Chapter 105 Mysterious Energy

Qin Hao returned to the manor alone, while Xia Moqing returned to the company to handle some matters.

He carried a bag upstairs, came to the study and put it on the table.

Opening the bag, it turned out that what was inside was the meteorite jade dug out from the mountain behind Daqin Ranch.

In the study room, a mysterious energy spread and immediately formed a special magnetic field.

Qin Hao tried it, but all the mobile and electronic things in the study were malfunctioning. No wonder the car always broke down on the way back.

It turned out to be the influence of the meteorite's magnetic field.

Only a mobile phone specially made for him by his sister-in-law Xia Moqing could still be used, but the Nuwazi system Linger on it suddenly appeared.

"Master, I can't contact the outside world. It seems to be blocked by some kind of magnetic field."

Ling'er said the news with a surprised look on her face.

She was isolated and unable to contact the mastermind and the outside world.

Qin Hao thoughtfully nodded and said, "Ling'er, does this magnetic field have any influence or damage on you?"

"There are masters."

Ling'er said hurriedly: "Ling'er's program is being interfered with by this mysterious magnetic field. Over time, the core system will be damaged."

"Okay, I understand, Ling'er should go to sleep first."

Qin Hao nodded and let Ling'er sleep first.

Then he took out the electronic equipment from the study one by one and placed them in the room.

As for the study room, it is enveloped by a special magnetic field and cannot use any electronic equipment at all.

This magnetic field energy comes from the meteorite jade from the sky.

Meteor jade contains a mysterious energy that can form a special magnetic field.

Qin Hao was very curious about this, so he planned to study this meteorite carefully.

He held it in his hand, trying to use his mental power to penetrate it, but was bounced away by repeated obstacles, and even his mental power was weakened one by one by the mysterious energy.

As a last resort, he had to withdraw his mental power, unable to see what was going on inside the meteor jade through this mysterious energy.

Qin Hao took out the Eight-sided Han Sword and gently struck the meteorite jade. A crisp sound came out, and there were waves of strange echoes coming from inside the meteorite jade.

Moreover, the edge of the Han sword actually had a trace of damage, which surprised him.

You must know that he spent a lot of effort to cultivate this eight-sided Han sword, and it was made of special materials that actually damaged the edge of the sword.

Although it was only as minor a hairline damage, it still shocked him.

The hardness of meteorite is far beyond imagination. No wonder it can pass through the atmosphere without burning up or exploding.

Really different.

"If the material of meteorite can be added and integrated into the sword, maybe it can improve the sword itself and bring about a greater improvement?"

Qin Haoruo had some enlightenment. Looking at the slightly damaged Eight-sided Han Sword, he suddenly felt an urge to add meteorite material to the sword.

Once this thought came out, I couldn't stop it.

But the key question is how to remove the meteorite material and integrate it into the sword itself.

This is a problem. Meteor jade is too hard and it is not easy to remove the material on it.

This can only be done with the help of high-tech equipment.

After thinking for a while, Qin Hao put the meteor jade into a sealed box.

Just put it in the study room. After all, the meteorite itself has special magnetic field energy, which affects electronic equipment and should not be placed elsewhere.

"Let my sister-in-law help me."

Qin Hao went downstairs and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Today he plans to cook a pot of "Five Qi Chaoyuan" medicinal diet to test the effect.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Xia Moqing returned to the manor.

"Brother, what did you cook that tastes so delicious?"

Xia Moqing smelled a special fragrance as soon as she came back.

This is the aroma of medicinal food, with a faint fragrance, which is very strange.She looked curiously at the pot of sticky stuff on the table, her eyes full of curiosity.

Qin Hao introduced: "This is a medicated diet that I found in ancient medical books. It is a supplementary medicated diet during Taoist practice. I heard that it can nourish the internal organs, increase the five qi, and beautify the face."

Hearing this, Xia Moqing immediately became interested: "Then I really want to try it. Is it really good for beauty?"

Qin Hao laughed dumbly and said: "Sister-in-law, Taoism has a beauty-preserving technique. Various prescriptions and medicinal diets are of great benefit to the body."

The two of them each filled a bowl.

Xia Moqing tasted it first, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

She was pleasantly surprised and said: "It has such a fragrant taste, it is really unforgettable, and when you eat it, you feel warm inside your body. It's amazing."

Qin Hao tasted it and found that it had a great nourishing effect.

With his powerful spiritual power, he discovered that after eating it, he acquired a strange vitality after digestion, which could actually be integrated into the internal organs and continuously nourished.

It is indeed as introduced, it can increase the five qi in the chest and nourish the five internal organs. It is an excellent supplement for Taoist qi refining.

Long-term consumption can definitely increase physical fitness, improve the five internal organs, and protect the five qi from all diseases.

"Good stuff, we'll have this for breakfast and dinner from now on."

Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction and immediately suggested.

Xia Moqing finished one bowl and filled another. She nodded happily: "Okay, this food feels fragrant and delicious, and it makes your body warm and comfortable."

"It seems to be able to replenish energy, and I feel full of energy."

This is her true feeling. Eating it to replenish vitality is of great benefit to martial arts practitioners.

"Sister-in-law, can you do me a favor?"

Qin Hao said something after eating.

Xia Moqing said in surprise: "Why are you so polite to me today? Tell me, what do you need me to do?"

"Didn't we bring back a meteorite?"

Qin Hao spoke slowly and said, "I would like to ask my sister-in-law to help me remove some of the material from this meteor jade. I want to use it to make swords and raise them."

"You want to use meteorite to make a sword?"

Xia Moqing was surprised. Although she was surprised, she did not refuse.

She nodded and agreed: "Okay, leave this matter to me. By the way, meteorite can really be used to make swords and raise swords?"

"Yes." Qin Hao explained with a smile: "This is a special material from outside the world. It is very light, but its strength is amazing. My Eight-sided Han Sword cut it with a hairline-sized gap."

"That's it -" Xia Moqing suddenly realized it, thought for a while and said: "Just in time, you can also help me recast my sword."

"Okay." Qin Hao agreed after thinking about it.

Although it would be better for him to raise the sword himself, he still agreed to his sister-in-law.

After all, my sister-in-law doesn't know how to cultivate swordsmanship, so there's nothing wrong with him helping her cultivate it.

The key is that some of her blood is needed to complete the connection so that the sword can be well nourished.

"Tomorrow, I will take Yuyu to Daqin Heavy Industry to help you see how to get the materials."

After Xia Moqing had eaten, she told her her plan to do it tomorrow.

"Thank you, sister-in-law, but remember to keep it a secret. Moreover, this meteor jade has a mysterious energy magnetic field that can affect electronic equipment. Please pay attention to this."

Qin Hao reminded me.

"Okay, I'll take it down."

She memorized them all.

"It's still early, brother, should we practice sword practice?"

She looked at the time and suggested practicing sword skills.

"What are you waiting for?"

Qin Hao smiled and got up and went upstairs. The two of them changed their clothes, then took the Eight-sided Han Sword and went to the yard to prepare for sword practice.

(End of this chapter)

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