Chapter 23

As soon as I got home, I saw the butler Fu Bo waiting for a long time.

"Well, Uncle Fu, what happened to what I told you?"

Qin Hao asked as he entered the door.

Uncle Fu respectfully served the tea and then said: "Master, what you told me has been basically completed. I have just sent a batch of Chinese medical books and various martial arts secrets and put them in the study."

"Daozang, we have collected a lot of Buddhist scriptures, but they haven't been delivered yet. It will probably take a few days to arrive here one after another."

"Also, many ancient medical books, Taoist canons, and Buddhist scriptures are hidden abroad. It will take a lot of time to get them."

Uncle Fu finished explaining everything.

Qin Hao nodded: "Okay, Uncle Fu, please keep an eye on this matter. It's okay to spend some money, as long as you can get it back."


Uncle Fu nodded slightly and wrote it down.

"By the way, the set of Willow Leaf Flying Swords that the young master asked for has been prepared and is on its way."

He suddenly remembered this and spoke to remind him.

"Okay, bring it to me when you get there."

Qin Hao felt happy, a set of special flying swords with tiny willow leaves was ready.

After thinking for a while, he warned: "I'm going to the study to read. Don't disturb me. If my sister-in-law comes back, please remind me again."

"Good sir!"

Fu Bo left in response.

Qin Hao put down his things and walked towards the study.

He knew very well that to learn martial arts, one must study medicine. After all, medicine and martial arts did not separate families.

If you don’t understand Chinese medicine, then don’t expect to be successful in practicing martial arts. After all, practicing martial arts requires understanding the existence of various meridians and acupuncture points in Chinese medicine.

Moreover, martial arts training requires the assistance of various medicinal materials, otherwise what can you do?
This is what Qiongwenfuwu said.

If you don’t have money, you can’t practice martial arts. If you can’t just buy medicinal materials and food to replenish your body, why practice martial arts?

It’s not enough to have money. You have to study medicine and understand some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. At the very least, you need to know how to identify the meridians and acupuncture points of your own body.

When he came to the study, Qin Hao went straight to the various Chinese medicine books he had just bought.

At a glance, there are books on the bookshelf.

Qin Hao picked up each book one by one and started reading.

"Lingshu", "Suwen", "Pulse Meridian", "Difficult Meridian", "Pulse Confirmation", "Acupoints" and so on.

There are also ancient Chinese medicine books such as "Treatise on Warmth and Heat", "Treatise on Blood Syndrome", "Properties of Medicine", "Syndrome Differentiation Record", "Treatise on Spleen and Stomach", "Prescription Science" and so on.

Then on the third row are the ancient Chinese medicine books "Chinese Materia Medica", "Acupuncture", "Reading of Medical Classics", "Three Eliminations Theory", "Blood Syndrome Theory" and "Treatise on Febrile Diseases"

There are many ancient Chinese medical books on the fourth row, including "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber", "Eight Formations of Ancient Prescriptions", "Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicine", "Yuheng", "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", "Compendium of Materia Medica" and other ancient medical books.

The fifth row lists various unique medical books, such as "Index of Prescriptions", "Secret Recipes of Miraculous Medicines", "Introduction to Medicine", "Four Sacred Heart Sources", "Acupuncture Divine Book", "Collection of Medical Prescriptions", "Yilin Correction", "Bidding Medicine" "Lake Pulsology", "Acupuncture Songs", "Differentiation of Febrile Diseases", "Huang Di Nei Jing" and "More Ancient Books".
Various medical books on loneliness opened Qin Hao's eyes.

The ancient medicine that has been passed down from China for thousands of years is profound and profound, and what our ancestors left to us is actually the best.

It's a pity that in modern times, most people are worshiping Western things, which has led to the things left by our ancestors being constantly suppressed, forgotten, and even disbelieved and despised by our own people.

Over time, not many people believe or even learn these things.

[Ding, do you want to enable minor subjects? 】

Just as he was thinking about it, a system prompt sounded.

Qin Hao's eyes lit up and he was secretly happy.

Medicine is indeed a profound knowledge.

And it is traditional Chinese medicine that has been inherited by China for thousands of years.

"Open, minor in Chinese medicine."

Qin Hao straightforwardly listed Chinese medicine as one of the minor subjects as a minor subject in martial arts.

[Ding, the selection is complete. 】

[Release task: Ask the host to complete reading 10 Chinese medicine books and be rewarded with 1000 learning points. 】

Looking at the system prompts, Qin Hao showed a happy smile.

"Start studying, I love studying!" Qin Hao suppressed his excitement, picked up the medical books on the shelf and started reading seriously.

He began to read and study traditional Chinese medicine from basic medical books such as "Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine" and "Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine", and began to study medical ethics.

With his current brain development and thinking understanding ability, it was not difficult to get started with Chinese medicine, and he was quickly immersed in the vast sea of ​​Chinese medicine knowledge.


Qin Hao is like a shriveled sponge, reading and understanding like crazy, absorbing these traditional Chinese medicine medical knowledge to fill his brain knowledge base.

Various theories of Chinese medicine, names of medicinal materials, basic introduction, meridians and acupuncture points, etc., are constantly filling my brain.

Only when I truly come into contact with ancient Chinese medicine can I deeply understand the vastness and profoundness of traditional Chinese medicine, which is as vast as smoke, as if a door to heaven has been opened.

Understand Chinese medicine and know destiny.

The way of medicine is a majestic road leading directly to the way of heaven.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing reading ten Chinese medicine books, and you will be rewarded with 1000 learning points. 】

Soon, I finished reading ten medical books.

Rewards followed, but Qin Hao was immersed in them and ignored the system prompts.

He was immersed in the vast ocean of Chinese medicine, constantly absorbing the vast knowledge to fill himself.

This reading lasted two hours, and I was about to read fifty books.

"Master, the young mistress is back."

At this moment, Fu Bo came to report and woke him up.

Qin Hao woke up from the endless knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine books, and his brain was filled with densely packed medical knowledge.

"Huh -" he took out a breath and asked, "Uncle Fu, is my sister-in-law back?"

"Yes, Master, you have been reading for two hours."

Faber replied respectfully.

He stood there with admiration on his face, admiring Qin Hao very much.

I actually spent two hours reading a medical book. I couldn’t believe it.

"Okay, I'll go down now."

Qin Hao shook his head and put down the medical book in his hand, turned around and walked out of the study towards the hall downstairs.

"Brother, go wash your hands and get ready to eat."

As soon as I came downstairs, I heard Xia Moqing's voice coming from the kitchen.

It turned out that she had come back a long time ago. She only saw Qin Hao reading in the study so she didn't disturb him. Instead, she went to cook and asked Uncle Fu to go up and call him when he was ready.

"Sister-in-law, when did you come back?"

Qin Hao walked into the kitchen in surprise and asked while washing his hands.

Xia Moqing smiled softly: "I came back ten minutes ago. I just saw that you were reading seriously and didn't bother you."

"Come, help sister-in-law carry out the dishes."

She greeted Qin Hao, and the two of them took out the cooked meals one by one.

In fact, the family could hire a nanny, but Xia Moqing didn't because she wanted to cook for Qin Hao herself.

"Brother, were you reading a Chinese medicine book just now?"

At the dinner table, Xia Moqing served him a bowl of rice and asked in surprise.

Qin Hao smiled and explained: "Yes, sister-in-law, I have been very interested in these things recently, so I asked Uncle Fu to find some to see for myself."

"I heard what Uncle Fu said. Since you like it, I will ask Zhuzi to go to our pharmaceutical company tomorrow to deliver a large number of medical books and prescriptions to you."

Xia Moqing made a decision directly with a wave of her hand.

"Okay, thank you sister-in-law."

Qin Hao thanked him excitedly.

"Why are you being polite to my sister-in-law? Come on, eat more meat and grow taller."

She rolled her eyes at him and looked at Qin Hao tenderly while picking up the vegetables.

The two of them chatted happily while eating.

(End of this chapter)

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