Chapter 4 Dizzy?

"So sleepy~"

"Go to sleep~ Go to sleep~ There's no need to stay up like this~"

"No, I have to persist! It's April now, and the college entrance examination will be on June. There are still two months. I know only a little about high school knowledge. If I can't race against time, why should I take the college entrance examination?"

"Liver! As long as the liver doesn't die, let's do it to death!"


The fierce ideological confrontation made Zhao Mo's brain gradually swell and hurt. He held back and continued to study.

Of course, the study at this time is not just dead study, but also requires methods.

For example, if you don't know the subject of mathematics, you just don't know it. No matter how you look at it, it won't help, and it won't help if you try to remove the liver. So put it aside for the time being and look at other subjects first, such as English, biology, chemistry, geography, etc.Relatively speaking, these subjects rely more on memory. As long as you remember them, you can basically cope with the exam. The more you remember, the higher your grades will be.

The process of learning is a painful process and goes against human nature.

Zhao Mo had to do it all over again, and the pain was doubled.

However, from a reverse perspective, this process is also a process of overcoming pain.

I don't know how long it took, but Zhao Mo gradually couldn't feel the pain anymore...

The sky is gradually getting brighter.


As the rooster crows, the whole school wakes up from its deep sleep and gradually becomes noisy.

A new day has arrived~
There was a sound of footsteps, and Yang Jing came to the classroom first as usual.

"Huh? He really came over early and opened the door?"

Seeing Zhao Mo sitting upright for morning reading, Yang Jing's pretty face showed a look of surprise. Before she came, she was thinking that Zhao Mo should not oversleep this morning. The classroom door would not be able to open and she would be criticized by the teacher. .

Unexpectedly, Zhao Mo actually did what he said last night.

She ignored Zhao Mo, walked straight to her seat, sat down and started reading: "The old county of Yuzhang, the new mansion of Hongdu, the stars are divided into wings, and the ground is connected to Henglu..."

"Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion" written by Wangbo of the Tang Dynasty is one of the must-have articles in high school and must be taken in every college entrance examination.

The terrible thing is that this article uses so many allusions and idioms that it is extremely difficult to recite, so many students are never able to recite the entire text.

Yang Jing's reading sound woke up Zhao Mo. When he looked up and saw her, he couldn't help but sigh: "Sure enough, no one's success is easy."

They are all in the ordinary class, not the top class. Their academic performance is average for the entire third grade of high school, and Yang Jing is no exception.With Yang Jing's grades, she was finally admitted to the medical school in Shanghai and became a doctor, which shows Yang Jing's own efforts.

Zhao Mo didn't say anything, lowered his head again, and started reading.

As the time approached, classmates from the class rushed over one after another.

Zhao Mo took the time to wash his face, then went to the cafeteria to get two buns, munching on them while hurried back to the classroom to continue studying.

The high degree of exhaustion made him not in good spirits all day long, but he kept his head down reading, and the seat was in the last row. No one noticed his state, let alone that he had not slept all night.

Until another day passed, night fell again, and the time came to the end of the evening self-study. Zhao Mo, who was solving problems in the exercise set, suddenly felt dizzy.

"what happened?"

Zhao Mo felt something was wrong and was about to stand up and move around when he suddenly felt the world spinning and his vision went dark.

He collapsed to the ground and fainted.

Li Shijie, the deskmate next to him, was the first to notice. He was startled and immediately shouted: "Zhao Mo? Zhao Mo, what's wrong with you?"

"Who happened?"

"It's Zhao Mo, Zhao Mo fainted!"

"Teacher, it's not good~"

The classroom suddenly became chaotic. Everyone was shocked and ran over to check the situation.

Qiu Wenjie, the head teacher who had just returned to the office from his evening self-study, heard the students' shouts and ran over in a hurry.Then came other teachers in the office.

"Get out of the way, don't crowd around each other, let him breathe~"

Qiu Wenjie shouted loudly.

With his arrival, the scene was quickly brought under control.

After a while, the school doctor also came over.

After a brief inspection, the school doctor asked the students present for some information.

"He has been studying hard since yesterday, and he is also studying today. Except for eating and going to the toilet, he has not moved from his seat."

"Yes, teacher, even if we ask him to play basketball, he won't go~"

The classmates who knew some of the situation spoke one after another.

Yang Jing said with a scared look on her face: "Teacher, Zhao Mo was the last to leave the classroom last night and the first to come here this morning. Is he too tired?"

"It's possible."

The school doctor nodded and gave preliminary suggestions: "He is a little weak. I suspect it is due to low blood sugar, plus being too tired and sitting for too long, so when he suddenly stood up, he was in a coma due to insufficient blood supply to the brain. "

Qiu Wenjie quickly asked: "Is there no big problem?"

He was a little worried. Don't let Zhao Mo study so hard because of his "questioning" yesterday, which caused him to faint now.If this is the case, it might be an accident. If Zhao Mo's parents get into trouble, he, as the "initiator", will not be able to reap the rewards.

The school doctor shook his head: "That's not certain. Let's send him to the hospital for a checkup. Have you called an ambulance?"

Qiu Wenjie: "I've called 120. It should be here soon."

Five minutes later, the ambulance from the People's Hospital, which was only two streets away from the school, rushed to the school and took Zhao Mo to the hospital. Qiu Wenjie, as the head teacher, followed him consciously.

"Okay, okay, let's all disperse. Go and do whatever you need to do. Don't hang around here~"

Director of Education Lin Guodong also came over. Seeing that the ambulance had left, he immediately organized the evacuation of people.

"Zhao Mo must have worked too hard, and he even fainted."

"It seems that what he told Lao Ban yesterday is true."

"Not necessarily, maybe it's for Yang Jing~"

"Tch! I think he pretended to be fainted on purpose to attract Yang Jing's attention."

"Nonsense, can't the doctor tell if you're pretending to be faint? Don't spread rumors here, be careful if Yang Jing hears it and beats you."


"what's the situation?"

Lin Guodong had sharp ears and heard a lot of discussions. He thought it was nothing, but he didn't expect the content to be so unexpected. He was shocked.

Lin Guodong quickly stopped a few students and asked them in detail, and then stopped the person involved, Yang Jing.

Even though Yang Jing was usually very courageous, she felt very guilty when Lin Guodong asked about this matter. She hesitated and replied: "Teacher, he has written to me, but I have clearly rejected him. I really don't want to I knew he would be like this~"

The comments from her classmates put a lot of pressure on her, and she thought that Zhao Mo's fainting was actually because of her.

Lin Guodong took a deep look at her. Yang Jing, with her pretty face and tall figure, was indeed very attractive to those young and budding boys. He understood it very well, after all, he came here the same way back then.

"I see!"

Lin Guodong didn't dwell on the matter, and let her leave after a simple sentence. He was just thinking in his heart: "Ideological work before the college entrance examination still needs to be strengthened, especially the issue of puppy love. We need to talk about it carefully and promote it later." . It’s only been these two months, don’t make trouble at this time~”

That night, Zhao Mo's fainting became the hottest topic in No. [-] Middle School.

What followed closely was the rumor that Zhao Mo fainted because of Yang Jing's hard study.

(End of this chapter)

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