Xiao Luoyi followed Chen Huaijin and left Li Jinrong's house. In the space were the 3000 taels of silver and two hostas he had just obtained.

After walking to a deserted place, Chen Huaijin asked: "What you are doing today to repair the evil ways, will you be affected?"

Xiao Luoyi knew that her husband was worried about her, so he smiled sweetly.

"Don't worry, he has done many evil things. If I deal with him, I will only accumulate merit and won't be affected."

Besides, if he is made deaf, blind and mute, what kind of monster can he create to harm himself?

"But you used your own blood to draw the talisman..." Chen Huaijin looked at Xiao Luoyi worriedly.

Xiao Luoyi stretched out his pale pink fingertips: "What do you mean? Look, it's almost healed."

The peach wood sword released spiritual power to pierce the fingertip. The wound was already small, but it was sealed with spiritual power. How could it be so serious?
Chen Huaijin looked at it carefully for a moment before he really believed it.

The couple got into the car and headed home. As soon as they arrived at the city gate, they met the Sun family's carriage.

Butler Sun, who was driving the car, saw Chen Huaijin and said hello awkwardly: "Hello, Mr. Chen."

Chen Huaijin nodded lightly and motioned for them to leave first.

As the carriages passed each other, Sun Yuanxu saw the vague figure in the carriage next door through the window screen: it was Xiao Luoyi.

She is actually in Yongzhou Fucheng? !
After the carriage left the city and separated from Chen Huaijin, Sun Yuanxu ordered the housekeeper: "Go back and find out whose house Madam Xiao went to just now."

"Yes." Butler Sun agreed and asked the boy accompanying him to go back and investigate. However, Sun Yuanxu asked Butler Sun to stop the car and wait there.

After the boy ran away, Butler Sun cautiously asked Master Sun: "Master, are you suspicious..."

Sun Yuanxu's face looked very ugly: "How can it be such a coincidence? They happened to be in the city here, and something happened in the other village over there."

Madam Xiao is really capable. Her daughter was rescued by Madam Xiao.

"If it is really Mrs. Xiao..."

Sun Yuanxu was upset: "We'll wait until it's confirmed."

Not long after, the boy came back: "Master Li went to Leigong Village yesterday and today. Today he invited Madam Xiao. I heard that Young Master Li woke up just after Madam Xiao left."

Sun Yuanxu and the housekeeper looked at each other, their hearts trembling. After a while, housekeeper Sun asked dryly: "Master, what should we do next?"

How to do?
Regardless of whether Xiao Luoyi really took action or not, Taoist Wu Se's life or death was unknown, so he had to deal with it anyway!

Sun Yuanxu swallowed: "Go to the other village first. We'll talk about the rest later."

When he saw Wu Se Taoist unconscious and bleeding from all his orifices, Sun Yuanxu felt a chill rush from the soles of his feet to Tianling Gai!
Madam Xiao didn't even see Taoist Wu Se, so she could make Taoist Wu Se bleed from his orifices and become unconscious? !

The housekeeper had already invited a doctor to come and see him. The doctor gave him medicine, and Taoist Wuse woke up, but he couldn't speak, couldn't see anyone, or heard any sound. He was so frightened that he scratched around, and there was a "whoosh" sound in his throat.

The doctor shook his head: "Although this man's life is not in danger, he is deaf, dumb and blind. It will be difficult to recover!"

Sun Yuanxu and the housekeeper looked at each other, too frightened to speak.


As soon as Xiao Luoyi and Chen Huaijin arrived home, they saw Wen Dayuan leading Divine Doctor Lu out, with Divine Doctor Lu carrying a medicine box on his shoulders.

"What's going on?" Xiao Luoyi asked in surprise.

Wen Dayuan smiled bitterly: "Then Zhao Er is injured. I'll ask Divine Doctor Lu to come over and take a look."

"What hurt?"

Wen Dayuan stopped talking.

Divine Doctor Lu suddenly said: "Ms. Xiao, don't ask about everything."

Xiao Luoyi: "..." Okay, I understand.These are injuries that are inconvenient for women to know about.

Chen Huaijin glanced at Divine Doctor Lu's slim figure and said, "I'll send you there."

Divine Doctor Lu nodded, turned around and walked out.

When Chen Huaijin came back with Divine Doctor Lu, Xiao Luoyi immediately pulled Chen Huaijin into the house.

Chen Huaijin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I knew you couldn't help but be curious!"

Finally, Chen Huaijin said it.

It turns out that Zhao Er and Peng Jiayu were acting wildly because Qingyun wanted to take revenge on Peng Jiayu and Chen Yanfeng for making her kneel beside the bed to serve them.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Er was so sad that he accidentally twisted his waist. Peng Jiayu got up in panic and actually lifted Zhao Er off his body and threw him to the ground again!
Zhao Er's waist hit the small wooden stool beside the bed and broke!

Dr. Lu said that if it can't be cured, he will never have any feeling in the lower body for the rest of his life.

If a person is paralyzed, he will definitely not be able to keep his job.

Zhao Ergui cried like a wolf and howled, which was painful. He was also distressed that he had lost his errand. He was also afraid of the future, and it was even more regretful!
So Zhao Er cursed and said it was all Peng Jiayu's fault...

Wen Dayuan shook his head, saying "It's okay" and saying "retribution" in his heart. He found a car to take Zhao Er and Qingyun back to the city, but Zhao Er refused to take Peng Jiayu with him and left Peng Jiayu on Luomapo.

Such a big thing must be reported to the boss, so it would be prudent for another officer to come over and guard it.

Xiao Luoyi was dumbfounded and his eyes were shining: So exciting!So enjoyable!

Before Xiao Luoyi could say anything, Chen Huaijin lowered his big hand and covered her eyes: "Look at how excited you are! Are you so interested in this kind of thing?"

Xiao Luoyi pulled his hand down and gave him a flirtatious smile: "Hehe, I didn't make it to see the scene, but it was fun to listen to the story!"

Chen Huaijin's heart was aroused by her glance, and she turned over and started to do something random.

But suddenly a shout came from the yard: "Huaiyu, are you awake?!"

It's Zhao Zhi.

Rapid footsteps sounded, and Chen Huaixian rushed into Chen Huaiyu's room.

Chen Huaijin paused slightly, got out of bed, and ran out.

When Xiao Luoyi straightened his clothes and ran over, the room was full of people!
Chen Huaiyu's face turned pale, but he was still in good spirits. He was smiling at a room full of people, and his voice sounded weak: "How long have I been sleeping?"

"It's almost a day's sleep!" Lu Yingying's voice was as loud as thunder, but her smile was like a sunflower, and her molars were visible in the back of her grinned mouth.

Chen Huaiyu glanced at Lu Yingying and smiled more gently: "I'm hungry."

"Are you hungry? I'll bring you fish soup right away!" Lu Yingying jumped up and ran away.

The fish soup stewed in the morning was kept warm on the stove, just in case he woke up and wouldn't be able to eat it.

Doctor Lu sat on the bedside and stretched out his hand to feel his pulse.

The pulse is steady and much better than yesterday when the suturing was completed. It seems that the effect of this medicine is extraordinary!
This life is finally saved!

Divine Doctor Lu nodded with satisfaction: "That's right. If you can't get up during these days, just stay in bed and take care of yourself. It's proper to heal the chest injury."

My chest is open!
Don't be careless with such a big wound.

"Okay. Thank you, Divine Doctor Lu."

Chen Huaiyu smiled with a white face. The 16-year-old boy was now full of broken and fragile delicacy, which made people want to care and pity him.

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