Chapter 167 Going to the Countryside
School, classrooms and dormitories downstairs.

Qin Hao stopped the car and looked at Han Xiaoqin who had not yet come downstairs.

He simply got out of the car and walked directly upstairs.

Arriving at the door of Han Xiaoqin's dormitory, she found that the door was unlocked, so she pushed it open and walked in.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a small suitcase in the living room.

But there was no sign of Han Xiaoqin.


Qin Hao called out in surprise.

Hearing no reply, he walked towards the room curiously.

bang bang --

"Teacher, are you there?"

Qin Hao knocked on the door gently.

"Ah, are you here?"

"Wait a minute, I'm changing clothes!!"

I saw Han Xiaoqin in the room replying hurriedly.

She was changing clothes in the room and didn't notice that Qin Hao had arrived.

Fortunately, he knocked politely, otherwise it would have been embarrassing to burst in suddenly.

Han Xiaoqin hurriedly put on her underwear, changed into a dress and tidied herself up before opening the door and walking out.

As soon as he came out, he saw Qin Hao sitting on the sofa.

"You came so fast?"

Han Xiaoqin said with some surprise.

Qin Hao smiled and said, "The teacher has an appointment, so of course you have to show up as soon as possible."

"Little devil, don't be naughty."

Han Xiaoqin glared at him coquettishly.

"Teacher, are you ready to go? What are the things?"

Qin Hao stood up and asked.

Han Xiaoqin pointed to the small suitcase and said, "It's just this suitcase, there's nothing else."

After saying that, she carried a small satchel and prepared to go out.

Qin Hao carried his suitcase, and the two left the dormitory, locked the door and went downstairs together.

After putting the things away, Qin Hao got in the car and started it.

"Teacher, where are we going?"

Only then did Qin Hao ask about the destination.

Han Xiaoqin smoothed her hair and said, "Let's go to Longyan Township. My hometown is over there. It's a bit far away. I'm really sorry to trouble you."

"a piece of cake."

Qin Hao smiled and shook his head, then started the vehicle and drove out of the school.

He checked the navigation, set the route, and then started driving towards Longyan Township with concentration.

Longyan Township is more than 300 kilometers away from Donghai City.

On the way, Qin Hao asked curiously: "Teacher, what are you doing when you go back to your hometown in the countryside? Why did you ask for leave? Is there something urgent?"

Han Xiaoqin looked out the window and turned around when she heard his question.

She nodded and said, "Yes, I need to go back for something urgent."

"My grandma passed away last night, and I need to rush back."

After saying this, she paused and said apologetically: "Originally, I wanted to go back by car, but because the countryside is far away and the roads are not very easy, I have to transfer three times to get there."

"So I can only ask you to send me a ride."

"Don't worry, you only need to send me to the entrance of the village. You don't have to go in to avoid getting into trouble."

She explained apologetically.

Qin Hao suddenly understood after hearing this and comforted him: "Teacher, don't say that. Please forgive me and accept the change. Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I will accompany you to see the old man off."

"Isn't this bad?" Han Xiaoqin hesitated.

She said gratefully: "Thank you for your kindness, but this is a funeral after all, you don't have to-"

But she was interrupted by Qin Hao before she finished speaking.

"Teacher, it goes without saying."

He shook his head and said in a sincere tone: "It is natural for people to grow old, get sick, and die. There is nothing to avoid. Besides, I am your student. I will send you to the entrance of the village, but not going in to see the old man off is a bit unreasonable."

"Okay, as long as you don't feel unlucky."

Han Xiaoqin nodded with some emotion.

Qin Hao followed the navigation route and the two arrived at the county town half an hour later.

When we arrived at the county seat, it started to rain heavily.

The next journey requires taking a country road, and it takes about more than an hour to get there.

"Qin Hao, it's raining heavily now, and the road ahead will be very muddy and difficult to walk. Why don't you take a rest in the county seat and wait for the rain to stop before walking?"

Looking at the heavy rain outside, Han Xiaoqin felt a little worried.Qin Hao thought for a while and nodded: "Then let's go to the county town to eat something and wait until the rain stops before leaving."

"it is good."

She nodded in agreement.

Qin Hao then drove around the county town and found a cafe to eat something and drink a cup of coffee.

Cafe, window seat.

Qin Hao and Han Xiaoqin were sitting there, drinking coffee and ordering some snacks.

"The rain is getting heavier and heavier. I'm worried we won't be able to go today."

Han Xiaoqin looked at the rain falling more and more outside the window, feeling a little impatient.

Qin Hao comforted him: "Teacher, don't worry, the rain will stop soon. I will definitely send you there no matter what today, don't worry."

"Well, thank you. It's so troublesome for you."

Han Xiaoqin turned around and looked at him with gratitude and said.

Qin Hao smiled and shook his head: "Stop talking about this, have a cup of tea and something to eat first, and we will leave when the rain stops."

"Okay-" She nodded slightly.

The two drank coffee and chatted.

This heavy rain lasted for an entire hour.

Finally, the sky gradually became brighter and the rain became lighter.

After watching the rain getting lighter, Qin Hao suggested: "Teacher, the rain is getting lighter. Let's continue on our way."

"Take it."

She didn't hesitate, nodded and stood up to take the bag.

The two paid the bill and left the cafe.

The condition of the rural road was not bad at first.

But after walking for more than ten minutes, the road began to become bumpy. It was no longer flat, but filled with mud.

Qin Hao was helpless in this way.

When driving the car, you have to be careful not to get stuck, otherwise it will easily slip and be unable to get out.

Moreover, the roads here are narrow and built on hillsides, making them extremely dangerous.

If you are not careful, you may overturn the car and go down the mountain, and you can have a meal.

Half an hour later, Qin Hao suddenly stopped the car.

It's not that I don't want to go, it's that the road ahead is blocked.

"It's over, landslides, rocks and mud have blocked the road."

Han Xiaoqin looked at the section of road ahead blocked by boulders and mud, with a hint of helplessness on her face.

This luck is really enough.

She smiled bitterly and said: "It seems that we can't go back."

There is no village in front of it, no store in back, and it is still halfway up the mountain.

Moreover, the road ahead was blocked, and the road behind was extremely dangerous and narrow, making it impossible to turn around and go back.

Qin Hao looked at the area with landslides of at least tens of meters in front of him. The car would definitely not be able to pass through.

But people may be able to do it. It would be dangerous for ordinary people to climb over, but Qin Hao is different.

"Teacher, don't panic."

Qin Hao comforted him and looked at the remaining distance. There were still more than 30 kilometers of mountain roads.

"What's next?"

Han Xiaoqin looked at the situation outside with a wry smile, and her heart sank to the bottom.

If you can't go back, you will retreat again.

Qin Hao thought for a while and said, "There are still more than thirty kilometers left. Let's leave the car here, get out of the car and walk there."


Han Xiaoqin's eyes widened and she exclaimed: "You're crazy. It's a mountain road of more than [-] kilometers, and it's slippery because of the rain."

"It's okay, just grab your things and let's go."

Qin Hao smiled, turned off the engine and got out of the car, and took out her suitcase.

Han Xiaoqin was shocked by his decision.

It actually takes more than 30 kilometers of mountain roads.

"Qin Hao, it's better not to take risks. Let's find a way to turn around and go back."

Although she was a little moved in her heart, she repeatedly dissuaded her because it was too dangerous.

"Teacher, when the old man leaves, will you turn back when you get here?"

But Qin Hao left her speechless with just one sentence.

In the end, she had no choice but to nod and agree to Zheng's crazy move.

We hiked over mountains and ridges and walked thirty kilometers back to the countryside.

(End of this chapter)

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