Chapter 227 Are you a god?


On the cruise ship, Andrew screamed miserably.

Blood and flesh were flying all over his body, and streaks of sword light streaked across, picking off the flesh from his body.

Qin Hao expressionlessly controlled the flying sword to kill him with a thousand cuts.

The promise of being cut in pieces by a thousand cuts must be fulfilled, not one cut is missing, and not one cut is too many.

He screamed and screamed until he could no longer make a sound.

Lying there covered in blood and flesh, squirming slightly, with his eyes wide open, he wanted to die but couldn't, wanted to faint but couldn't.

Anyway, life is worse than death, and my heart is filled with endless fear.

He regretted it, and he regretted endlessly that he should not have offended this Chinese.

Sure enough, Chinese people have all kinds of magical abilities. Not only can they know kung fu, but they can also control a small flying sword.

Behind her, Diana looked pale, but she held on to Qin Hao's clothes, forcing herself not to be afraid.

But she was shocked and scared inside. It was the first time she saw such a bloody scene.

Andrew, that's terrible.

But she had no sympathy. If Qin Hao didn't have this magical ability, she might have suffered.

What made her incredible was Qin Hao's ability.

On the ground, the old woman who had fainted woke up leisurely, and suddenly saw Andrew lying there with bloody flesh and blood. She rolled her eyes and fainted again.

Only Diana still held on and witnessed the whole process.

In the end, Qin Hao fulfilled his promise just now.

Thousands of cuts!

Andrew had long since lost his voice, leaving only a bloody skeleton, and all the flesh and blood on his body had long been removed.

"It has been said that death by a thousand cuts must be treated with integrity."

Qin Hao's tone was calm, and with a slight move, the sword light flashed, and a small flying sword floated in the palm of his hand, spinning smoothly.

There wasn't a drop of blood on it, and it was sharp and sharp, which made Diana both surprised and terrified.

How is this done?
She looked at Qin Hao with wide eyes, looking like she wanted to ask but didn't dare.

"Let's go, there are still some people outside who need to be dealt with."

Qin Hao smiled warmly at her, and his temperament suddenly changed, making her feel like a spring breeze. The uneasiness and fear in her heart were calmed down one by one, leaving only a sense of calm.

"Yeah!" Her mood fluctuated greatly. After she regained her composure, she nodded with a slightly flushed face.

Diana held Qin Hao's arm tightly and followed him out step by step.

Outside, the cruise ship is under control.

A large number of pirates climbed up and took control of the whole place.

"Find Princess Diana and evacuate immediately."

At this time, a pirate leader shouted loudly.

A large group of pirates rushed in with various guns, trying to find Diana and take her away.

Just in time to meet Qin Hao and Diana walking out.

The moment they saw Diana, the pirates immediately identified the target person.

The pirate leader also took out a photo for comparison, with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Very well, Your Highness Princess, come out on your own before we come looking for you."

The pirate leader chuckled and waved his hand, and a group of his men immediately surrounded him with guns in hand.

"Qin Hao——" Diana looked up at Qin Hao, but there was no trace of nervousness or panic in her heart.

Because she knew that the mysterious oriental young man next to her would definitely defeat these pirates.

Sure enough, before the pirates surrounded him.

Qin Hao gently raised his finger and waved.


Two rays of sword light flashed past, instantly piercing through one pirate after another.

"Fire--" Seeing his men fall down one by one for no apparent reason, the pirate leader roared loudly in horror.

He directly raised the gun and pulled the trigger, his reaction was very quick.

Unfortunately, what was faster than him was a sword light, which penetrated directly from the back of the head, blood mixed with a trace of brain and sputtered out.His eyes widened and he fell straight down.

Da da da--

The body's instinct before death still pulled the trigger, and bullets swept over him randomly.

Diana's heart tightened, but she was surprised to find bullets floating in front of them?
He was blocked out by a strange light shield.

"This-" She opened her mouth wide, her eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

I can't believe it at all. Qin Hao can actually block bullets?

Who is this man?

"Follow me -" Qin Hao swept his mind and immediately grasped all the movements on the cruise ship.

He looked for the pirates who were climbing up one after another. The flying swords circled around the two of them, making a sizzling sound.

Diana was very quiet throughout the whole process, watching Qin Hao's magical performance with wide eyes without blinking.

As he walked step by step, all the pirates he met were without exception pierced through the head by two flying swords and died on the spot.

Soon, the cruise ship was cleared of robbers, and not even the pirates who came up were spared, and they were all sent to hell by Qin Hao.

Around the cruise ship, there are three pirate ships with more than a dozen pirates on them.

Qin Hao and Diana stood at the bow of the cruise ship, looking at the three pirate ships with a cold look in their eyes.

It's just right to try out your sword skills.

"You back off."

Qin Hao let go of Diana and told her to retreat.

Hearing this, she didn't question or speak, she took a few steps back and stood behind.

Qin Hao suddenly raised his hand, and his palm turned into a knife. His body exuded a soaring edge, and the sword intent filled the air.

There was a sound of swords, and in an instant, a terrifying sword energy gathered in the sky.

Diana's mouth opened wide, staring blankly at the shocking scene in front of her.

With Qin Hao's slight wave, the huge sword energy slashed directly towards the three pirate ships.

Boom! !
With a loud noise, a huge wave arose on the sea, and the three pirate ships were torn apart and turned into pieces scattered in the sea.

The dozen or so pirates above were gone before they could even react.

Three pirate ships were cut into pieces with a single knife.

The sea water set off huge waves that never dissipated for a long time.

Qin Hao withdrew his sword intent, and his aura returned to normal.

This was the first time he went on a killing spree and truly used his martial arts abilities to kill his enemies.

The sword strike just now was a move from the Heavenly Sword, and its power could be said to be very terrifying.

"The realm of heaven and humans is not far away."

Qin Hao gathered his breath and looked at the churning sea with enlightenment.

He had just used the Heavenly Sword, and he had gained some understanding of the power of the powerful sword energy and sword intention. It seemed that he had faintly touched the threshold of the heavenly realm.

It seems that just one swing of the sword can break the heavenly gate and become a martial arts heavenly being.

But he knew that was an illusion. He was only at the stage of being a half-step heavenly being. It was not that simple to truly open the invisible gate of heaven and become a heavenly being.

"Mysterious Easterner, are you the god of the East?"

Diana's eyes shone and she looked at Qin Hao with admiration.

He was simply astonished and regarded him as an Eastern god.

This powerful ability can only be mastered by gods. How can a mortal master this divine ability?
Have you ever seen one person be able to smash three huge pirate ships with one sword?

She has never seen a person who can control a small flying sword and resist bullets. It is simply unbelievable and subverts all three views.

"I am not a god, just an ordinary Chinese person."

Qin Hao regained his gentle temperament and explained with a smile.

Diana rolled her eyes: "You Orientals are so humble. It would be terrible if everyone were like you."

"Hao, I am even more curious and yearning for you and Eastern China."

She hugged Qin Hao, her eyes glowed with a strange light, and her face turned pink.

This foreign princess was completely conquered by Qin Hao's power and mystery.

(End of this chapter)

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