You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 81: Amazement at the University of Nuremberg

Chapter 81: Amazement at the University of Nuremberg~ (First order requested)

The Spring Festival, as the most important traditional festival in China, has a lively and festive atmosphere, various customs, and delicious food.

During this year's Spring Festival, Zhao Mo's home was particularly lively.After returning home and during the Chinese New Year period, people came to visit me every day, including people from the same village, leaders of townships, etc.On the night of New Year's Eve and the first day of the Lunar New Year, Zhao Mo's house was also full of people.As the "mascot", Zhao Mo was very popular for a while.

Zhao Mo took the trouble and hated these vain people, but it was hard to say anything during the New Year, so he thought of a way. After sitting for a while when there were many people, he would make an excuse to call, or talk to his sister, and A group of cousins ​​went to set off fireworks and firecrackers.

The bright and gorgeous fireworks shined in the sky, lighting up Zhao Mo's yard and everyone's faces. Everyone was smiling, looking forward to good luck in the coming year.

And just when Zhao Mo was immersed in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival, the other side of the earth.

Hans Cat, Greater Nuremberg Region, Northern Bavaria, Erlangen. University of Nuremberg.

The University of Nuremberg was founded in 1743. It is a famous university in China and one of the top universities in the world. It is a member of the Alliance of Top European Industrial Managers Universities. It has on-campus medical schools, materials science, energy engineering, communications engineering, electrical engineering, etc. Hans Cat has been ranked among the top ten majors in China all year round. It has trained many outstanding scientists, engineers, and medical scientists, and has produced 4 Nobel Prize winners.

Chinese people may despise the Nobel Peace Prize and the Nobel Prize in Literature, but there is no doubt that the Nobel Prize in Science represents the world's top scientific level.

Christel, who has become a professor at the University of Nuremberg at the age of 40, can be said to be extremely talented.In addition, 40 years old is the prime age for academic research.Of course, all this is inseparable from Professor Christel’s consistent diligence and the Hans people’s unique focus and sincerity.

The Chinese side celebrates the Spring Festival, while the Nuremberg side has a day off for the Spring Festival and has normal classes at other times.

On this day, Crystal, who returned to the office after class, received a call from Flins, editor of the journal "Advanced Materials". Flins was an old friend of his, and he often came to him to review papers from all over the world. paper.

"Hi, dear Professor Crystal, we got two great paper submissions that I thought you would be interested in taking a look at~"

Flins said with a smile, his words were very familiar.

Crystal said calmly: "Flins, you are nothing like us Hanscat people, you are very much like those damn English and American people. If you still want me to help you review the manuscript, I miss you." We need to reorganize what we just said according to the habits of us Hans Cat people."

Flins said quickly: "Don't, my good friend, I will send you the paper right now. I believe you will like these two papers and give them a pass."

"Not necessarily."

Crystal still looked calm.

ding dong~
As the email sounded, he opened his computer and checked it.

Click in, and there are indeed two papers, one "Theoretical Discussion on a Topological Insulator for High-Performance Lithium Batteries~" and one "Theoretical Discussion on a New Graphene Three-dimensional Porous Carrier Loaded with Metallic Lithium as a Composite Anode Material ~", it can be seen that they are all related to lithium battery research.

Lithium battery research is a popular research field around the world. Especially in 1992, when Sony invented a lithium battery using carbon material as the negative electrode and lithium-containing compounds as the positive electrode, lithium batteries attracted many engineers and scientists. The influx of consumers hopes to obtain battery products with higher density, faster charging and longer life.

"Graphene? Topological insulator?"

Seeing these two words in her name, Crystal couldn't help but frown. Either of these two things was very challenging, and even impossible to achieve.

Especially the former "graphene". You must know that since its discovery, although it has been hailed as a star material and a future material, it has not yet achieved large-scale industrial preparation, and its application fields are also very few.The academic community predicts that it will take at least 30 to 50 years before this material can truly play its role.

Crystal then looked at the author of the paper.



Crystal was immediately stunned and rubbed her eyes subconsciously. How could the authors of the two papers be the same person?

Looking at the writing of this name, you can tell that he is Chinese.

"Are you from the mysterious eastern country~"

Crystal's brows frowned even more tightly, and her brows on both sides were almost touching.

"Advanced Materials" is a very strict journal. It only accepts top scientific research results related to the field of materials. The acceptance rate is only 10~15%. A large number of manuscripts are rejected every time. He himself does not know how many manuscripts he has passed. .Among them, the number of Chinese manuscripts has gradually increased over the years, and the number of rejections has also increased, which gave him a bad impression.

Crystal didn't recognize the name "mo.zhao" and was a complete newcomer in the field of materials. He immediately thought: "Doesn't he know that the standards for accepting manuscripts in "Advanced Materials" are actually very strict?"

bang bang bang~
While I was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

"Please come in~"

Crystal raised her head and said something.

The door was pushed open, and an Asian with a yellowish complexion walked in. He held a stack of homework in his hands and said hello with respect: "Professor, where are these homeworks?"

Crystal stretched out her hand and pointed to the empty space on the right side of her desk and said, "Lee, put it here~"

"Okay, Professor~"

"Li" nodded, then walked over and put down his homework, then turned around and prepared to leave.

"Li, wait~"

Crystal suddenly stopped him and asked: "How should you pronounce the name in China?" "Enchanted? Is the surname Zhao or Zhao? Mo, Mo, Mo?"

"Li" made him scratch his head. Professor Crystal's pronunciation was not accurate, and he didn't know how many times it was pronounced. He thought about it and didn't expect what it would be called.

"Professor, I don't know about this~"

"Li" shook his head simply, and then asked with a smile: "Professor, what's the matter?"

Crystal replied: "He wrote two papers for "Advanced Materials". I was the final reviewer, but I have never heard of such a person in the field of materials research in your country, so I want to ask if you know about it. .”

"Li" smiled and said: "Professor, I have a classmate who also pronounces it this way. His name is Zhao Mo, but he majors in mathematics. He published two papers in the "Chronicle of Mathematics" a few years ago, which caused some discussion. .”

His full name is Li Shijie.

If Zhao Mo were here, he would definitely recognize him as his high school classmate and best friend Li Shijie.

A smile appeared on Crystal's prim face, but she didn't speak. She just nodded to indicate that he could go out, then returned his eyes to the two papers and clicked to open them.

The next moment, more complete information about the author of the paper "mo.zhao" appeared in front of him. He was a freshman from Pudaokou University.

"Li, wait~"

Li Shijie, who had just reached the door, was stopped again. Crystal stood up from his position in surprise and waved to him, with an expression of disbelief written on his face.

"What's wrong, Professor?"

Li Shijie turned around again, feeling strange in his heart: "What's happening, so weird?"

Crystal looked at him: "Li, is your classmate studying in the Wudaokou Mathematics Department?"

"Yes, Professor."

Li Shijie had a strange look on his face and didn't understand why he asked this.

Until Crystal said in amazement: "Li, your classmate is really a genius. If there is no second person named Zhaomo among the freshmen of Wudaokou College of Mathematics, then he wrote the two papers just now. I didn't expect him to be in There is also research in the field of materials.”

Li Shijie: "..."

He suddenly felt a large shadow covering the sky above his head.

What's going on, Zhao Mo!I've already come to Hans Cat, but I'm still a head shorter than you and receive a critical hit from you?
"Yes~ yes, he is indeed a genius!"

After taking a few deep breaths, Li Shijie reacted, with a forced smile on his face.

After graduating from high school, through his father's operation and his own efforts, he successfully landed at the University of Nuremberg, where he studied materials science. Professor Crystal was the mentor he wanted to follow, and he only did a few things on weekdays. Please do little things.

He has become accustomed to everything here, and has gradually forgotten many things about high school.

Even though Zhao Mo successfully published two mathematics papers in the "Chronicle of Mathematics" a few years ago, which caused quite a stir around the world, there was actually not much of a stir here.Not to mention students, many lecturers and professors had no idea this was happening.He also paid attention to it because he and Zhao Mo were classmates, and then turned the page.

He never expected that today, he was just helping Professor Crystal move some things, but he would hear such news, which really shocked him.

There is no doubt that Zhao Mo can achieve such results, and he is happy for his old classmate.

However, from the side, this means that it is impossible for him to compete with Zhao Mo, which makes him feel frustrated.

Zhao Mo studied mathematics, so it was natural for him to get good grades in mathematics.He studies materials science. If he can achieve good results in materials science, then he can compete with Zhao Mo.But now, how to compare?He had just studied materials science not long ago, and he didn't know when he was going to get results. Zhao Mo suddenly jumped into materials science and got results. How could this compare?
Li Shijie thought helplessly: "Am I going to be suppressed by Zhao Mo for the rest of my life?"

Crystal naturally didn't know what the student in front of him was thinking. Seeing that Li Shijie admitted his statement, he said nothing more and waved to indicate that he could leave. Then he sat back down and began to review the paper seriously.

At this moment, he no longer had the initial thoughts, and instead began to have expectations.

If a person who studies mathematics enters the field of materials to do research, how big a spark will it create?
He first read papers related to graphene, and just glanced at the beginning. He was surprised because he actually saw a new structure, application, and theoretical model of graphene in the paper.Keep reading, starting from the source of inspiration, to building a model, and then to inferences based on the model. The paper is well-founded and has detailed data.


After reading this paper, Crystal immediately stood up, as if he saw a real graphene lithium battery waving to him.

Crystal couldn't wait to look at the second paper, the one about topological insulators.

"With the widespread application of portable electronic products and foreseeable many electric energy-driven consumer products, the requirements for higher density, faster charging, and longer life of lithium batteries have been growing rapidly. Lithium-sulfur batteries have a high theoretical specific energy (2600wh /kg-1), low cost, environmentally friendly and other characteristics... A topological insulator is used as an electrocatalyst to accelerate sulfur electrochemistry. The results show that it can effectively anchor soluble sulfur particles and form an inorganic structure with the adsorbed polysulfide. Seamless electron transfer channel..."

"Jesus, lithium-sulfur batteries? Is he going to change the world?"

Crystal's reaction was even more violent than before. He suddenly discovered that this paper was more solid and powerful, and it had a revolutionary impact on lithium-ion batteries in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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