Gao Lichun was dumbfounded: If he didn't unlock the marriage talisman, he could only live for three months? !

After three months of tormenting day and night, he will die and his husband-in-law will wake up completely and find another woman to marry? !
  Thinking of this possibility, Gao Lichun gritted his teeth and said, "Sure! I'll burn the marriage talisman when I get back!"

"The third thing is, after burning the marriage talisman, you need to find a nunnery to become a monk, and spend the rest of your life eating fast, chanting Buddha's name, and repenting of your mistakes."


Gao Lichun completely collapsed: "I don't! I don't want to become a monk!"

Xiao Luoyi didn't reason with her at all, and just gave her a cold look: "I've finished speaking. If you want to untie it, go back and burn the marriage talisman, then come to me with the money, and I will exorcise you. .”

"If you are not willing to give up the marriage you stole, there is no need for you to come."

I'm not your mother, so I'm still playing the trick with you? !

After the door closed, Xu Yinglan looked at Gao Lichun blankly: "Chun Niang? Are you..." Are you willing or unwilling?
  Gao Lichun glared at Xu Yinglan angrily and hatefully, but did not answer.

She was in pain and itching, but she didn't dare to scratch. If she scratched, pieces of rotten flesh would fall off!
  This is your own meat!

What will you look like after you drop it? !
  I'm afraid it's scarier than a ghost!
  Gao Lichun limped towards his village, and he could see blood stains falling on the road drop by drop.

Xu Yinglan wanted to send her off, but she was afraid that she would be infected with the malignant sore and be abandoned by her husband Chen Huaiquan. She could only grit her teeth and stand there, watching her sister-in-law leave.

Everyone watched Gao Lichun go away and talked a lot.

"They say that when people are bad, they get sores on their heads and pus on the soles of their feet. I saw it today!"

"What is a marriage talisman?" someone was curious.

"Oh, I heard that they were two people who were not destined to be together. One fell in love with the other, and the other despised the other. The one used the marriage talisman on the other, and the other was completely devoted to the other..."

"Is there such a good thing?" Someone suddenly became interested.

If I use a marriage talisman on my son, prince, and grandson, will I be able to soar into the sky? !

"What a good thing? Look at Mr. Gao, just because he used the marriage talisman, retribution has come! I heard that many people have been treating the sores, but they can't be cured. The flesh is falling off piece by piece..."


Someone couldn't hold it back and vomited.

Vomiting is contagious, and immediately several people couldn't hold it in and vomited all at once.

"You people... are disgusting!"

The people who didn't vomit suppressed their nausea and ran away in all directions.

Xiao Luoyi returned to the courtyard with a normal expression and found that the air in the courtyard had become fresh. Apparently Taoist Master Hongyuan had used magic to clean it.

She glanced gratefully at Taoist Master Hongyuan, then went back to the house to lie down and take a nap!

The Chen family yard is in harmony, but Luo Ma Slope is boiling with excitement!

Carloads of grain, cloth, cotton, needlework, shoes and socks were all delivered, five cartloads in total!

These are what the people of Luomapo urgently need right now. With these things, surviving the winter will not be a problem.

While everyone was overjoyed, they all had the same doubt: "Who is this kind person?!"

Everyone was talking a lot, but only the three brothers Chen Yanfeng were worried after hearing the price quoted by the delivery man.

The contents of these five carts amounted to exactly one hundred taels of silver.

Chen Yanfeng looked at Chen Yankang: "Did Qianer buy it?"

Chen Yankang felt heavy: "I'm just afraid it's her."

Besides her, who else could be so kind? And it happens to be one hundred taels of silver? !
  "Then how will she return to Beijing?" Chen Yanping became worried.

It's not that I'm worried about whether Chen Jingqiang's return to Beijing will go smoothly, but that if she can't go back, people like me will have no hope of going back!
  Chen Yanfeng sighed: "She doesn't want to owe us anything!"

By acting like this, she refuses to accept the favor and will not have to repay the favor in the future.

No more cotton shoes, no less, just one pair for each person. Clothing made from burlap and sewn with cotton inside can also keep out the cold.

There are bags of grains, which are enough to make porridge to get through the winter, and occasionally I can have a full meal.

There are even two vats of pickled vegetables for porridge!

How thoughtful is that?

Are you not planning to come back to take a look? !

As if the last spark was extinguished, Chen Yanfeng's entire back hunched down.

Cui Ermao looked at the carts of things with eyes, but he couldn't bear to reveal the things in front of Wen Dayuan. He could only watch them happily wearing shoes, sewing quilts, and cooking.

After nightfall, Cui Ermao wanted to call Chen Yanfeng over again, but Chen Yanfeng seemed to be dead, lying motionless in the shack and turning a deaf ear.

Cui Ermao was so angry that he couldn't help but slap Chen Yanfeng on the back with a whip, and said angrily: "Chen Yanfeng, you will never have to beg me again?"

The words are strong, and the whip is even heavier.

Chen Yanfeng was whipped so hard that he sat up, with a smile of surrender on his face that had been dead just now.

"I just fell asleep, Officer Cui, I'll come right away."

As if to declare his control over this group of refugees, Cui Ermao deliberately and loudly praised Chen Yanfeng that night!

"Master Hou, this is a good thing! That's it..."

"Ugh..." The former Marquis Weiyuan couldn't help but retched.

In the stillness of the night, the voices of Cui Ermao and Chen Yanfeng penetrated every shack.

Everyone's joy was like condensed leaf dew, and it also solidified.

Yes, even if we can avoid starving to death or freezing to death, what hope is there for such a day? !

Are you waiting for the former Marquis Weiyuan to find temporary peace by selling himself to please the officials? !
  Hou Qiaoyu stared straight at the dark sky outside the shack, as if her soul had left her body: How will she live in the future?
  she does not know.

A few days ago, she thought that she would soon freeze to death on a winter night and starve to death, but now she has quilts, can sew cotton-padded clothes, and enough grains to survive the cold and starvation.

But why do I feel more and more like there is no hope? !

"Mother... mother..." the confused voice of the youngest son Chen Huaijue beside him sounded. Hou Qiaoyu reached out and touched a hot and skinny body.

Chen Huaijue has a fever!

High fever!

Hou Qiaoyu was flustered: Chen Yanfeng hasn't returned to the shack yet.

She didn't dare to disturb Cui Ermao's happiness.

And even if you look for Chen Yanfeng, what's the use?

He doesn't know how to cure illnesses!

What else can I do?
  What else can I do...

Hou Qiaoyu subconsciously called her eldest son: "Huai Zhang! Huai Zhang..."

Chen Huaizhang was sleeping on a new quilt in his shack, hugging his concubine and not wanting to come out: "Mom, what's wrong?"

"Huaijue has a fever and his hands are very hot. What should I do?"

Chen Huaizhang was agitated: "How do I know what to do? I'm not a doctor!"

Besides, the third brother is always the first to eat, but never considers leaving a bite for others.

My mother loved her third brother the most. When she and Zhao Er were confused, all the food Zhao Er gave him went into his mouth!

Thinking of this, Chen Huaizhang became even more disgusted with his third brother. (End of chapter)

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