Chapter 269 The Door Is Open

At night, a moon hangs high, casting hazy moonlight.

In the courtyard, Xia Moqing was practicing the Taiyin Scripture. Wisps of moonlight were guided down, falling into her body and covering her body with a layer of hazy moonlight.

The looming and graceful figure, placed in the hazy moonlight, seemed like a fairy in the moon who was about to fly away at any time.

On the other side, Qin Hao was sitting on the roof, also guiding a stream of moonlight to fall on him.

Two beams of moonlight shone on the two of them respectively, looking a little sacred and hazy, giving people a mysterious atmosphere when they were standing on the balcony.

The power of the moonlight, one large and one small, was guided down, forming a strange scene.

This is the effect of practicing the Taiyin Scripture, which can guide the power of the moonlight into the body for practice, forming hazy visions.

On the balcony, Ye Zhu looked at the two people practicing with envy.

She also wanted to practice, but Qin Hao said that it was just the foundation stage and there was no way he could guide Yuehua to practice like Xia Moqing.

When she first came into contact with it, she could only practice the Immortality Boxing to lay the foundation. After reaching a certain level, she could practice the Taiyin Sutra and guide the power of the moonlight to practice like Xia Moqing.

An hour later, Xia Moqing completed her training.

It’s not that I don’t want to continue practicing, it’s that I can’t continue.

If you practice just right, it will be a waste if you continue to practice, and the power of moonlight accumulated in the body will be difficult to digest.

Don’t think that the more you absorb, the better. In fact, too much is not enough.

At present, she has just officially entered the stage of cultivation and cannot digest so much moonlight power.

Unless it is digested with the help of Qin Hao's power of the sun, the yin and yang of the two can complement each other to gain more.

Seeing that Qin Hao was still practicing, she smiled slightly and jumped to the balcony.

"Zhuzi, don't look at it. Let's go and rest first. After you finish laying the foundation, let him teach you the real method of cultivation."

Xia Moqing said to Ye Zhu in a soft tone.

After saying that, she glanced at Qin Hao on the roof, and then took Ye Zhu, who was blushing, back to the room.

At this time, Qin Hao was channeling more and more power of the moonlight, and his whole body was wrapped in the moonlight, hazy, as if he had transformed into the moon and emitted light.

The power of the sun in the body is gradually stimulated, and the two forces of one yin and one yang form a Tai Chi that falls into the Dantian and rotates slowly.

His body is gradually strengthening and transforming under the tempering of the power of yin and yang, as if it is evolving towards a more extraordinary level.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, circles of light surround the soul, like an immortal Buddha, giving people a sacred and extraordinary feeling.

The more Qin Hao practices, the more he feels that his seven emotions and six desires are weakening little by little, and he even feels like they are about to disappear.


After a long time, Qin Hao woke up from his practice.

His whole body felt like his thoughts were clear, his soul was clear, all kinds of distracting thoughts, emotions and desires had been washed away, his soul was clear and free of desires and desires.

The feeling is as if it is transcendent and holy, not mundane, and untainted by the seven emotions of the world.

He felt as if as long as he kept practicing and cultivated his physical body and soul to a flawless state, he would achieve this extraordinary and holy state.

"What is a fairy?"

Qin Hao thought silently, his eyes pure and flawless, without any emotion.

Literally, it means people are on the mountain.

Immortal, in Taoist terminology, means cultivating oneself to pure yang, removing the yin part of the body through practice, and reaching the state of pure yang without limit, which is called a pure yang true immortal.

Only when the yin side or the yang side of the body is removed, the body and soul will become transparent and flawless, and the seven emotions and six desires will gradually disappear and enter a transcendent and holy realm.

In this realm, human emotions and desires will be infinitely weakened and suppressed, or even disappear.

Instead, there is an extraordinary state of selflessness and desire, which is called immortality.Human beings have one yin and one yang, and only the combination of yin and yang is a human being.

Qin Hao didn't want this state. He didn't want to cultivate himself into a state where there were no desires or desires, and no emotions or desires.

"What I pursue is immortality. I am a human being first and then an immortal."

His sea of ​​consciousness shook, and his soul shone brightly. The originally transparent soul suddenly poured into it with a large amount of lunar power.

Human emotions such as the seven emotions and six desires that had been gradually suppressed are restored again, one yin and one yang, and the yin and yang alternately reach a balanced state.

The same is true for the physical body, and the two form a resonance.

The two forces of the sun and lunar yin are intertwined in the body, as if a more mysterious force is brewing.

Qin Hao's eyes closed and opened, returning to their original appearance.

This is the real self, first a human being, and then an immortal.

"It seems that I can't bear to live in this mortal world and become an immortal Buddha."

Qin Hao laughed to himself, stood up, slowly floated down the roof, and landed on the balcony.

He was relaxed physically and mentally, and felt that his state of mind seemed to have undergone a greater transformation.


I was about to go back to my room, but I passed by a door and found that the door was not closed?
Sister-in-law didn't close the door?
Did he forget it, or did he save it specially?

Qin Hao's eyes lit up when he saw that the door was open, and he quietly opened the door and walked in.

This is a room reserved for me. That's great.

The night was cold.

In the room, spring flowers are blooming——

The next day.

Qin Hao was the first to wake up, and his heart skipped a beat when he looked at the two sleeping beauties in his arms.

I came in unexpectedly last night. I thought it was Xia Moqing who had reserved the door, but when I came in, I found out that it was not the case.

But if you’ve already come in, can you still get out?

So he simply stayed here and refused to leave.

Qin Hao quietly got up, washed himself, dressed neatly and prepared breakfast.

Then he flew directly into the clouds, sat cross-legged in the clouds, faced the east and started practicing.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, a ray of golden light overflowed from the eastern sky.

Qin Hao's whole body was suddenly covered with a golden halo, and the brilliant rays of the sun gathered in, guiding his body to continuously strengthen his body, soul, and even cultivation.

Since the power of channeling the lunar energy last night was sufficient, today's practice of channeling the power of the sun did not have that terrible feeling of burning and destruction.

Instead, it was neutralized by the power of Taiyin, and the two forces of Yin and Yang continued to flow in the body, integrating into the limbs and bones, and into the soul.

When the sun rose, Qin Hao felt a stinging pain in his body. The power of the sun became more and more violent and he had to stop practicing.

He opened his eyes, and two blazing golden lights flashed away.

The breath all over his body quickly converged, returning to his previous normal state.

Qin Hao's mind swept away and found that neither Xia Moqing nor Ye Zhu got up. Maybe they were a little too crazy last night.

"Let's go see what's going on with Han Xiaoqin first."

He muttered something to himself, and instead of going back, he turned into a sword and escaped towards the grassland.

(End of this chapter)

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