Chapter 108 Lawyer handling
Hospital, the door.

Qin Hao walked out with Su Can, followed by a beautiful lawyer in a suit.

Her name is Chu Ying, a gold medal lawyer in the legal department of the Daqin Group. She wears a pair of glasses and has a serious look. She is one of the best lawyers in the Daqin Group.

"Master Qin, according to the hospital's injury appraisal, Su Can's injury is not serious. We need to find an appraisal agency for appraisal to determine the level of disability."

She said sternly.

Qin Hao nodded and said: "This matter will be left to you to handle with full authority. What I mean is to sue and go through legal channels. Compensate those who deserve compensation, and impose sentences that deserve punishment. Even if it does not reach this level, we must give it to them." Bad files under criminal detention.”

"Yes, Young Master Qin."

Chu Ying wrote it down carefully.

She promised: "Don't worry, Mr. Qin, I will take care of everything."

"Well, I'll leave the matter to you."

Qin Hao nodded, naturally trusting the gold medal lawyer in his group's legal department.

After he finished explaining, he took Su Can and left.

Next, Chu Ying, a gold medal lawyer, needs to have full authority to handle this matter.

In the follow-up, Su Can will need to cooperate and go to the relevant agency to identify the severity of the injury, and then file a lawsuit.

"Does it still hurt?"

On the way, Qin Hao looked at Su Can sitting in the passenger seat and asked with a smile.

Su Can shook his head: "It doesn't hurt, but I feel a little ashamed that I asked my brother-in-law to make a trip."

"It's okay, boys, everyone has fights."

He chuckled and didn't care if Su Chan fought.

As a boy, most of us have had fights.

Fighting is normal, but it's not okay if you just find some gangsters to bully people.

That's why Qin Hao decided to take legal action to sue directly and see what the outcome would be.

"By the way, why are you fighting with them?"

Although the two police uncles had told the story before, Qin Hao still asked the person involved, Su Can.

Su Can was a little embarrassed, lowered his head, and his face was a little red.

He hesitated and didn't know what to say.

Qin Hao was surprised and asked with a smile: "Why, I'm sorry to say, are you fighting over your female classmates?"


Su Can's face turned redder.

This made Qin Hao's heart move, and he was sure that his guess was true.

He said in surprise: "Okay, you actually get jealous and fight over your female classmates?"

"No, that's not the case."

Su Can hurriedly shook his head and explained: "Brother-in-law, I am only in junior high school. How can I fight with others because I am jealous of my female classmates?"

"I saw a female classmate being surrounded and bullied by some gangsters on her way home from school, so I went to the security guard to help her out."

"Later, those gangsters held a grudge and found out my information from some male classmates from our school who were hanging out with others."

"Then they climbed in through the wall and asked the two male classmates to take me to the toilet and teach me a lesson."

He explained the ins and outs of the matter in detail.

Qin Hao finally understood and nodded clearly: "You did a good job. Don't worry about this. Those gangsters who dared to sneak into the school and beat the students committed a serious crime. They will definitely go to jail."

"As for those two classmates, they are considered accomplices and cannot escape responsibility. Leave this matter to me. You just need to cooperate."

He explained it this way.

Su Can nodded: "I understand, thank you brother-in-law."

"You're welcome."

Qin Hao waved his hand and was about to say something when Su Xixi called.


He gets on the phone.

Su Xixi's voice came from the phone: "Brother, how is the situation? Is Su Can okay?"

"Don't worry, he's fine. He just had a fight with his classmates. Don't worry, he's by my side."

Qin Hao said as he glanced at Su Can, his face was swollen.

But he didn't want Su Xixi to worry too much, so he said that Su Can was fine.

"Are you really okay?" Su Xixi asked worriedly.She was panicking now, so Qin Hao had no choice but to hand the phone to Su Can: "Tell your sister."

"Sister--" Su Can took the phone.

He repeatedly assured: "Sister, you don't have to worry, you don't have to come, I'm really fine."

"Yes, my brother-in-law is here. It's just a conflict with his classmates. It's nothing serious."

"I'm not hurt, really, I'm not going to lie to you."

Su Can blushed a little and had to panic.

In the end, Su Xixi felt relieved. She was relieved to have Qin Hao here, but she was worried that her brother would be injured.

Now when I heard Qin Hao comforting me that it was okay, I hung up the phone with confidence.

"Thank you brother-in-law."

Su Can looked at Qin Hao sincerely, with gratitude in his eyes.

Qin Hao shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "I just saw that none of your two classmates were fine. Even the little gangsters were not injured at all. You were the only one who was beaten."

"Looking at how thin you are, are you afraid to fight back or are you afraid of being beaten?"

He looked at Su Can's thin body and asked.

Su Can was silent for a long time and then sighed: "Brother-in-law, I know that doing this will look cowardly, but I know one thing better. If you win, you will go to jail, if you lose, you will end up in the hospital. No matter what you do, you will lose."

Qin Hao looked at him in surprise after hearing this, and secretly praised the boy for his good knowledge.

Indeed, if you win, you will go to jail, but if you lose, you will go to the hospital.

Regardless of whether you win or lose in this matter, you are actually losing.

Qin Hao patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "I understand this, but you can't hesitate when it's time to fight back. You have to know a little bit about the law and know how to act in legitimate defense."

"You come and practice martial arts with me."

He made a decision in his mind and wanted to teach this little brother.

"Practice martial arts?"

Su Can was stunned for a moment, pushed up his glasses and looked at him in surprise.

Qin Hao nodded and confirmed: "Yes, it's martial arts. Practice martial arts with me to strengthen your body. With martial arts, you can defend yourself and save lives in critical moments."

"Okay, I will practice martial arts with my brother-in-law."

Su Can agreed without thinking.

Although he didn't understand why Qin Hao proposed this, he knew that the other party would not deceive him, so he agreed.

"Then starting from today, you come to me on Saturdays and Sundays and I will come to you and teach you martial arts."

Qin Hao made such a decision.

"Okay, thank you brother-in-law."

Su Can was very grateful and had a deeper affection for this brother-in-law.

He said with some embarrassment: "Brother-in-law, can I practice martial arts with my body? I feel like a useless scholar."

"A useless scholar?"

Qin Hao was a little amused and corrected him: "In the pre-Qin period, every disciple and scholar of Confucianism had martial arts skills at his side and never left his hand with a sword. Who told you that you are a scholar who is useless?"

"Don't worry about this. If you practice martial arts with me, your body bones will become stronger day by day. However, practicing martial arts is to give you a means of self-defense, not to make you competitive."

"You have to remember this clearly. If you let me know that you bully other people after practicing martial arts, I will destroy you. Do you understand?"

Qin Hao had to warn him in advance.

Su Can nodded seriously: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, I understand this."

He is not a fool, of course he knows this, so he guarantees it without hesitation.

"That's good."

In this regard, Qin Hao nodded with confidence. He was most afraid that those who once mastered the power would get carried away and do whatever they wanted, thinking that they were invincible.

In fact, he is a fool.

Be low-key in life and high-key in doing things.

This is the basic quality that a true master should possess.

"We're here, go take a shower and change into clean clothes. I'll teach you martial arts later."

Soon, Qin Hao took Su Can back to the Qin family manor.

As soon as he got out of the car, Su Can was shocked by the huge manor in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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