Chapter 124 Guess
Xia Moxue walked around the manor.

Soon, she wandered to the second floor.

Arriving in front of the study door, he looked at the study in front of him in surprise.

Various books were neatly placed inside, which aroused her curiosity.

"This painting looks so familiar."

She looked at a portrait hanging in the study in surprise.

It was a portrait of a woman, and it felt very familiar.

"Isn't this my sister?"

Xia Moxue looked at the painting in surprise.

The figure above is her sister, but she is dressed like an ancient woman, full of heroism, and exuding a special charm.

She was curious, who painted this?

Then she walked around the study room and saw pens, inks, paper and inkstones, many paintings drawn by Qin Hao, and some calligraphy.

We even saw a guqin.

For a while, I became a little curious about Qin Hao.

"Is this guy proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting?"

An idea came to her mind and she was a little surprised.

Music, chess, calligraphy and painting are not something that ordinary people can play well.

Moreover, looking at some drafts, calligraphy and paintings on the table, all proved to be written by Qin Hao.

She knew that although her sister knew a little bit about it, it was definitely not written by her sister.

She felt a charm from the calligraphy and painting, which seemed to convey some kind of artistic conception.

For example, the word "Tao" hanging on the wall in front of her gave her a vague feeling that Tao followed the natural way.

The word "sword" on the side exudes a sharp edge. Just one look at it makes you feel goosebumps all over your body, like the strange feeling of thousands of sword energy passing through your skin.

"I can't believe this guy is proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting?"

Xia Moxue was amazed and sighed in her heart: "No wonder my sister refused to go back to Xia's house for him. She is indeed quite capable."

She felt that if it were different, she might have made the same choice as her sister.

Qin Hao feels so good.

The whole body exudes a strange light and temperament, which deeply attracts people to explore.

"It's incredible. When I look at his calligraphy and paintings, I feel that they are more charming than those written by my grandfather?"

Xia Moqing concentrated on observing the calligraphy and paintings written by Qin Hao, and felt a strange feeling.

"Xiaoxue, come down to eat."

At this time, Qin Hao's voice came from downstairs.

Xia Moxue just woke up.

"Come on!"

She replied and turned to leave the study.

When I came downstairs, I smelled the aroma of food and my mouth watered.

"It smells so good-" She swallowed.

His eyes were staring straight at the food on the dining table. It was full of color, aroma and taste, and he was very appetizing just by looking at it.

"This, did you do it?"

She looked at Qin Hao with surprise, as if looking at something rare.

"Why, my cooking is not good?"

Qin Hao asked, holding the rice over in a funny way.

Xia Moxue shook her head hurriedly: "That's not what I meant, but I was surprised. As a child of a big family, generally speaking, you won't touch these things, right?"

"You don't have a nanny at home?"

She asked confused.

Qin Hao smiled and explained: "You don't need a nanny to cook rice and vegetables. Your sister did the cooking before, but now it's me."

"Oh -" she nodded clearly, and then said eagerly: "Then I want to try your cooking skills and see who is better than my sister's cooking skills."

As she said that, she added a piece of meat and put it in her mouth, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Wow, delicious."

She looked at Qin Hao in surprise and was greatly surprised.

The food this guy cooked was actually more delicious than her sister's.

For a moment, she couldn't help but feel a little jealous and said, "I'm a little envious of my sister because she can eat such delicious food every day."

"If it's delicious, eat more. If you want to eat, come often and I'll cook it for you."

Qin Hao shook his head with a smile and gave her a few more dishes. "Never."

Xia Moqing shook her head while eating: "I will definitely get scolded by my sister if I come here. We agreed not to tell my sister."

Qin Hao smiled and said nothing. In fact, he had just sent a message to Xia Moqing to mention this matter.

She was very angry when she found out that Xia Moxue secretly came here.

But Qin Hao persuaded her after some hard talking, otherwise he would have driven back and given her a meal of fried shredded pork with a leather belt.

"Where should we go to play after dinner?"

Xia Moxue asked while eating delicious food.

Qin Hao said casually: "I will take you wherever you want to go. Of course, how long do you plan to stay here?"

Qin Hao is still very curious about this.

Why did this little girl suddenly sneak up here?

"I, I will play here for a few days."

She hesitated before speaking.

"How many days will you play?" Qin Hao looked at her with a strange expression and reminded: "You can play here, but you can't stay in the hotel. Just stay here with me. Your sister probably knows you are coming."


Xia Moxue was so frightened that she stood up.

She looked excited and said angrily: "You, why are you like this? You promised not to tell my sister, but you actually broke your promise."

"Don't get excited."

Qin Hao was a little helpless, so he pushed her down and said, "Your sister is so smart, do you think she doesn't know if she sneaks in?"

"Stop fooling yourself."

As soon as these words came out, Xia Moxue fell silent.

She said with a grimace: "It's over now. My sister will definitely get a beating if she finds out."

"Don't worry, she won't beat you."

Qin Hao comforted: "I explained your situation to her and asked you to stay here for two days."

"However, you probably won't be able to hide the reason why you came here secretly."

He looked at Xia Moxue in front of him funny.

She shrank her neck and whispered: "I knew it. Damn it, they just want to relax and have fun, and they control everyone so strictly."

Qin Hao's expression changed, and he suddenly asked: "You couldn't have come here secretly because someone at home gave you a blind date, right?"


Xia Moxue's expression froze and she lowered her head to eat without saying a word.

Seeing this, Qin Hao basically understood and said with a smile: "Sure enough, my guess is good. It's really interesting. Why do you want to go on a blind date?"

"Hmph!" Xia Moxue snorted coldly and said dissatisfied: "Don't you know it very well? Isn't it like this when you are born in such a big family?"

Hearing this, Qin Hao couldn't help but sigh.

This is indeed the case. People born into a big family often cannot make their own decisions.

For example, marriage matters are all for the sake of family marriage, and there is no way to make the decision yourself.

This is the tragedy of a big family.

Don't think that there is no such marriage in modern society. The larger the family, the more attention it pays to the expansion and stability of family marriage.

"Is this what your mother meant?" Qin Hao asked curiously.

Xia Moxue was in a low mood and said irritably: "Don't ask, I'm annoyed."

"Okay, eat quickly."

Qin Hao smiled and said, "I'll take you to play when you're full. Don't think about these troublesome things."

"As promised, you have to block my sister when she comes back, otherwise I will never play with you again."

Xia Moxue reminded nervously.

"No matter how big the problem is, don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Qin Hao patted his chest and promised that it would be a trivial matter.

The two of them had enough to eat and drink, and then drove out in the car.

"I want to go to the water park."

In the car, Xia Moxue suddenly mentioned something.

"Okay, let's go to the water park."

Qin Hao nodded slightly, turned around and drove towards the water park in Donghai City.

Today, let her have enough fun.

(End of this chapter)

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