Chapter 183: Sneak Attack on Senior Sister
the next day.

In the morning, Qin Hao got up early.

But Xia Moqing had already gone to the company, made breakfast and left a note.

"Brother, I'm staying at the company these days and will be busy for a while. You can take care of yourself at home."

Looking at the note on the table, Qin Hao smiled slightly.

He felt warm in his heart when he heard her performance above the clouds in the sky last night.

After finishing breakfast, looking at the dawn, Qin Hao jumped up to the roof and practiced silently in the direction of the rising sun in the east.

When the first ray of light alternates with darkness.

A wisp of purple energy crossed from the sky and landed on him, and was absorbed into his body. The purple mist on his forehead evaporated and soon disappeared.

After absorbing a wisp of purple energy, Qin Hao felt that his soul and will had been strengthened, his mental power was active, and there were faint wisps of purple energy floating in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"It's time to go to Kyoto."

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he turned into a sword light and escaped into the void, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

This is a direct journey to Kyoto with the sword.

Almost immediately he was above the clouds in the sky.

Riding on the sword light, he galloped away, leaving a long trace behind as the clouds broke through.

boom -

At this time, a plane happened to be flying over in the distance.

Qin Hao glanced at it, turned around to avoid it, and disappeared through the clouds.

At this time, on the plane, a little boy was looking at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window.

Suddenly, he saw a man disappearing into the clouds with sword light, and he immediately exclaimed.

"Mom, Mom, there is someone on the clouds."

The little boy pointed out the window of the plane and shouted.

His face was full of excitement and he shouted: "Wow, there is someone in the clouds."

The young mother on the side said helplessly: "Silly boy, how could there be someone on the clouds?"

"Really, I really saw it."

The little boy opened his big pure eyes and said anxiously: "I'm not lying, Mom, I really saw a beautiful big brother flying past on the clouds, stepping on the light, and disappeared in the blink of an eye."

People around him laughed dumbly, thinking that the child was talking nonsense.

"Who is there?"

His mother glanced out the window and said with a smile: "Stop talking nonsense and sit tight. How can there be anyone in the sky so high outside? And there can't be anyone standing on the clouds."

She is educating her children to discern facts.

But the little boy looked out the window, his eyes particularly bright.

"I saw it too."

Opposite him, a little girl about his age said something crisply.

The little boy's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Did you see it too? There really was someone flying through the clouds, right?"

"Yes, I saw it too. It's a very beautiful big brother. He seems to be stepping on a shining flying sword, just like the immortals on TV, flying with the sword."

The two children were chatting.

The adults on the side could only smile helplessly, thinking it was a joke by children.

None of them took it seriously, but little did they know that the child really saw that fleeting person.

If someone happens to capture this scene and post it online, it will definitely go viral.

Unfortunately, no one took pictures of the scene just now. Only two children saw it, and no one believed it at all.

At this time, among the clouds.

Qin Hao flew all the way with his sword light and soon reached the sky above Kyoto.

He dived, his body covered with a layer of sword energy and spiritual power that blocked everything out.

With a flash of light, he landed on a residential building.

There is no surveillance and no one here.

Qin Hao walked out of the alley, looked around, and found that he was in a community near where Han Ziqi rented a house.

"I wonder if she's up?"

When the name Han Ziqi was heard, Qin Hao's eyes lit up and he suddenly flashed towards the neighborhood where she was.

Soon, his figure quietly appeared on Han Ziqi's balcony.

He dispersed all his sword energy and mental power, and slowly walked inside.

And Han Ziqi really hasn't gotten up yet.

Seeing her sleeping posture, Qin Hao smiled strangely, quietly walked over and lifted the quilt and lay down in it.

"Well -" Han Ziqi was still dreaming and felt a warm embrace.She didn't pay attention at first, but suddenly realized something and woke up suddenly.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a man hugging her, which scared her so much that she almost screamed.

"Junior, why are you here?"

But when she saw that this man was the one she had longed for, she immediately hugged him in surprise.

Qin Hao leaned forward and whispered, "I came because I missed my senior sister."

"Senior, do you miss me?"

His whisper made Han Ziqi's cheeks turn red and she said "hmm" shyly.

"miss you."

She looked at Qin Hao with blurred eyes, and she really missed him.

"How much do you think?" Qin Hao said with a smile.

Han Ziqi's eyes were as charming as silk, and she smiled softly without saying a word, but climbed down quietly.

"Hiss——" Qin Hao secretly took a breath.

It seems that the senior sister really misses him.

The morning sun is exceptionally bright.

after an hour.

Han Ziqi looked at Qin Hao angrily, with lingering lingering expression on her face.

"Junior, you little scoundrel, you suddenly came here early in the morning to bully my senior."

She snuggled into Qin Hao's arms and whispered, "How did you get in? I remember my door was locked."

Qin Hao smiled and explained: "Maybe you missed me so much that you generated a magical force that pulled me directly from home to you."

"Keke - don't be ridiculous, did you get the key?"

"You are so bad."

Han Ziqi glared at him with some embarrassment.

This junior is so bad.

"Do you have class today?"

Qin Hao suddenly asked.

Then Han Ziqi exclaimed: "Ah, it's over, I have a class today and I'm going to be late."

As she said this, she hurriedly got up, but felt a burst of pain and discomfort in her body.

"Ah——" She cried out in pain.

Han Ziqi blushed and glared at Qin Hao: "It's all your fault. Really, you didn't tell me in advance so that I could be prepared."

She was getting dressed while talking, but it hurt a little.

After all, it's the first time, so it's normal.

"Please tidy up the sheets, I have to go to class first."

"Go buy breakfast yourself."

She was chattering, washing herself, putting on makeup, and explaining to Qin Hao.

This scene made Qin Hao smile constantly on his face and quietly hugged her from behind.

Han Ziqi blushed and said angrily: "Don't make trouble, I'm putting on makeup, I don't have enough time."

After hearing this, Qin Hao stopped making trouble and hugged her quietly to watch her finish putting on makeup.

"Seeing that you are well-behaved, I will reward you with a - wooden horse -"

After saying that, Han Ziqi kissed Qin Hao and then said, "You have my key. You can come over anytime. You don't have to wait for me at home."

She knew that Qin Hao definitely didn't come here just to find her. He must have something to say that's why he said this.

Qin Hao was moved when he saw her considerate look.

"Sister Xue, you are so kind."

He gently hugged Han Ziqi, and the two of them leaned away for a while before they had to let go.

Because if she doesn't leave, she will really be late.

"I go first."

Han Ziqi waved her hand and turned around to go out, but her walking posture was a bit weird.

Seeing Qin Hao's smiling face, he couldn't help but glare at him. He was a very bad little villain.

After sending Han Ziqi to the university, Qin Haocai walked alone on the street.

"Auntie, I'm here. You drive to pick me up. Yes, it's next to the university."

Qin Hao called Tang Wenjin directly.

(End of this chapter)

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