You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 50 not only understands a lot, but also speaks well

Chapter 50: Not only do you know a lot, but you also speak well (Thanks to classmate "Namo Oh Mi Tuo Buddha" for the reward and support)

Beijing, inside Wudaokou campus.

Early in the morning, Zhao Mo was called by Yang Jing as he was about to attend class.

"Zhao Mo, I read the paper over there and it's very good. Keep up the good work!"

As soon as they met, Yang Jing praised him and then took him to see deputy director Zhou Zuojian.

"Thank you, teacher!"

Zhao Mo smiled lightly.

Seeing how calm his reaction was, Yang Jing was even more impressed in her heart: "I am not surprised at the favor or disgrace! I am still very smart at his age, right? His achievements in the future will surpass mine."

When she passed by, she also asked about the quarrel last night: "What happened last night? The other party complained to the director."

She was surprised when she heard Zhou Zuojian talking about this in the morning. Because Zhao Mo was obsessed with studying these days, he had no time to quarrel with others, so she defended Zhao Mo in front of Zhou Zuojian.It wasn't until the complainant brought the students to Zhou Zuojian's office that she found out that there was actually a quarrel. She was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped to the floor.

Fortunately, Zhou Zuojian didn't listen to the other party's words and only asked her to call Zhao Mo over and explain in person.

Therefore, she had to figure it out now and find a way to talk to Zhao Mo.

Well, how to speak is a skill. Sometimes what is reasonable can become irrational, and irrationality also accounts for one third of the truth.

"It's nothing, I just don't like what the other person says~"

Zhao Mo smiled nonchalantly. He didn't expect the other party to actually complain, and he couldn't help but feel contempt in his heart: "That's it?"

Immediately, he briefly explained the cause and effect of the quarrel, and then said: "I will scold this kind of person every time I see him. When he comes to the director, I will scold him too."

Yang Jing couldn't laugh or cry and said: "You, if he wants to say something, just let him say it. Out of sight, out of mind, why are you scolding him? It won't do any good."

"Professor, I don't agree with your point of view."

After Zhao Mo listened to her words, he looked at her seriously and retorted: "If the broom is not available, the dust will not be swept away! This kind of thing has nothing to do with benefits, but only has to do with justice in the heart. It is because there are so many people like this that no one can The voice of justice has been raised, so a lot of justice has become dusty. People's hearts have become a little cold after this happened too many times."

Yang Jing was stunned for a moment, and there was a throbbing deep in her heart.

Zhao Mo's words were like a bolt of lightning striking her. She had not heard such impassioned words for a long time.

Yes, when did I become so philistine?

Is the voice of justice measured by benefits still the voice of justice?
After graduation, she has been teaching in school, doing academic work on one side and the daily necessities of life on the other. She has gradually become accustomed to it, and it can even be said that she has become numb.

She had not thought of the passionate passion of her student days for a long time, and even forgot that she was once like Zhao Mo.

"perhaps you're right!"

After a while, Yang Jing came back to her senses. She sighed, patted Zhao Mo's shoulder, and said, "I hope you can maintain this innocent heart in the future."

Zhao Mo nodded and said: "You can only stay true to your original intention. Professor, I can do it!"

“Only by never forgetting your original intention can you achieve success~”

After murmuring these words several times, Yang Jing's eyes became brighter and brighter. Finally, she clapped her hands and said, "Well said! Zhao Mo, what you said is so good. How did you come up with it?"

Zhao Mo coughed, this was not something he wanted to talk about.

"This saying comes from the Yan Hua Sutra. The original text is that only by not forgetting the original intention can you always achieve it. Living is a kind of practice. It also says that the original intention is easy to obtain but difficult to keep. If you forget the original intention, the illusion will be destroyed; don't be afraid of the original intention. Heart means being at ease."

Still, LV7's wisdom is not something to be trusted. Zhao Mo quickly found the source of this statement. He didn't know when and where he saw it in a street literature or martial arts novel rental bookstore, and then said.

Yang Jing was startled again when she heard this, and thought to herself: "Where did this evildoer come from and study Buddhist scriptures?"

It has to be said that Zhao Mo's performance once again refreshed her knowledge.

Not only do I know a lot, but I also speak well and can write papers. I really don’t know how I have such a big brain.

After a while, the two arrived at the director's office.

After knocking on the door and entering, Zhao Mo saw deputy director Zhou Zuojian. Sitting next to him was a fat middle-aged man and a tall, thin boy wearing glasses. It was the guy he scolded last night.

"Zhao Mo is here? Sit down, sit over here."

After meeting and greeting each other, Zhou Zuojian greeted him to sit down with a kind smile.

"Okay, thank you Director."

Zhao Mo sat down honestly and murmured in his mind: "They say Director Zhou is very strict, but he doesn't look harsh, but rather kind? Is it because my overall level of LV7 makes me look excellent?"

Seeing how Zhou Zuojian treated Zhao Mo like this, the stern and angry faces of the fat middle-aged man and the tall, thin man wearing glasses suddenly showed expressions of surprise.

They didn't expect that Zhao Mo was so valued by Zhou Zuojian.

"How can I complain?"

The tall, thin man wearing glasses groaned secretly and subconsciously looked at the fat middle-aged man.

Before the two of them spoke, Zhou Zuojian introduced them first, and then asked Zhao Mo: "Xiao Zhao, do you mind if I call you this?"

Zhao Mo smiled shyly and said it didn't matter.

Zhou Zuojian nodded, and then said: "They told me what happened last night, you can tell me too."

Zhao Mo glanced at the other two. The one wearing glasses turned out to be Lin Yuan, a senior in the computer department, and the fat, middle-aged man was a professor in the computer department.

Zhao Mo said: "The thing is like this... This Lin Yuan speaks unabashedly and insults the Chinese people. As a member of the Chinese people, of course I have to stand up and fight back. Otherwise, people who don't know will think that we are like that." .”

As soon as he said these words, Zhou Zuojian's entire face turned dark.

Yang Jing had heard him say it before coming in, but she still didn't look good this time.

"What? And this?"

Contrary to Zhao Mo's expectation, the fat computer professor did not scold him. Instead, he turned to look at Lin Yuan and asked, "Is this what happened?" Lin Yuan's face turned pale, he stood up in a panic, and waved his hands repeatedly. Said: "Professor, that's not the case. He said nonsense. I didn't say those words..."

Zhao Mo understood.

Good guy, why did Professor Tangtang have the nerve to go to their director to complain against him after hearing what Lin Yuan said? It turned out that Lin Yuan was behind the arrangement.

At this moment, upon hearing Lin Yuan's excuse, Zhao Mo said coldly: "Whether it's true or not, we'll find out if we call the people present at the time and ask."


Lin Yuan's expression froze and he was completely choked.

Zhao Mo spread his hands and looked at Zhou Zuojian.

Zhou Zuojian said with a serious face: "Professor Zhao, take your students back. This is a matter for your computer department, and we are not involved. However, Zhao Mo has no problem doing this, and I agree with it. If you still have If you have any opinions, please report it to the school leadership and please come back."

Professor Zhao said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, Director Zhou, this matter is our problem~"

After saying that, he forced Lin Yao away.

Zhao Mo didn't even look at the two of them, but he could still feel Lin Yuan's malicious eyes staring at him.

"It seems that Lin Yuan will go to MIT for further studies after the Chinese New Year~"

After the two left, Yang Jing suddenly said.

Before Zhao Mo could respond to the question, Zhou Zuojian had already said coldly: "No matter where he goes to study, I never care about people with such bad conduct."

"MIT? Mader is still a top student!"

Zhao Mo couldn't help but feel sick.

The butt is crooked, the more knowledge you have, the more reactionary you become.

Zhao Mo was almost convinced that Lin Yuan went to the United States to further his studies, so he would probably be a "traitor".

"Should we let that guy go?"

A thought suddenly flashed through his mind, but he quickly put it out, thinking: "Forget it, I've never heard of this guy before. He's probably an engineer from a big IT company. There's no need." Go waste this time."

"Zhao Mo, I read your paper."

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhou Zuojian started talking to him, talked about his thesis, and asked, "How did you come up with the idea of ​​writing such a thesis?"

Zhao Mo replied casually: "I just saw this numerical problem on the Internet and thought it was quite interesting, so I tried to solve it. Unexpectedly, I actually solved it."


Yang Jing was speechless.

Listen, do people speak?
But Zhou Zuojian laughed and said: "Haha, you, you, you are playing tricks with me here."

Of course he could tell that Zhao Mo just gave a random reason.

Zhao Mo chuckled.

Zhou Zuojian then asked about the idea of ​​​​proving the thesis. Zhao Mo didn't play tricks this time and said it to the point. Zhou Zuojian nodded repeatedly.

Finally, Zhou Zuojian said: "There is some hope of being published in the "Chronicle of Mathematics", but if it is rejected, you don't have to be discouraged. You can submit to other places, including domestic ones, such as Journal of Mathematics, Advances in Mathematics, Annual Journal of Mathematics, Journal of Applied Mathematics."

"Thank you, Director."

Zhao Mo nodded and said, "But these impact factors are low."


Zhou Zuojian and Yang Jing were stunned.

Zhou Zuojian said dumbfounded: "You are only a freshman, why are you anxious? Do you just want to graduate early?"

When Zhao Mo heard this, there was such a good thing in Wudaokou?

He quickly asked: "Director, can I graduate early? I don't know about this. How can I graduate early?"

"Go away~"

Yang Jing couldn't listen anymore and quickly pulled him out: "Teacher, let's go first."

Zhao Mo: "..."

"This little guy~"

Seeing the two people leaving, Zhou Zuojian couldn't help but laugh and curse. His depressed mood because of Lin Yuan's incident suddenly improved a lot.

This Zhao Mo was really trying to climb up with a pole, and he was a little overwhelmed.

Outside the door, in the corridor.

Zhao Mo looked at Yang Jing who had pulled him out and said, "Teacher, why did you pull me out? What I just said is true. If you can graduate early, of course you will graduate early."

"It's only half a semester and I want to graduate early. Are you done with advanced studies? Are you done with analysis? Are you done with differential calculus? Are you done with geometry? Are you done with discrete studies? Are you done with functions?..."

Yang Jing asked him with a crackle.

Zhao Mo coughed: "Oh, can I apply for early graduation after finishing these studies?"

Yang Jing: "..."

 Thanks to Soul of Autumn Leaves, Kankanh Book Yehao, Book Friends 20181124105709160 and other students for their monthly ticket support, and thanks to students such as Just Love Listening to Books, DENGFEI, Tutu and other students for their recommendation ticket support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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