You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 8 No, have you really learned?

Chapter 8 No, have you really learned?
There are no empty seats in the classroom.

Everyone is concentrating on their studies, even those who are usually naughty and mischievous have their heads buried in reading.

This is especially true for Zhao Mo, who is studying liver. With the arrival of his mother, chicken soup and two hundred yuan in cash, a stronger motivation arose in his heart, which was even stronger than the motivation to complete system tasks.At the same time, both physically and mentally, the fatigue caused by two days and one night of hard work dissipated and was replaced by full energy.

Another all-nighter, Zhao Mo persisted.

It was not until the class on Sunday morning that Zhao Mo felt deeply tired and dizzy.

This state was so bad that he was dozing off while eating, his head kept pounding, and he almost knocked on the dining table several times.

"Hey, Lao Mo, are you okay?"

Li Shijie, who was sitting opposite him while eating, saw that his expression was very wrong and asked quickly.

"I'm fine~"

Zhao Mo took a deep breath and shook his head vigorously to wake himself up. Then he quickly picked up the food and ate it all.

After eating, he told Li Shijie to leave first, then stood up and carried his lunch box out.

In the dishwashing area, he didn't even have time to wash the lunch box, so he turned on the faucet, poured water on his face with his hands, and then wiped his face vigorously.

The cold tap water stimulated the skin and nerves on his face, and Zhao Mo suddenly felt refreshed and energetic again.

Afterwards, after washing the lunch box, he returned to the classroom and continued studying without wasting any time.

Li Shijie, who came over later, was shocked when he saw this scene, and murmured to himself: "Good guy, are you risking your life?"

He thought about it briefly and found out that his deskmate had been studying intensively for four consecutive days. He heard from Yang Jing that he was the first to come in every morning and the last to leave at night. He even fainted once and went to the hospital.

What now?
I couldn’t help but doze off while eating, it was outrageous!
"Hey, Lao Mo works so hard, it makes me look lazy~"

Li Shijie then felt depressed.

Don't be afraid of comparing goods, just be afraid of comparing people.

But if he were to study like Zhao Mo, it would be impossible to kill him.

Finally, he shook his head and stopped thinking about such unpleasant things.

The afternoon classes were given to physics and chemistry.

Splashing cold water on his face gave Zhao Mo some energy. He was in good condition in the chemistry class at the beginning, but in the physics class later, his condition was not good and he returned to the state he was in during lunch.

After fighting for three days and two nights in a row, he was really exhausted, and he relied entirely on willpower to persist.

However, the physical fatigue cannot be stopped.

On the podium, physics teacher Zhou Yuanchao was giving an eloquent lecture. He was wearing glasses and a black leather jacket. He was very energetic and gave people a very exciting feeling.

Then, Zhao Mo was in the audience, even if he put his right hand down and pinched his thigh flesh with his teeth, his eyelids were still fighting, and his head couldn't stop bit by bit.

"... Let's do a question. A sufficiently long U-shaped metal frame with width L=1m is placed horizontally. The frame is in a vertically upward uniform magnetic field. The magnetic induction intensity B=1T. A mass M is placed on the frame guide rail. =0.2kg, resistance R=1.0Ω metal rod ab, the kinetic friction coefficient μ=0.5 between rod ab and the guide rail, the traction force F with a constant power of 6w is used to make the rod ab move along the guide rail from rest (rod ab is always in contact with the guide rail Good contact and vertical), when the resistance R of the rod ab generates heat Q=5.8J, a stable speed is obtained. During this process, the charge amount passing through the rod ab is q=2.8C (the frame resistance is not included, and g is 10m/s2). Find the rod The stable speed reached by ab? The time it takes for rod ab to go from rest to stable speed?"

Zhou Yuanchao turned his back to them, holding white chalk in his right hand and writing continuously on the blackboard. While writing, he talked and drew a simple schematic diagram.

Under the podium, everyone in the class stared at the blackboard attentively, listening to what he said.

I have good academic performance and am thinking about how to solve this problem.

Those with poor academic performance were either meditating hard or pretending, fearing that they would be called out by Zhou Yuanchao and asked to stand up and answer questions.

After finishing writing the topic, Zhou Yuanchao turned around and threw the unfinished chalk on the desk with his right hand. The drawn curve showed a perfect parabola.

He glanced at the students in the audience, thinking about whose name to answer this question, and his eyes immediately noticed an abnormality. Zhao Mo in the last row was dozing off!

"Zhang Wenfang also said that he has gotten better. Is this what she said he has gotten better?"

Zhou Yuanchao frowned, and anger suddenly arose in his heart, and he immediately scolded: "Zhao Mo, what are you doing?"

His voice was already loud, but this scolding made the classroom even louder, causing the classroom to shake, and the sound echoed, frightening the students.

Zhao Mo was the first to bear the brunt of this, his spirit suddenly lifted, and he subconsciously stood up.

"Did I doze off just now? I guess so, otherwise Lao Zhou wouldn't be so angry~"

He was thinking like this, looking at the exercises on the blackboard, and symbols suddenly flew around in his mind, and he blurted out: "Teacher, the power P=FV, when the metal rod is stable, F=F A + μmg, and F A =BIL, and according to the closed circuit Ohm's law I=BLVR, it can be solved that V=2m/s; according to the rate of Faraday's electromagnetic induction, E=φt=BSt=BsLt, because q=It=ERt=BsLR, so help ab The distance of movement from rest to stable speed is s=qRBL. From the conservation of energy, we get Pt=Q+12mV2+μmgs, so we can get t=1.5s.”


Zhou Yuan had a question mark on his head but didn't respond.


All the students below also had questions in their heads, what's going on?Did Zhao Mo just solve the problem verbally?Can't?
Li Shijie turned his head and glanced at his deskmate, then looked at Zhou Yuanchao on the podium, and muttered: "Did I hallucinate just now? It must be, he didn't move his mouth, I must have heard wrong. ”

"Am I right?"

In the front row, Yang Jing was stunned for a while, then she quickly took out a piece of scratch paper and started writing calculations on it, trying to figure out whether Zhao Mo's answer was correct or just nonsense.

But before she could finish the calculation, Zhou Yuanchao on the podium came to his senses, coughed twice, and then said with a serious face: "Zhao Mo, although you can solve this problem, but did you just Dozed off down there? Let me tell you, this is wrong, this kind of learning attitude..."

He came up with the question, and he knew clearly whether Zhao Mo was right or not. He was caught off guard.

He had no intention of asking Zhao Mo to solve this problem. He was just going to give Zhao Mo a stern reprimand, asking him not to fall asleep in class and not to think that he could not listen carefully because of his limited memory.Who would have thought that Zhao Mo solved the problem verbally as soon as he stood up, and it was very correct, which made him passive and looked like a fool.

Therefore, he felt that he had to talk about the serious issue of "learning attitude".

"Fuck, it was true just now. Did Lao Mo really solve that problem?"

Li Shijie stared at his deskmate in stunned silence. He looked at the exercises on the blackboard as if they were reading from heaven. He felt that the clouds were shrouded in fog. It was difficult to understand, let alone solve the problems.

No, I haven’t seen you in the past few days. You can memorize difficult articles. Now you can even solve physics problems like the Book of Heaven?
Is it so easy to learn?

"It turns out the answer is right~"

The calculation movements of Yang Jing's right hand stopped, and a look of disappointment and surprise flashed across her face: "I haven't figured it out for so long, but Zhao Mo is so fast, he is stronger than me~"

"Teacher, I'm sorry, it was my fault just now, I..."

Facing Zhou Yuanchao's criticism, Zhao Mo accepted it and then sincerely admitted his mistake.

However, before he finished speaking, he felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and then his vision went dark, and with a plop, he fell softly, and fainted again.


Everyone was stunned!

"Hey, Zhao Mo, are you okay? What's wrong with you?"

Li Shijie jumped up in panic and quickly went over to help him.

The stunned Zhou Yuanchao on the podium finally realized what he was doing. A trace of panic flashed across his face and he ran down at a sprint speed of [-] meters.

"Li Shijie, hurry, let's carry him to the infirmary together! Other students will review by themselves. This matter has nothing to do with you."

Zhou Yuanchao did not panic after all, and quickly stabilized the situation.

"Oh, good!"

Li Shijie responded quickly, and then he and Zhou Yuanchao carried the fainted Zhao Mo to the school infirmary.

After a while, the head teacher Qiu Wenjie rushed to the infirmary following them.

"How is it? Are you all right?"

Qiu Wenjie asked quickly as soon as he entered the door.

The school doctor who was still checking him didn't answer him. After a while, he turned around and looked at him and Zhou Yuanchao. His face was very ugly, and his tone of voice was even more aggressive: "I told you this a few days ago. Students should take good care of their bodies and don’t work too hard. How are you teachers? You fainted from exhaustion again this time. You don’t want these students’ lives to study. If you do this, big problems will arise... "

He sputtered a bunch of words, so hurriedly that both Qiu Wenjie and Zhou Yuanchao were confused.

"I didn't force him~"

Zhou Yuanchao felt very innocent and subconsciously looked at Qiu Wenjie.

"What do you see me doing?"

Qiu Wenjie was speechless when he saw this, and quickly explained: "I didn't force him. I saw him studying in the classroom at around [-] o'clock the night before yesterday, and I asked him to pay attention to his health and go back early. "

"Around eleven o'clock at night?"

The school doctor noticed this time and said dissatisfied: "This time is too late and it consumes too much energy. You teachers, especially you, Teacher Qiu, you are his class teacher. Don't ignore them for the sake of learning. His health is bad. Let me tell you, this student’s physical fitness is too poor. You need to pay more attention to it later."

Qiu Wenjie: "..."

Well, what I just said was in vain.

However, he also felt that the school doctor's words made sense. Zhao Mo's physical fitness was indeed a bit poor.It’s only been a few days since the self-study lasted until eleven o’clock. Is this unbearable?Yang Jing does this almost every day, and she has never fainted.

"Yes, I will focus on it later."

Qiu Wenjie said he accepted the criticism and would humbly make corrections in the future.

"So that's the case. I said I didn't put too much pressure on him!"

Zhou Yuanchao on the side wiped his sweat secretly and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did Qiu Wenjie have time to ask about the fainting process: "Teacher Zhou, what happened just now?"

Zhou Yuanchao said it in detail without hiding anything.

There was nothing to hide. He didn't do anything out of the ordinary, nor did he say anything out of the ordinary.

Qiu Wenjie didn't say anything after listening, but asked thoughtfully: "Teacher Zhou, you just said that you just planned to wake him up and didn't plan to let him answer the questions. He stood up and answered the questions on his own. ,is that so?"

Zhou Yuanchao said: "Yeah, I'm also surprised. How can he answer it and just keep it to himself?"

Hearing this answer, Qiu Wenjie suddenly showed a smile on his face and said happily: "Haha, Teacher Zhou, you are a fan of the authorities. Don't you think he has made great progress in his studies these days?"

"Is that right?"

Zhou Yuanchao was startled, and suddenly thought of what the Chinese teacher Zhang Wenfang said in the office that day, and he felt absurd in his heart: "No way, logical skills can also be learned by rote memorization?"

(End of this chapter)

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