Chapter 223 Diana

On the cruise ship, in the lobby.

Diana sat there drinking juice.

She suddenly saw Qin Hao coming out and her eyes lit up.

"You're awake, Eastern friend."

Diana stood up with a smile and nodded politely.

Qin Hao looked at the other party and also showed a kind smile.

He bowed slightly in the oriental way: "Thank you to this beautiful and kind girl for rescuing me from the sea."

"Pfft-" Diana covered her mouth and smiled.

She smiled and said, "You Easterners have really special etiquette."

The old woman next to her looked at Qin Hao with a puzzled look.

Because what he was wearing was not the one she brought. It looked like expensive clothes that were custom-made for him.

Although she was confused, she couldn't speak with Diana nearby.

"Sit down, what would you like to drink?"

Diana made a request and asked softly.

Qin Hao took the opportunity to sit opposite her and said casually: "Just give me a drink. I'm not picky about food."

"Let me formally meet you. My name is Diana."

She extended her slender little hand and introduced herself.

Qin Hao also reached out and shook her gently and said, "Hello, Miss Diana, my name is Qin Hao, and I come from the ancient country of China in the East."

"Huaxia people."

Diana suddenly understood and said with some embarrassment: "I thought you were Xiaori or Korean at first, but I didn't expect you to be Chinese from the mysterious ancient country."

"I heard that all of you Chinese people know kung fu and can fly over walls and fly over walls, right?"

Diana asked looking at him curiously.

Qin Hao laughed dumbly and shook his head in denial: "Don't listen to the nonsense on the Internet. It's all false. It's true that we know a little bit of boxing and kicking, but you are exaggerating when you say that we can fly over the roof and walk over the wall."

"This is the age of science and technology, we must believe in science."

He corrected seriously.

"Well, it's true that most of the rumors on the Internet are false."

Diana nodded sympathetically.

She looked at Qin Hao and asked curiously: "Then do you know kung fu?"

Qin Hao nodded and said with a smile: "It's just a superficial knowledge. It's just some superficial skills. If you can't put it on the stage, I won't use it to show off."

"Then can you teach me Chinese Kung Fu? I have only learned karate, taekwondo, yoga, and Brazilian Judo, but I have never learned Chinese Kung Fu."

Diana asked expectantly.

She explained: "I wanted to ask a Chinese Kung Fu master to teach me Chinese Kung Fu, but then I couldn't do it for various reasons."

"Since you know how, can you teach me? Don't worry, I can pay your tuition."

She looked at Qin Hao with serious expectancy and asked.

Hearing this, Qin Hao was a little surprised and said: "I didn't expect that Miss Diana has learned so many things. It seems that the average three or five men are no match for you."

Dai Nana covered her mouth and smiled: "It's not as exaggerated as you said. If you compare it with an ordinary adult man, I can beat him with a little skill."

"By the way, don't call me Miss Diana, just call me Anna."

She made a correction.

Qin Hao Congshan Ruliu said: "Okay, Anna."

"You haven't answered me yet, can you teach me Chinese Kung Fu? I think Chinese Kung Fu is very beautiful."

She asked expectantly.

Qin Hao shook his head slightly: "First of all, I have to correct you. There are two types of Chinese Kung Fu. One is a performance form, and the other is what we call national martial arts. It only kills people but does not perform."

"Only killing, not performing?"

Diana's eyes widened with an expression of surprise.

She wondered: "Isn't Kung Fu just Kung Fu? Why is it divided into two forms: performance and killing?"

Qin Hao smiled and explained: "The Chinese Kung Fu you think of is the kind that participates in competitions and performances everywhere."

"As for the real Chinese martial arts, they are only used for fighting and killing, and will not be taught to outsiders. If you want to learn it, I can teach you the performance form of Kung Fu. It is very beautiful."

This statement made Diana look disappointed.

"Why?" she asked somewhat puzzled.

Qin Hao said calmly: "Because our Chinese martial arts are only taught to Chinese people and not to outsiders."

"Is that so-" Diana was a little disappointed.

But she still smiled and said: "Then you teach me the kind of kung fu that I need to perform. It is not the kind of kung fu that you call Chinese martial arts that specializes in killing people."

"Are you a star?"

Qin Hao looked at her and asked curiously.

"Can't you see it?"

Diana asked playfully, seeing Qin Hao shaking his head and saying with disappointment: "It seems that my fame has not spread to your Chinese side."

"However, I still have many fans in China."

she reminded.

Qin Hao knew nothing about it and apologized: "Sorry, I don't pay attention to this aspect, so I never know any celebrities."

"It's okay if you don't know me."

Diana's eyes lit up and she said happily: "Being surrounded and chased by a group of fans every day makes me go crazy. It would be better if you don't know me."

"Are we friends now?"

Diana looked at Qin Hao expectantly.

She had a deep curiosity about the man from the mysterious ancient Eastern country in front of her, and she always felt that he had a mysterious aura about him that made people want to explore.

She had never seen this feeling before. She had met countless people, but she had never seen such a mysterious and unique person like Qin Hao.

Floating in the Pacific Ocean, she didn't even know how many days it had been floating, but she was still alive, which made her very surprised and curious.

"If you think of me as your friend, of course we are friends."

Qin Hao replied with a slight smile.

Friends are also divided into categories of closeness and distance, as well as high and low.

If Diana truly regarded him as a friend, it wouldn't be a bad idea for Qin Hao to make her a foreign friend.

"Miss Anna—" the old woman beside her hurriedly reminded.

Diana said displeasedly: "Don't talk too much. When I'm talking to my friends, don't interrupt them at will. It's very rude."

"It's my fault."

The old woman hurriedly bowed and apologized.

"Go down, I don't need you to serve me here."

Diana waved her hands, and there was a noble temperament in her movements.

Qin Hao could tell at a glance that the other party was of high status, not just a star.

The old woman stepped back respectfully.

Only Diana and Qin Hao were left sitting here.

"I'm sorry, I was just rude."

Diana smiled apologetically at Qin Hao.

Qin Hao shook his head: "It doesn't matter, besides, she is just worried about you, afraid that I am a bad person and will hurt you."

"I believe you are not."

Diana looked at Qin Hao seriously, and her intuition told her that the man in front of her was not a bad person.

Rather, he is a mysterious Easterner who is full of secrets.

"When will you teach me kung fu?"

she asked impatiently.

Qin Hao was dumbfounded and shook his head: "Learning Kung Fu is not something that happens overnight. It takes years and months of practice to achieve success."

"I can teach you some very beautiful kung fu that you can use very well in your acting."

Qin Hao explained this.

You can teach her, but it will only be a castrated version of kung fu that is specially used for performances, rather than a true internal martial arts with a core existence.

These things cannot be passed on to foreigners casually.

"Okay, then teach me now!"

Diana's eyes lit up and she immediately stood up excitedly and pulled Qin Hao towards the training room.

(End of this chapter)

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