Chapter 70 Graphene?
"...σeCBA is the electronic conductivity of CBA, is φCBA is the volume fraction of CBA, τCBA is the tortuosity of CBA, which can be expressed as the formula σe/eff=σe/CBA...σeff/ion=σCBA/ion-..."


Looking at the physical formulas written on the paper, Zhao Bufan was stunned for a while.

Hey guys, what does this say?
Although Zhao Bufan is a master's student who is about to graduate, he is still studying science, but like most people, he is extremely troubled by mathematics. It is boring, boring, and very difficult.

He has no problem with commonly used mathematics.

However, it is a big torture for him to extract data from experimental data, use mathematical methods to make models, and turn them into formulas to form a theory and provide guidance for subsequent stage tasks and practical work.

He never expected that after just looking at his data for a while, Zhao Mo listed a formula for him and suggested that he refer to it.

At first glance, he seemed a little confused.

But after looking at it carefully for a while, he suddenly felt that the formula given by Zhao Mo was very appropriate. Not only was it basically consistent with his experimental data, but the theory was also clear. He quickly understood the work that needed to be done next, and was very confident that it would succeed. .

"What a genius summary!"

Zhao Bufan was so surprised that he stood up and turned to look at Zhao Mo, asking him: "How did you calculate it?"

Zhao Mo replied: "I calculated it based on your report."


Is this what I'm asking?
Zhao Bufan's expression was stagnant. He was about to explain it more clearly when he suddenly thought that this question seemed too stupid. If he figured it out, he would figure it out. How could he understand it after Zhao Mo said it?
Then he changed his words and asked another question: "Have you done similar experiments before?"

Zhao Mo was in a good mood and did not answer his still somewhat stupid question. Instead, he reminded: "Senior, I am a freshman this year and I have never done these experiments before."

Zhao Bufan suddenly felt embarrassed, coughed, patted his head, and said with a forced smile: "Look at my memory, I forgot!"

Then, he quickly changed the topic and praised: "As expected of God Zhao, he has great mathematical skills. These data and the relationships between them are invisible to you."

As he spoke, he gave Zhao Mo a thumbs up.

"It's okay~"

Zhao Mo smiled slightly and asked: "Senior, do you think I use those instruments?"

Zhao Bufan was startled, then laughed, and answered readily: "No problem, just keep it with me. If you want to use it in the future, just let me know."

"Thank you senior~"

Zhao Bufan quickly thanked him.

Except for simple and cheap instruments and equipment here, other expensive and sophisticated instruments and equipment cannot be used by him without permission, even if he has the reputation of being a genius.

Here, there are only a handful of people who can use these equipment, and Zhao Bufan is one of them. He is also responsible for managing these instruments and equipment, inspecting, maintaining, and using them.It can be said that even if he does not do research work, Zhao Bufan will be a high-level talent after he goes out.

Nothing else, just because he can use the many precision instruments and equipment here, such as composition analyzers, scanning electron microscopes, etc.

Now, with Zhao Bufan's permission, Zhao Mo can analyze it quietly by himself.

But before that, he had to learn how to use these instruments.

Zhao Bufan was short-handed and wanted to ask Zhao Mo to help him with the math part in the future, so he was willing to teach him and taught him very carefully.

Therefore, in the next three or four days, Zhao Mo did not do research. He ran over whenever he had time and followed Zhao Bufan to familiarize himself with the equipment here. He was the last one to leave every time.

After going back and forth, the two of them became very familiar with each other, as if they had known each other for a long time. Zhao Bufan even gave him an access sign so that he could come and go freely in the experimental building.

Everyone in the laboratory basically knows this freshman who works very hard here.Although he didn't have much dealings with them, and Zhao Mo didn't get close to them, after all, Zhao Mo was a person who had been specially reported by Xinwen Network and had a great future, so they all acquiesced.

On Friday, Gu Rong came here for business and was shocked when she saw that Zhao Mo, whom she hadn't seen for a few days, was able to come in and out freely and use some equipment that she was not allowed to use.

"How did you do it?"

Gu Rong approached Zhao Mo and asked in a low voice.

Zhao Mo, who was operating a scanning electron microscope, just looked at the computer screen and replied casually: "That's how it can be done."

When Gu Rong was about to speak again, Zhao Bufan suddenly rushed out from the side, holding a report in his hand and happily said to Zhao Mo: "Zhao Shen, it's done, my graduation thesis is finally done, thank you so much You! You have a share of the credit for this paper."

Gu Rong was surprised again and vaguely guessed the reason why Zhao Mo was so comfortable here.

"It seems that I won with my strength~"

Gu Rong thought to herself.

Zhao Mo didn't look back, he just said casually: "Don't flatter me, I just gave some opinions."

Zhao Bufan said: "Your opinion is worth thousands of gold. I plan to list you as the second author of this paper."

"This is really graphene material~"

Zhao Mo did not respond to Zhao Bufan. His attention was attracted by the scanned results. Combined with the test results of other instruments, he came to a preliminary conclusion about the materials tested today.

After three days of learning about instruments and equipment, he can already use them independently. Although it is a little slow and he has to be careful when using it, he finally knows how to use it.So before coming here today, he scraped off some powder from the battery and brought it over for testing.

Unexpectedly, in addition to detecting lithium, elements such as calcium, titanium, and nickel were also detected. As for the subtle structure, he discovered a porous carbon structure. After careful identification, he confirmed that it was graphene, which is composed of carbon atoms. grid.

This result, to be honest, is a bit unexpected and more of a surprise.

Sure enough, that battery was full of wonderful prospects!
Perhaps, it’s the legendary graphene lithium battery?

At this stage, and even in the next 20 years, lithium batteries are the absolute king in the battery field, and other sodium batteries are just a piece of cake.In the post-epidemic era, cars and airplanes will gradually be powered by lithium batteries, known as "new energy" and beginning to subvert the automobile era of fuel + internal combustion engines.

However, even at that stage, the energy density of lithium batteries has been continuously improved, and various structures and processes have been played out, but the essential principle is actually the same as it is now, and it has been the same since the moment lithium batteries were created. Yes, not much has changed.

It's nothing more than the release and recovery process of lithium ions, and then making a fuss about the positive electrode, negative electrode, electrolyte, and separator, and doing small upgrades or something.

As for the graphene batteries used by many manufacturers for publicity, they are more of a gimmick and cannot be compared with real graphene batteries.

A real graphene battery does not release current from graphene, but uses lithium as the core. The graphene charging electrode material uses its special structure and super conductive ability to accelerate the release and recycling process of lithium ions. The macroscopic performance is Fast charging and discharging speed.

But what about the graphene batteries on the market?
It's just that graphene is added as an additive to slightly increase the conductivity. In fact, it has not changed much from before it was added.

Zhao Mo vaguely remembered that in his previous life, at some time after the epidemic, a leader of a major fuel vehicle manufacturer publicly announced that he had developed a graphene battery that could be fully charged in a few minutes and that the vehicle had a range of more than a thousand kilometers. Then he was told by a Academicians of the Academy of Sciences publicly cracked down on the fake and said he was talking nonsense.

At that time, he had fun for a while, thinking about what these things were. No wonder he was defeated after the rise of new energy vehicles.

Unexpectedly, the battery rewarded by the system now actually contains graphene structure. This is really a big surprise!

System produced, must be a boutique.

Zhao Mo became more and more interested in this research.

"Zhao Mo~Zhao Mo~"

Seeing that he didn't speak, Zhao Bufan came over and called him: "If you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence. I will hand it over later."

Zhao Mo came back to his senses and asked with a smile: "What did you say just now?"

Zhao Bufan: "..."

"Ha ha……"

Gu Rong, who was standing aside, laughed out loud, and then quickly covered her mouth to prevent her from laughing too loudly.

It's still a familiar smell, and it's still a familiar recipe. Zhao Mo seems to be completely indifferent to his surroundings and can't hear what others say at all.

Fortunately, Zhao Bufan had seen Zhao Mo's concentration in the past few days, so he smiled helplessly and repeated what he had just said.

"It's better to skip it, it will affect your graduation."

Zhao Mo replied.

Zhao Bufan explained: "It won't have any impact, I'm just a creator."

Zhao Mo wanted to refuse again, but Zhao Bufan waved his hand and added: "Okay, listen to me this time." Then he turned and left.

Zhao Mo had no choice but to let him go.

It was just a second work, and it basically had no impact on him.

"Why did you come here today?"

Zhao Mo then looked at Gu Rong and asked her.

"I thought you thought I didn't exist~"

Gu Rong snorted softly and said, "Someone asked me to come over to guide modeling and simulation, otherwise you would think I came here just to see you~"

Zhao Mo praised: "I didn't expect you could even do this."

Gu Rong raised her eyebrows: "What else? Do you think I can only repair computers?"

The corner of Zhao Mo's mouth twitched slightly, and he barely controlled the urge to laugh, because after hearing these words, the idea that a college student who graduated with a computer major could not repair a computer immediately came to his mind.

He quickly shook his head and said, "Of course not. I thought your Yao class only studied artificial intelligence."

Gu Rong smiled and said: "Modeling, simulation and artificial intelligence are not contradictory. How about it, are you interested in coming to study with us?"

Zhao Mo coughed: "Don't! If artificial intelligence is to be realized, it cannot be achieved without advanced processes and materials. For now, we should just do basic research honestly."

"You have researched this too?"

Gu Rong was stunned when she heard this. Just when she was about to speak to refute him, a person flashed in from the door, grabbed Zhao Mo and walked out, and at the same time, a voice rang out.

"Now, follow me to a place to meet the person you want to see~"

(End of this chapter)

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