Chapter 253 Seizing Power
Eagle Sauce House.

In Bai Palace, the top management is holding an emergency meeting.

"Have you checked it out?"

"What is the reason?"

Lao Deng asked with a gloomy look.

The senior officials from all parties sitting below were all silent.

A senior executive said: "Sir, according to the information we obtained, the last picture sent back by the satellite showed that an unknown light hit the satellite and caused an explosion."

"We have reason to suspect that some kind of laser weapon destroyed it."

"And there are very few countries that have this ability, so——"

At this point he did not continue.

Because everyone is a smart person and can tell everything at once.

Obviously, the satellite was directly shot down by some kind of weapon. It is even suspected to be a laser weapon tested by a certain country. Otherwise, how can we explain it?
Just this morning, a spy satellite suddenly and inexplicably exploded.

Such a big satellite just disappeared, and no reason can be found.

"Fake, a bunch of trash."

"You have three hours to find out the reason."

Lao Deng flew into a rage and cursed loudly.

A good satellite just disappeared, and this satellite was extremely secretive and even had great effects. Its sudden disappearance will naturally cause huge impact and losses.

This incident caused tension among the top management of Eagle Sauce, and they all speculated whether it was secretly knocked out by some kind of laser weapon.

On the other side, the culprit who caused all this is riding the waves on the sea.

After achieving the Heavenly Realm, Qin Hao clearly felt that his body and other aspects had become somewhat different.

His understanding of artistic conception has reached a new level, heaven and man, a wonderful realm of martial arts.

At this time, Qin Hao was immersed in the comprehension of the artistic conception, feeling the changes brought about by the mysterious power of the new artistic conception.

I have a deeper understanding and growth in the art of sword control.

There were clear sounds of sword chants coming from his body.

The sword energy filled the air, and the sea surface was slightly depressed, and the whole body was surrounded by dense and infinite sword energy.

Qin Hao walked on the sea step by step, and each step made the sea surface dent. His sword intention became more and more condensed and surging, just like the waves of the vast sea rolling up one wave after another.

"River Sword, rise!"

With a loud shout, the sea surface shook, and countless seawaters were pulled by a force, and the sword energy merged into it and turned into a crystal clear sword.

Densely packed swords flew out from the sea, circling and flying around Qin Hao. Thousands of swords flew together, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

This is controlled by the sword's will. The sword's energy merges with the sea water and turns into countless swords, forming a long river of swords.

clang clang-

The swords chanted in formations, and countless swords gathered into a terrifying long blue river, constantly circling and flying in the void, exuding a terrifying power that could destroy the world.

Right in front of him, there happened to be a deserted island.

Qin Hao waved his sword, and countless swords gathered into a long blue river and roared towards the island.

There was just a loud noise, and countless swords hit the desert island, causing a series of explosions. The uninhabited desert island was instantly blown to pieces and disappeared on the spot.

When the ten thousand swords dispersed and turned into sea water and returned to the sea, countless sword energies gathered and disappeared into Qin Hao's body.

The move just now was a more powerful move that Qin Hao learned after breaking through the Heavenly Realm.

"The power is good."

Qin Hao looked at his masterpiece and nodded with satisfaction.

In the Martial Arts Heavenly Realm, the combat effectiveness and destructive power are simply astonishing.

Whether it is Qinglian Sword Technique or Heavenly Sword, or his understanding of boxing skills, Qin Hao has reached a higher realm and level.

He vaguely sensed a higher level of power, the power above the artistic conception, the sword intention, the sword intention, the fist intention, seemed to be transformed into a realm of the world.

I am invincible within my realm.

"Is the power of the realm above the artistic conception?"

When Qin Haoruo realized something, he paused, and the seawater suddenly raised a huge wave of tens of meters and lifted him up.

The power of this kind of artistic conception to control all things is really terrifying.

"Now that I have ten years of spiritual power, can I practice magic?"

Qin Hao's mind moved and he suddenly had a new idea.

Now that you have mana, you can start practicing spells.

Taoism, Taoism, how can there be no magic?
call out!
After thinking about it, his figure flashed and turned into a sword light and fled into the air.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared above the vast sea.

Qin Hao, who was about to go home, suddenly stopped mid-flight. "Well, is there any change in the ray of spiritual thought I left behind?"

Qin Hao stopped on the clouds and suddenly felt a strange movement coming from a certain spiritual thought he had left behind.

He immediately gathered his mind and sensed it, and soon found the reason for the strange movements of his mind.


He was surprised to find that the spiritual thought he had left on Diana was triggered.

"Is she in danger?"

Qin Hao looked solemn and immediately turned around and flew quickly towards the sensing location.

Kingdom of Chanda.

Capital, royal palace.

A coup is quietly unfolding.

Due to the sudden sudden death of the old king, signs began to appear within the royal family.

Several uncle Wangs who were in charge of military and political power began to seize power.

As the heir to the royal family, Princess Diana was the first to bear the brunt and was naturally the target to be killed.

At this time, in the palace.

Diana was protected by a group of royal guards.

The outside has been surrounded, and several uncles have joined forces to seize power. Among them, one of Diana's uncles is in charge of military power.

The other three uncles also joined together to seize power.

"Uncle Wang, my father has just passed away, and you can't wait to get rid of me?"

Diana wore a long skirt and looked at the uncles who led the soldiers in with an indifferent expression.

The leader was none other than the Grand Marshal of the Kingdom of Chanda, Canniff.

He had a beard on his face and strode over in a military uniform.

"My Princess Diana, please hand over your scepter and I will spare your life."

Canniff said calmly.

Diana's face was gloomy and she said coldly: "Let my sister and mother go, otherwise, we can all be buried together with the palace."

"Dear niece Diana, do you think you still have the ability to resist?"

One of the uncles said with disdain: "The entire palace is surrounded by us. I advise you to surrender obediently and hand over the scepter. Otherwise, don't blame our uncles for being cruel."

It turned out that these uncles not only tricked the old king to death, but also imprisoned Diana's mother, the princess, and her sister.

This makes her appear passive.

"I have planted ten tons of explosives in the entire palace. Since you are unwilling to let them go, let's go to heaven together."

Diana's face was determined, and her eyes were firm and ruthless.


The expressions of several Uncle Wangs changed slightly, and they were all surprised and confused.

There was even a hint of commotion among others.

Explosives were planted in the palace?

Canniff stared at Diana with a gloomy face and said word by word: "Dear Princess Diana, did you really plant explosives in the palace?"

"You want to die with us?"

He was a little hesitant, but he also wondered if the other party was trying to scare him?

Diana sneered and said: "You have forced me to this point. I have no way out. Even if I die, I will drag you uncles down to see my father."

"At least, I still have a sister who can inherit the throne. You guys, come to hell with me."

After saying that, she took out a remote control.

The uncles turned pale with fright, and everyone nervously pointed their guns at her.

The two sides were at war with each other, and the atmosphere was a little heavy for a while.

Suddenly a gunshot rang out, and everyone's hearts beat wildly.

That was a sniper rifle, and a sniper fired.

The target is Dai Nana.

"Princess be careful!"

The surrounding guards exclaimed, but it was too late.

Diana's body suddenly lit up with a screen of light, and there was actually a bullet parked in front of her?
Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them, dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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