Chapter 78
In the early morning, it was not yet bright, but the white snow outside made the light already very bright.

"Auspicious snow heralds a good harvest~"

Looking at the snow-white world, Zhao Mo felt particularly peaceful and relaxed.

It has to be said that although he has long been accustomed to a long-term regular schedule, he is actually extremely nervous mentally. However, just because he has overcome this tension does not mean that the tension has been completely eliminated.

To a certain extent, he can be said to be a warrior. He has overcome his laziness and tempered his spiritual will.

He didn't hesitate for long, and then he stepped on the white snow with one foot deep and one shallow, slowly walking towards the gymnasium and going indoors to start the day's morning exercises.

After running back and forth for a few times, he sweated a little, and his breathing began to become thicker and faster. Then he slowly stopped, and then did push-ups and sit-ups.

After the set, he wiped away his sweat and felt the healthy and energetic young body. An unnatural smile appeared on his face.

"Classmate, you are in pretty good shape~"

A senior with glasses who was also jogging here in the morning came over and greeted him.

Zhao Mo said: "It's just so so."

After he finished speaking, he felt that this person looked familiar, so he immediately recalled it, and then he remembered it. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly asked: "Are you Senior Hu Kai? The one who ran track and field at the Doha Asian Games not long ago? "

Hu Kai smiled heartily and said: "I didn't expect Zhao Shen of Shuyuan to know me. Haha, I feel very proud~"

Zhao Mo couldn't help laughing and said: "My name is Zhao Mo, not Zhao Shen."

It was somewhat embarrassing to be called Zhao Shen, and he was also a great athlete.If I were to use an emoticon to describe it, it would be the one who covers his eyes with his hands and sheds tears.

In 2004, when he was in high school, he was at home during the summer vacation, which coincided with the Athens Olympics.That time, our flying man Liu Xiang defeated many world famous players who competed with him in the 110-meter hurdles competition, broke the 110-meter hurdles record, broke the curse that yellow people could not win the track and field sprint championship, and successfully became the world champion. , become a flying figure in the world, and inspire the whole country!

At that time, he was extremely excited and regarded Liu Xiang as his idol, so he began to pay attention to track and field sports.

Hu Kai, a rising star, was a college student from Wudaokou. He wore glasses for sprinting and won consecutive good results. He broke people's inherent views on scholars and shocked him at the time. He was deeply impressed.

It turns out that a good reader can also be a good runner!
It turns out that you can run well even if you wear glasses!

It turns out that nothing is impossible in this world!


"Ha ha……"

Hu Kai burst out laughing again, and the Zhao Mo in front of him broke his cognition.

I thought it would be harder for someone like Zhao Mo, who is a top academic who is devoted to studying, to be more difficult to talk. Unexpectedly, he had a gentle attitude and was quite interesting to talk to.

Afterwards, the two chatted briefly for a while.

Only then did Zhao Mo realize why Hu Kai took the initiative to chat with him. He actually asked him to practice physical education. He said: "... Without physical education, without Wudaokou, our study is the main thing, but we must also keep up with physical education. This is called learning physical education. Don’t miss the right balance between work and rest.”

Zhao Mo coughed and said, "Are you sure that study and sports are a combination of work and rest?"

Wudaokou still attaches great importance to sports. Many big business people from Wudaokou are good at sports and can run marathons and track and field.

Hu Kai's smile did not change: "Participating in sports while studying is stressful. What is this but a combination of work and rest? Great men also said that a civilized soul and a barbaric body are the correct ways to be able to study for a long time."

Good guys, all the great people have moved out.

Zhao Mo thought for a while and agreed: "Participate, I will definitely participate, but I have to arrange it according to my own time."

Hearing what he said, Hu Kai suddenly said with a look of regret: "To be honest, I have been observing you for a long time. You have been doing morning exercises for the past half semester. You have good physical fitness, perseverance, and very strong willpower. You are a long-distance runner." What a good prospect. So I had the idea to recruit you into the team to practice together and participate in competitions together in the future. After knowing that it was you, I originally wanted to give up. After all, you are busy with academic research and are not suitable for practicing sports, but this After a few days, I thought about it, if even a scholar like you came to practice physical education, I think the atmosphere of physical education in our school would be better. As you know, those who practice physical education in our school are basically students with special talents in sports."

Zhao Mo listened thoughtfully and probably understood what he meant.

Later, he heard Hu Kaida say: "However, after listening to you, I also understand that my idea is unrealistic. I should focus on studying, and practicing sports should also focus on physical exercise."

Zhao Mo nodded and said: "That's it. Even if I participate and have an impact, in fact, most people will still do what they should do and will not really make changes. But senior, what's the point of sports?" You can also call me for activities or competitions, and I am still very willing to participate. Just for training, I really need to arrange it according to my own time."


Hu Kai smiled and agreed.

However, although he said this, he was actually thinking in his heart: "That's okay, the important thing is to participate~"

Not training and then going to a game?

This is definitely hopeless, and it is just for participation and experience. He does not think that anyone can participate in the competition and obtain good results without training.

Unless you are very talented!

He looked at Zhao Mo. He was 1.7 meters tall, neither fat nor thin, with a standard build. He was obviously not a talented player.

Afterwards, the two of them went back separately.After washing, Zhao Mo took his laptop and prepared to go to the library after breakfast.


On the way, Yang Chan appeared in front of him with a smile on his face, holding two bags in his hands, steaming out. He lifted one of the bags in front of him and said: "Here, your breakfast~"

Zhao Mo scratched his head and reached out to take it. At the same time, he couldn't help but said: "How can you buy me breakfast? If you want to buy it, I should buy it for you, right?"

Yang Chan said with a look of disapproval: "What's the point? Who buys it or not? Who stipulates that boys must take the initiative to buy things for girls? It's the 21st century now!"

Zhao Mo felt moved in his heart, and reached out to touch her head, and said with a smile: "Why are you so nice?"


Yang Chan raised her head, beaming with joy.

The two of them found a seat and sat down to eat. They chatted while eating and had nothing to talk about. They talked about study, life, family, and interesting things around them. They talked about whatever came to mind, relaxed and comfortable.

Zhao Mo experienced this feeling for the first time in his life, and it felt very comfortable.

I have to say that Yang Chan gave him a different feeling, completely different from other girls.

Women's weakness is destined to be emotionally weak, so boys usually take the initiative.

"I have to take the initiative too~"

While chatting with Yang Chan on the surface, Zhao Mo was thinking secretly.

After breakfast, the two went to the library together.

Yang Chan started her programming and asked him about the mathematical problems she encountered, which were related to computer recognition.This part is closely related to the issue of sensitivity.

"Now is the domestic primary election, and the last few top candidates will represent the country in international competitions..."

Yang Chan said softly.

Zhao Mo nodded and then started to calculate for her.

After a while, a mathematical model and related algorithms were listed to her, and he explained: "This is an algorithm I optimized based on the gradient training method. Take a look..."

He spoke carefully, and Yang Chan listened carefully.

The two of them had their heads next to each other, looking very intimate. I don't know how many single people were envious of them who were still studying in the school library.

Half an hour later, Yang Chan understood it and couldn't help but exclaimed: "This algorithm is amazing! Zhao Mo, I believe the program we designed together this time will definitely stand out and shock everyone."

The look of admiration on her face and eyes made Zhao Mo feel very happy. He smiled lightly and said: "This is nothing, don't fuck with me!"

Yang Chan: "What?"

Zhao Mo coughed and said: "Basic operations, don't call 666."

Yang Chan smiled and said angrily: "You always say some weird things that people can't understand."

After joking for a while, the two of them went about their own business.

Yang Chan wrote his own program, and Zhao Mo read his own book.

At noon, we went to eat side by side, and then in the afternoon we went to the laboratory together.

Zhao Mo greeted the people in the laboratory in advance and brought Yang Chan inside.

According to the designed process flow, Zhao Mo taught Yang Chan step by step to start the trial production work again, and reminded Yang Chan of precautions.It has to be said that although Yang Chan was a little confused at first, after getting familiar with it, Yang Chan is indeed more talented in being careful. He remembers and knows how to avoid many precautions better than him, and even reminds him in turn.

"You are quite talented in experiments~"

Zhao Mo praised her.

"Where are you going~"

Yang Chan said happily, but was not modest at all, and then asked curiously: "I see that your lithium battery also uses graphene. I heard that this thing is not easy to manufacture on a large scale?"

Zhao Mo couldn't explain too much, so he simply replied: "It's just temporary, not a big problem. If there is profit, we can actually find a way to mass-produce it, but the yield rate will be low."

"Oh oh~"

Yang Chan nodded, then stopped asking questions and concentrated on the fight.

(End of this chapter)

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