."

Qin Hao looked surprised, realizing that this magnetic field was somewhat similar to the magnetic field emitted by the meteorite before, but it was different.

The strange magnetic field filled with Death Valley can interfere with people's consciousness. Ordinary people will have hallucinations and even fall into coma soon after entering.

Fortunately, Qin Hao cultivated the magic power of the soul and had a strong soul and will, so he was not affected.

No wonder it's called Death Valley, a restricted area of ​​life. Anyone who comes in, whether they are humans or animals, will be affected by this weird magnetic field energy.

Moreover, the climate here is strange and changeable. Sometimes it is clear and clear, and sometimes there is lightning, thunder, wind and snow.

This surprised him somewhat.

It's like entering another world, full of mystery and weirdness.

Qin Hao slowly fell down and looked at a human remains in front of him. It was severely weathered and only half of the skull was left, looking empty at the sky.

He walked a little further, wanting to use his spiritual thoughts to explore the secrets of the canyon, but found that due to the interference of unknown magnetic field energy, it could only spread within 1000 meters.

Even due to the influence of unknown energy, he suddenly heard bursts of strange crying and howling sounds, which affected his mind like the howling of ghosts and wolves.

Qin Hao had no choice but to withdraw his spiritual thoughts and did not dare to try easily. After all, the unknown is the most dangerous and unpredictable.

Although he has a lot of cultivation, he should still be cautious.

I've been walking for at least half an hour, but I haven't seen a single living thing.

On the contrary, we encountered a lot of lush vegetation, and the fat grass grew extremely well, but there was not a single animal present.

Some are just scattered remains of living things, telling a sense of desolation and death.

"Why is there such a weird magnetic field here?"

Qin Hao was thinking about this problem while exploring Death Valley.

Where does this strange magnetic field come from?
What causes it?

Having seen the mysterious energy magnetic field emitted by the meteorite, Qin Hao had no choice but to doubt it.

Unfortunately, it's too big here.

The entire Death Valley is more than 100 kilometers long. It is simply impossible for ordinary people to explore the entire canyon.

"What a strong current."

Qin Hao came to a deserted area and looked at the charred land. Even the rocks were scorched black as if they had been burned.

He could clearly feel a strong current filling the air around him.


Sure enough, as soon as he stepped in, Qin Hao saw traces of electric current emerging from around his body, rushing towards him.

There is a strong current here, the intensity can definitely stun living things or even electrocute them to death, just like being electrocuted.

"It's strange."

Qin Hao felt the strong current filling the air carefully, and sometimes he could see a flash of lightning in the air with his naked eyes.

He guessed that this place was a pure natural strong thunderfield, because thunder appeared all year round, and the unknown magnetic field interfered with it to form a strong current field.

Zizizi! !

Qin Hao stretched out his fingers and saw dense electric currents converging continuously, and soon condensed into a spherical lightning-like light group.

He was surprised to find that there were still copper pillars here.

"Why are there copper pillars here?"

Qin Hao walked over quickly and stood in front of a copper pillar, looking at it in surprise.

The copper pillar in front of me is nine feet high, with all kinds of strange creatures carved on it, like mythical beasts and mythical beasts, vividly alive.

There was still a trace of electric current flashing on it, and from time to time, a bolt of thunder struck the copper pillar, causing a sudden burst of lightning.

Qin Hao observed and found that there were at least eighteen copper pillars here, some intact and some broken.

These copper pillars, depending on the situation, have existed for a very long time.

He estimated that it had existed for at least several thousand years or even longer. Based on the various patterns and textures on it, it could not have been made by modern people.

It should be something created by the ancients of a certain era.

But why are these copper pillars built and what is their purpose?
Qin Hao observed silently, without any clue, and vaguely felt that these copper pillars seemed to be set up in a certain direction.

Like a formation?
"Could it be a formation?"

If Qin Hao realized something, he had not touched on the formations, and he had not yet started studying the formations.I have only read some books related to formations, Taoist scriptures and the like, but I have not really understood the mystery of formations.

So now he can't understand whether the function of these copper pillars is really a formation.

"Sure enough, practice must be comprehensive, otherwise you will be confused and unable to understand like you are now."

Qin Hao sighed in his heart.

He examined the pillars and soon discovered a body sitting under one of them.

It should be a female corpse, leaning on a copper pillar. The remains were completely charred black. Needless to say, they must have been scorched by thunder.

I just don’t know who they are.

Qin Hao took a few glances and gave up after not finding anything left.

"Looking at your body exposed in the wilderness, let's let you rest in your grave."

He looked at the blackened bones and muttered to himself.

Then with a wave of his hand, the sword energy made a hole.

Immediately afterwards, the skeleton was rolled into the pit and was soon buried in the picture.

Qin Hao erected a grave mound casually, allowing the family to be buried in peace.

It's just that I didn't know the other party's name and identity, so I didn't set up a monument.

"rest in peace."

He looked at the lonely grave in front of him, shook his head, and continued walking forward.

These copper pillars made him very envious.

He really wanted to pull out the copper pillar and take it back to refine the weapon.

Because Qin Hao was surprised to find that the copper pillars were covered with the power of thunder, and there were even faint waves of precious light flowing.

This is obviously a treasure.

Perhaps because they have been struck by thunder all year round and tempered by currents all the time, these copper pillars have become different.

Like a treasure, it carries a powerful thunder power.

"How about digging them all back?"

Qin Hao was moved, but he was a little hesitant.

He didn't know the function of these copper pillars, let alone whether any other changes would happen after removing the copper pillars.

So he seemed very hesitant. After looking at the eighteen copper pillars here, he struggled for a while and finally gave up.

Although I was very moved, I didn’t dare to act rashly.

Who knows what the purpose of the copper pillar is, or whether it will undergo terrible changes once it is pulled out and taken away.

"It's a pity."

Qin Hao looked at these copper pillars with regret, feeling heartbroken.

Taking these copper pillars back and recasting them will surely turn them into powerful treasures.

He even had a vague idea of ​​integrating it into his Dayu Bell, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

Who knows what will happen if it moves.

It's so weird here, it's better to be safe.

Reluctantly, he left the copper pillar area and walked out of the strong current area.

Qin Hao saw a large forest in front of him. The ancient trees were towering and lush. On the other side of the forest, there was a green, red, blue and white mist.

That's miasma!

Qin Hao narrowed his eyes and looked at the large virgin forest in front of him in surprise.

On the other side, there is actually a colorful miasma shrouding it.


Suddenly, a gunshot sounded, awakening Qin Hao.

He suddenly looked up and saw gunshots coming from inside the forest.


There was a roar in the forest, trees fell, and there was great movement.


Qin Hao narrowed his eyes and showed a hint of surprise.

Without thinking, he jumped towards the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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