You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 96 Completing small goals and tasks

Chapter 96 Completing small goals and tasks

"...Today I will discuss with you the sieving method in number theory."

"The most famous use of the sieve method is undoubtedly the proof of Goldbach's conjecture. Among them, the best result was obtained by Chinese mathematician Chen Jingrun. In 1996, Chen Jingrun published the proof of 1+2 in "Science Bulletin" Of course, this is definitely not the 1+2 we learned in primary school. Don’t get me wrong, haha~ This 1+2 is any sufficiently large even number that can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers or a prime number and a quadratic almost prime number. And, in other words, for any large even number N, you can always find odd prime numbers p', p" or p2, p1, p2, such that N=P3+P1+P2, N=p'+p""

"Here, Chen Jingrun proposed a new weighted sieve method...where Card() represents the number of elements in the set, and the first term on the right side of the inequality is the so-called weighted sieve..."

In the afternoon, Zhao Mo listened to a number theory class in the School of Mathematics and learned a lot.

The name of Master Chen Jingrun was reported by the country in numerous articles when he was in elementary school. But at that time, the impression was basically that "1+1=2" also needs to be proved?This seems like child's play.As he grew older, he began to think that 1+1=2 was not simple. It seemed to contain very profound secrets, including the mysteries of the universe, so these great scientists wanted to prove it.

It wasn't until he entered college that he realized that the proof of 1+1=2 was just a blind report by the media. In order to spread the news, they picked out the hot spots and publicized it. He had never thought of such a report. In fact, it is very misleading to many young people, which is really harmful.

"Goldbach's conjecture", the crown of number theory, was never proved by anyone until his rebirth, and it seemed to have become a real unsolved mystery.

After Master Chen Jingrun, it seems that no one can push "1+2" ​​forward.

It can be seen that many sciences are actually very dependent on "accidental". Without "accidental" genius, difficulties will exist for a long time.

The lecturer of this class was another professor. He was in his forties and still relatively young. His active thinking gave Zhao Mo some inspiration.

"The proof of the ABC conjecture seems to apply a variant of the weighted sieve method~"

At the end of class, Zhao Mo had a vague inspiration, but it was fleeting and there was no time to catch it.

Shaking his head and not thinking too much, he trotted to the playground.

"Brother Kai~"

When they arrived at the playground, Hu Kai was already practicing. Zhao Mo said hello and then started another day of training.

Let's go!
At the same time, on the Wudaokou intranet, there was a freshly released news that a group of leaders from the Ministry of Information Industry came to conduct research on chemistry and materials. It reported that everyone present at the meeting, including Vice President Chen, Professor Pan, Director Zhou and Zhao silent.

After seeing it, thoughtful people thought thoughtfully and thought that Zhao Mo's two material papers were indeed very important, more important than they imagined.

On the other side, after Chief Liu returned, he immediately arranged for his assistant to say: "Bring me the information on BYD and Tesla~"

The assistant didn't hesitate, and quickly retrieved all the latest information and sent it to the chief's computer.

"BYD was established in 1995, starting with rechargeable batteries; entered the lithium-ion battery industry in 1997; became Motorola's first Chinese lithium-ion battery supplier in 2000; went public in Xiangjiang in 2002; entered the automotive industry in 2003... BYD Currently, the fuel cell car project is being fully promoted, and Chairman Chuanfu Ge has issued a military order to officially launch it next year~"

"Tesla was founded in July 2003 and is headquartered in Silicon Valley. In the same year, it launched T-Zero with a driving range of 7 kilometers! Musk took over Tesla in 480 and is currently working hard to polish the first mass-produced model Roadster, which is expected to be launched next year... …”

Chief Liu is actually somewhat familiar with the information of the two companies, but this is the first time he knows it in such detail.

He keenly noticed that both companies entered the field of electric vehicles at almost the same time, and both aimed to launch their first mass-produced models next year.

The two companies are thousands of kilometers apart, with the Pacific Ocean in between, and they are so synchronized. If there was no special investigation, Mr. Liu can only think that this is the natural law of technological development, and it is the unanimous decision of geniuses with keen industry sense. make correct judgments.

Thinking again about the judgment made by Comrade Wang Gang in 2000, Chief Liu can basically confirm that if China wants to overtake in the automobile manufacturing industry, the opportunity will indeed lie in the field of electric vehicles.

Look, America and we both chose this path.

In addition, Chief Liu also keenly noticed the fact that Tesla launched an electric car with a driving range of 2003 kilometers in 480, using a battery pack composed of more than 7000 batteries!

He didn't understand how Tesla achieved this, but he thought of what Zhao Mo said during the day, "They are more technologically advanced and develop faster." Tesla was indeed much more technologically advanced than BYD.As for other domestic manufacturers, I'm sorry, but several major joint ventures can't develop their own brands. It's really nonsense to ask them to develop electric vehicles.

"This is a young man with extraordinary insight. He will definitely be great in the future~"

Chief Liu then thought of Zhao Mo and couldn't help but be surprised by his vision.

You know, Zhao Mo is just a freshman, and he doesn't have as many channels to get information, but he can tell so much with just a little bit of information, which shows how powerful he is.

Later, he read some of Zhao Mo's situation reports, and one of the things caught his attention: "Zhao Mo went to visit Mr. Qian years ago."

He recalled that Zhao Mo looked very ordinary, but his eyes were very bright, and he was still fresh in his memory.

"I don't know what Mr. Qian said to him~ Let's wait and see when Zhao Mo types up the report~"

Chief Liu thought secretly, and then said to his assistant: "You arrange the time, and I will personally attend the signing ceremony between Zhao Mo and BYD in three days. In addition, inform Comrade Xia Wangang of the matter."

The assistant was startled and didn't understand why he decided to attend a technology licensing signing ceremony in this short time. He suddenly said with an embarrassed look on his face: "You will attend an international conference in three days~"

Chief Liu said without hesitation: "Push it for me~"


Three days flew by~
Three days later, under the auspices of Wudaokou, Zhao Mo and Boatman Brother, who flew to the capital specifically to sign the contract, formally signed the technology licensing agreement under the watchful eyes of leaders and media.Click click click click~
The sound of the camera shutter being pressed came and went, and the scene flickered in a flash of light.

Afterwards, the leaders who came to the scene took a group photo with Zhao Mo, BYD Boatman and others. Of course, it was also used as material for subsequent reports by the media who came to the scene.

After everything was over, Zhao Mo looked at the time and saw that he had wasted two full hours. He suddenly had an idea: "I'd better ask someone to handle this kind of thing in the future. It's really not suitable for me~"

With the signing of the contract, the first [-] million funds were also transferred into his account.

The portion of the tax return will be deducted from the subsequent payment, calculated at 20%.

When Zhao Mo found out about this, he felt a pang in his heart. It was too much. No wonder celebrities like to evade taxes.Of course, it's a pain in the body, and you have to pay what you deserve. Zhao Mo won't be clever on this kind of issue. It's a matter of principle, and there's no need for it.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing a side task with a small goal. The completion rate is 168%. The reward is 168 attribute points and a mysterious blind box. Please confirm whether to open it?"

"What the hell? A side mission only has 168 attribute points?"

Listening to the voice of the system in his head, Zhao Mo had a question mark on his face, and he greeted the system in his heart with confusion: "Uncle, did you give me a zero less? Please confirm it!"

The system ignored him!
Indeed, only 168 attribute points are awarded!
"No, this is not in line with your usual style. Were you given thousands and thousands before?"

Zhao Mo scratched his head, feeling helpless.

After thinking for a while, he could only attribute the problem to the fact that the completion of this side mission was largely due to the low difficulty of the mission due to the battery rewarded by the system.

He didn't understand the 168% completion rate at first, but after thinking about it for a while, he figured it out. It was calculated based on the amount.After deducting 20% ​​income tax, the actual price of the two small targets is 800 million, which is 1.68 times of 168 million, so it is [-]% completion.

Of course, these may be his misconceptions, but no matter what, the reward this time disappointed him, so that the [-] million he just received is not very good.

On the way to the celebratory dinner, Zhao Mo looked at the attribute panel, added all 168 attribute points to the agility attribute in one go, and refreshed the panel.

{Iron Will System:

Host: Zhao Mo

Wisdom: LV8(891/100000)
Strength: LV7(370/10000)
Agility: LV7(538/10000)
Endurance: LV7 (470/10000)

Attribute Points: 0
Prizes: a damaged laser gun; a wireless charger; a bottle of Qingning spray (80ml)

Main mission: Become a great scientist on the level of Qian Xuesen and Einstein!

Side mission one: Wenchuan earthquake rescue, mission completion rate: 0%!

Side mission two: Mathematical modeling competition!Completion Goal: Champion.

Side mission three: Participate in the 1500m John Cup competition, goal: get the top three}
Then, Zhao Mo chose to open the mysterious blind box.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a chance to burst out with inspiration!"

"Haha, this is good, this is good~"

Zhao Mo was immediately happy. This should be the most important prize he has won recently. It seems that his luck has improved a lot since the last European Emperor lottery drew 3000 attribute points.

This time, he planned to treasure this opportunity and save it for important issues.

Last time he used it to solve the ABC conjecture. Although it helped him a lot, he still felt a little short of a loss.

The joy in his heart was naturally shown on his face.

Sitting next to him was the boatman. Seeing his reaction, he couldn't help but smile secretly: "You are still young~"

Isn’t it just [-] million?Is it necessary to succeed in this?

Needless to say, the dinner party is just a matter of human connection.

The next day, when Brother Boatman rushed back to Pengcheng, he heard the news that Zhao Mo had donated 1000 million yuan to Wudaokou to fund the teaching development of Wudaokou, and also donated 1000 million yuan to his high school alma mater to update teaching facilities and equipment. He donated 1000 million yuan to education in his hometown of Pingfu County, and another 1000 million yuan to establish a scholarship fund to specifically help junior high school students in his hometown of Pingfu County who cannot afford to go to high school due to family poverty and reward students who have passed the college entrance examination and entered university.

With this news, Brother Boatman knew that Zhao Mo was not happy because he had money, but because he was able to help others. He thought of Zhao Mo too superficially.

Now the total amount received is only 4000 million, and [-] million was donated in one breath. Is this something that ordinary people can do?

"His future achievements are limitless~"

When Brother Boatman talked about his opinion of Zhao Mo with Du Wentao, he commented with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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