Chapter 217
Qin family, manor.

call out!
A ray of light fell from the sky and landed on the balcony.

Qin Hao's figure slowly emerged, and the sword energy around him converged one by one.

He returned home directly after leaving the grassland.

"In the next period of time, I will prepare wholeheartedly to create laws."

Qin Hao glanced at the manor and saw that everything was as usual, then turned and walked back to the study.

He won't go out for a long time. After the matter is resolved, he must prepare for his next step in practice.

"Master, you have an important message."

At this time, Linger sent a reminder.

Qin Hao opened the message on his phone and found it was from Su Xixi.

"Brother, there will be a mock test tomorrow. Remember to take the test (#^.^#)"

Looking at the message from Su Xixi, Qin Hao smiled and replied.

Then he took out a Taoist scripture and began to read and understand it seriously.

He now recited Taoist scriptures faster and faster, and understood them more easily.

As Qin Hao accumulated more and more Taoist scriptures, recited and understood them, various insights about the Taoist scriptures kept flooding into his mind.

Countless scriptures and profound meanings flashed in his mind, faint traces of Taoist sounds came out, and the Taoist rhyme circulated endlessly on his body.

The whole day, he did not leave the study, and kept reading and comprehending the Tao Sutra.

One volume after another, one volume after another, I continued to comprehend and read.

Gradually, that wonderful feeling became stronger and stronger, as if with just one leap, I could step into the gate of an unknown realm.

That's a sign of enlightenment.

Qin Hao understood that as he accumulated more and more, the time for enlightenment and entry into the Tao was not far away.

He was not in a hurry, but continued to silently accumulate his understanding of Tao.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening when Xia Moqing came back from the company that Qin Hao woke up from the mysterious wisdom of countless Taoist scriptures.

"Brother, are you back?"

Xia Moqing hugged him gently from behind and woke him up with her gentle breath.

Qin Hao turned around and hugged her and smiled: "Yes, I came back in the morning. I missed you, so I came back."

"Do you still remember missing me?"

Xia Moqing said with a smile: "I heard that there is a beautiful girl on the grassland, and your beautiful teacher, you actually traveled thousands of miles to find her?"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Hao touched his nose awkwardly.

Just as he was about to say something, she blocked his mouth.

The two selflessly confided in each other how much they missed each other.

Men and women who are passionately in love are the kind who live like years, miss each other for one day like three autumns, and become restless if they don't see each other for just one or two days.

The night is falling--

More than an hour later, Qin Hao walked out wearing a nightgown.

Behind him was Xia Moqing, wearing a clean set of pajamas and her hair was a little wet.

"Sister-in-law, let me steam dry your hair."

Looking at her wet hair, Qin Hao stepped forward and stretched out his hand.

Xia Moqing smiled softly, hugged him quietly and let him dry her hair.

I saw wisps of strange light emerging from Qin Hao's palm, and a trace of water vapor suddenly emerged from her hair.

Soon her hair was dry.

"The abilities brought by practice are so convenient."

She looked at Qin Hao with a sweet smile, and the two of them were bored for a while.

Xia Moqing didn't stop until her stomach growled.

"I'm hungry-" She looked at Qin Hao with a lingering lingering look on her face and said.

He smiled, hugged her and went downstairs, saying, "It's better to be at home. Just wait for me. It'll be fine soon."

After that, he went to the kitchen and started preparing dinner.

Xia Moqing sat for a while and then came to the kitchen.She asked softly: "Brother, do you want to practice the exercises later? I have recently gained some new insights into the Qinglian Sword Technique, and I have some questions that I would like to ask you, my teacher."

"Okay, let's wait until you're full first."

Qin Hao cooked a pot of five qi and said with a smile towards Yuan Geng.

He only ate one bowl, and Xia Moqing ate most of the rest.

She is now in the best stage of martial arts training, so she naturally eats a lot and needs to take in a lot of energy.

If Qin Hao hadn't had the Qi Blood Pill and the Dragon Blood Pill to supplement her, she might not have been able to keep up by simply relying on eating to replenish nutrition and energy.

This is the truth of being poor and rich.

After eating and drinking, the two sat on the sofa to rest.

Xia Moqing snuggled into his arms and began to explain softly some of the problems she encountered while practicing Qinglian Sword Technique.

Qin Hao naturally answered her questions carefully.

Of course, some interesting things happened during the solution process.

"By the way, tomorrow you will take the mock test at the end of the month, but don't fail, otherwise I will have to restrict you."

Xia Moqing remembered something and suddenly reminded her.

Qin Hao smiled confidently: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, the exam is no big deal. I promise I won't fail the exam and come back to see you."

"Well, then I'm relieved."

She nodded slightly and felt relieved.

Since Qin Hao said it was no problem, it must be no problem. According to her understanding, Qin Hao's ability was like a bottomless pit.

"Brother, when can I fly with a sword like you?"

She suddenly asked this question.

Qin Hao thought for a while and said: "You should practice hard first, don't rush this matter. When you understand the power of artistic conception and step into the realm of the Grand Master, I will help you find a way."

He said this in accordance with what he had done before.

The art of sword control requires at least the Grand Master level and the power of artistic conception to help you truly practice it.

Xia Moqing nodded: "Okay, I listen to you, but after taking the pills you gave me recently, I feel that my physical fitness is getting stronger and stronger, and I don't seem to be like a normal human being."

Qin Hao smiled and said: "It should be said that you are not like ordinary humans. Don't worry. This is a good phenomenon and means that your life level is progressing in the extraordinary direction."

He explained these things to Xia Moqing one by one.

All aspects must be explained so that she can better understand and move to the next step of practice.

"Sister-in-law, in the next stage of practice, you should read more Taoist scriptures like me and understand the wisdom contained in the Taoist scriptures to increase your own foundation."

"This can bring you a new understanding and accumulate enough Taoism to prepare and accumulate for you to truly enter the practice."

Qin Hao mentioned this.

Xia Moqing nodded thoughtfully: "Okay, I understand. I will take time to read Taoist scriptures every day to accumulate myself."

She hopes to walk on the road to immortality with Qin Hao, so she naturally obeys Qin Hao, the pioneer, and follows him step by step so as not to be left behind.

The two chatted a lot, and Xia Moqing gained a lot.

Not only swordsmanship and boxing skills, but also a vague understanding of the artistic conception of martial arts.

I also have a clear plan for the next practice, I know what I should do, and I just need to follow Qin Hao's explanation and arrangement step by step.

"Brother, it's late at night, let's go and rest."

Xia Moqing's face glowed with a delicate red light, and she looked at him with watery eyes.

"Okay, let's go rest."

Qin Hao felt hot in his heart, picked her up and walked upstairs directly.

"I want to eat later -"

She exhaled like a blue breath and whispered this into his ear.

"it is good!"

Qin Hao naturally would not refuse.

As soon as the two entered the room, the door closed by itself.

(End of this chapter)

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