You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 322 He created double history

Chapter 322 He created double history


When Ragutanna announced the list of Fields Medal winners at the International Mathematics Congress, everyone paying attention to the conference became excited.

In our country, powerful online media have carried out live broadcasts, including Penguin, Mouhu, Moulang, etc. They are all waiting for the good news of this conference.

When the list was announced, it was impossible to watch the entire live broadcast because it was no longer visible and because it was all blocked by barrage and filled with excited comments from netizens. What is "awesome", "congratulations", "congratulations to Professor Zhao", "Professor Zhao YYDS", "Zhao Shen YYDS", "Zhao Shen is awesome", "China's first Fields Medal", "making history" "Etc., etc.

Yes, during the time when everyone was at odds with Zhao Mo at the International Mathematical Union, they did ridicule the International Mathematical Congress and expressed that they did not care about the "Fields Medal".

However, this does not mean that everyone will not be happy if the "Fields Medal" is awarded to Zhao Mo.

On the contrary, everyone is equally happy.

Such as now.

In any case, this represents an honor, represents the rise of our country's mathematical talents, represents the improvement of our country's mathematical strength, and also represents that our country's education system can also produce mathematics masters.

It can be said that this kind of behavior is a bit double standards, but it cannot be said that this is double standards behavior. This is essentially different from double standards.

Some netizens commented: "Zhao Shen won the Fields Medal as everyone expected. In fact, he could have won it three years ago. A proof of the ABC conjecture was enough. The reason why he waited for three years is just due to rule restrictions. , who made Zhao Shen’s debut a year late? But it’s not too late to get it now. Zhao Shen, who is only 27 years old this year, has become the youngest recipient of the Fields Medal since its establishment. The previous youngest was still Gao Shen. The Luji mathematician Jean Pierre was years old at the time, a full six years older than Zhao Shen! Therefore, Zhao Shen won the Fields Medal, which not only broke the record of no Fields Medal in our country, but also broke the record of no Fields Medal in our country. He broke the record of being the youngest winner of the Fields Medal and created double history!”

This comment received high likes and high replies.

Indeed, the 21-year-old Zhao Mo created the history of Fields Medal, which is unprecedented!

In the face of this amazing achievement, any excitement and excitement is understandable.

Elon Lindenstrauss, Stanislav Smirnov and Cedric Villani stepped onto the podium one after another and received the Fields Gold Medal.

In addition to the three people, another beautiful woman stepped onto the awards podium. She was Yang Jing, a mathematics professor who attended the conference on behalf of Wudaokou. She received the Fields Gold Medal on behalf of Zhao Mo.

Yang Jing walked up with a calm smile on her face, took the medal, then took a deep breath, smiled at everyone present and said: "I am honored to receive this medal on behalf of Professor Zhao today. Thank you to the Federation for the recognition! Here, I will also explain to Professor Zhao that the reason why he cannot come to the scene in person is because his wife has just given birth to a child for him and he cannot come away. So, please understand~"


There was an uproar at the conference.

Everyone thought: “So that’s it!”

A moment later, warm applause erupted again, this time for Zhao Mo alone.

When Yang Jing walked off the stage, she heard many people laughing and shouting: "Oh, God, it's so cool!", "Congratulations on becoming a father~", "This is really worth it" A happy thing~"

"I've given you this step, so everything will be fine later, right?"

After stepping down, Yang Jing's nervous mood relaxed, and then she began to think about the conflict between the International Mathematical Union and Zhao Mo.

What he said just now was approved by Zhao Mo.

In her opinion, this is a step Zhao Mo has given to the International Mathematical Union.

I couldn't come to the scene because my wife gave birth to a baby. I don't mean to go against you, so please understand.

But soon, Yang Jing changed her mind, knowing that this matter might not be easy to pass, because she remembered Lagu Tanner's explanation for "Zhao Mo" winning when he announced the winners.

Ragutanna was talking about the results of Zhao Mo's paper on bounded distances between prime numbers, not the results of Zhao Mo's ABC conjecture proof three years ago.

Although Yang Jing is not good at intrigues, thinking back to this point, she also knew that this was a trick played by the International Mathematical Union, and she deliberately came to squeeze Zhao Mo.

If they let Zhao Mo win the Fields Medal because of the proven results of the ABC conjecture, wouldn't it mean that they were at fault for the previous conflict between them and Zhao Mo?

The reason is simple. Their achievements three years ago could win the Fields Medal, and they were still at odds with Zhao Mo. This shows that they are picking faults.

On the other hand, now, they awarded Zhao Mo the Fields Medal based on the result of "bounded distance between prime numbers", which means that before this paper, Zhao Mo's results were not enough to win the Fields Medal. A paper appeared, so they put aside their previous differences and awarded the Fields Medal to Zhao Mo.

You know, they had a disagreement with Zhao Mo before the paper "Bounded Distance Between Prime Numbers" caused a sensation.

One after the other, there seems to be little difference, but in fact there is a profound meaning behind it.

In addition, this also has another meaning, that is, the selection of this session of the Mathematical Union is completely fair and impartial, and the work is also efficient.


"This is a little thought, hey~"

Yang Jing could see this little thought of the International Federation, and so could Zhao Mo, but he still had a smile on his face.

Later, when the time came for him to make his final report, Zhao Mo sat in his seat with a smile on his face, holding the little guy in his left hand, turned on the computer with his right hand, and began to give a report in the form of a video.

"First of all, I would like to thank the Federation for awarding me this award. I am very happy. Today, the report I am going to make is "Proof of the ABC Conjecture"..." Zhao Mo said with a smile.

There are two documents in the computer, one is "Proof of ABC Conjecture" and one is "Bounded Distance between Prime Numbers". The one he opened is "Proof of ABC Conjecture".

And as his explanation began, everyone at the Wudaokou venue and everyone at the International Mathematics Conference were all stunned: "..."

People from all over the world, including those who were interested in watching the live broadcast, were also stunned: "..."

Good guy, what are you doing?

After waiting for two and a half months, this is what they waited for?

That's it?

As long as the brain is still bright, it will soon be understood that Zhao Mo's report clearly responded to the International Mathematical Union's small thoughts.

Okay, you use the paper "Bounded distance between prime numbers" to give me an award and try to win over me; then I will just use this report on the proof of the ABC conjecture to win over you guys, and I won't suffer the loss!

It’s not like no one is thinking that maybe Zhao Mo didn’t mean it. After all, everyone thinks that Zhao Mo will win the Fields Medal for proving the “ABC Conjecture”. Zhao Mo must also think so, so he prepared this report.

Only Zhou Zuojian, who was sitting next to Zhao Mo, could see clearly that Zhao Mo did it on purpose. He saw the two reports on the computer screen.

"This guy~"

After Zhou Zuojian came to his senses, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He thought to himself: "I really can't suffer any loss at all!"

Small notebook, University of Tokyo!


In the office, Watanabe Shinichi and Sakamoto Ryuji are watching the live broadcast of this mathematics conference.

Seeing Zhao Mo brazenly holding a little baby and giving a report to mathematicians all over the world, and even taking out the report from three years ago, and it was the ABC conjecture that caused him eternal pain, Watanabe Shinichi was really unbearable, I couldn't help but slap the table and cursed: "Bagya Road!"

Sakamoto Ryuuji, who also couldn't understand it, but just frowned and raised his eyebrows, was startled. Then he looked at Watanabe Shinichi with a surprised look on his face. He opened his mouth but said nothing. He just thought in his heart: "So it turns out You haven’t really let it go~”

America, CIA headquarters!

"The reason for having a baby?"

Director McKinsey looked at Yang Jing's explanation for Zhao Mo at the mathematics conference, and now looked at the little baby in Zhao Mo's left hand. After muttering to himself, he couldn't help but ask his new subordinate Chelsea: "So , if it weren’t for his wife giving birth to a child, he would have gone to Asan Kingdom to attend the mathematics conference, right?”

Chelsea: "..."

No, BOSS, do you want to be so naive?

Others just say it casually, but do you really take it seriously?

However, he would not say this, and he did not dare to say it. If he said it, wouldn't it break the BOSS's hope? How can this be done!

So after thinking for a while, he replied: "It should be like this~"

"That's for sure!"

McKenzie nodded with a look of belief on his face, then looked at him expectantly and said, "So, Chelsea, is there any chance for us to transfer him abroad in the near future?"


Chelsea was speechless for a moment and then said in deep thought: "BOSS, our actions have attracted the attention of their intelligence department. I think we have no chance in the near future. However, I have investigated that the target person has relatives who are speculating in virtual currencies. An international student who has relatives in college who are preparing to take the Hans Cat test... He also has a younger sister who is in high school and is about to take the college entrance exam! Maybe we can do something in these areas~"

McKenzie was extremely happy when he heard this and praised repeatedly: "Chels, you are much better than Philly. Philly is just a stupid pig in front of you!"

Chelsea: "..."

Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.

"This little guy~"

Seeing Zhao Mo make a report from three years ago in front of mathematicians from all over the world, Academician Ma couldn't help showing a funny look on his face, and then he laughed and cursed.

Watching the whole conference today, the main thing is to see whether the Fields Medal will fall on Zhao Mo.

Although there was a lot of controversy during this period, the result lived up to expectations. Zhao Mo still won the Fields Medal due to his strength, breaking the history of China without a Fields Medal.

There is no doubt that he is extremely happy and proud.

Immediately, he looked at a document on the left side of his desk, picked up the pen and began to sign his name.

This is a document related to the selection of academicians. On the page he signed, the name, portrait and achievements of "Zhao Mo" over the years were clearly written. Next to it were recommendations from Principal Gu of Wudaokou and Huang Cheng, academician of Yan University of Science and Technology. support~

(End of this chapter)

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