You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 298 Who will guard the country?

Chapter 298 Who will guard the country?

"Professor, look at this, it's so shameless~"

The next day, when Zhao Mo continued to sort out the calculation data in the office, Cai Bin knocked on the door and came in. When the data came over, he also showed him this morning's news newspaper, with anger written on his face.

"Who is so shameless? Is it some ignorant professor who is trying to spite me?"

Zhao Mo looked up at him and asked with a smile.

Cai Bin said: "No, it's Nelson, the newly appointed director of NASA, who said that our aerospace technology was stolen from them, and clamored to sanction our space agency~"

So that’s what happened~

Zhao Mo suddenly lost interest. After saying "Oh", he lowered his head again to sort out the information and said casually: "You don't need to report this kind of thing to me in the future. I'm not interested in listening to their nonsense."

Cai Bin was startled for a moment, then couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, Professor."

Yes, nonsense!

They are talking nonsense!

There is indeed no need to report it to Professor Zhao anymore. If the nonsense is taken seriously, it would be such a waste of time and it is really unnecessary. Lu*Internet*Xun once said that wasting time is equivalent to wasting life, which is shameful.

Put down the information and prepare to go out.

Cai Bin hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but ask: "Professor, are you proving the Riemann Hypothesis?"

Hearing this question, Zhao Mo raised his head again, put down the pen in his hand, looked at him and asked: "Are you also interested in this conjecture?"

Compared with the question just now, mathematical problems, especially those who like mathematics, are undoubtedly more meaningful things to discuss with him, and he is happy to communicate with them.

Cai Bin smiled sheepishly and replied: "No, I didn't even dare to think about the Riemann Hypothesis. I just looked at it when I collected the information yesterday and it was related to the Riemann Hypothesis, so~"

Zhao Mo smiled and said: "You don't have to be afraid to think about it. You are also an outstanding graduate of our mathematics department, so you still have to have the courage to think and do it. When Riemann raised this question, he also went through years of research and precipitation. It was not just a matter of time. That’s how powerful it is.”

Cai Bin shook his head again: "Professor, I still know myself."


A look of disappointment flashed across Zhao Mo's face, and then he said: "It can be regarded as a study of the Riemann Hypothesis, but it has only improved a little bit, and the distance from the Riemann Hypothesis is still as far away as before."

Cai Bin said happily: "A little progress is also a great progress. The mathematics community has not made any progress on the Riemann Hypothesis for a long time."

He read the information that day, but didn't understand it, so he didn't know how far Zhao Mo's research had gone.

Now I heard Zhao Mo say that he has made a little progress, it is obvious that he has really improved!

Moreover, does Professor Zhao mean a little bit of progress?

Definitely not!

What is a little bit for Professor Zhao, is a major achievement for others!


Hearing this adjective, Zhao Mo felt indescribably speechless. Word abuse is a common problem in modern times, but this thing does not involve crime or morality, so it is hard to say anything.

In the end, Zhao Mo just said: "You still have to be careful when speaking to the outside world. Don't exaggerate. Use less adjectives such as great and important. Small progress is just small progress. Exaggeration will have a bad impact."

Cai Bin looked stern and responded quickly: "Okay!"

He could tell it was criticism.

"Don't bother me with this kind of news~"

At the same time, at the space agency, Director Ruan Min also said the same to his assistant.

He is also tired of NASA's nonsense and has become numb enough to ignore it.

Instead of NASA's nonsense, he might as well pay attention to the domestic response.

While coordinating the first test launch of the Chang-5B, we are always paying attention to the domestic response to this test launch.

Needless to say, the official media overwhelmingly praised this test launch, believing it to be a milestone test launch for my country to move from a space power to a space power.

The free media also overwhelmingly praised this test-launch mission, and like the majority of netizens, they made various remarks about "my country is awesome".

The only difference is the evaluation of the operation of launching BYD new energy vehicles into the sky in this test mission.

The official media basically did not comment on this point, while the private media were equally divided between supporters and critics. Those who agree believe in the country and say that it can save money and deserve encouragement; critics think that this operation is too confusing, too deviant, and a waste of our aerospace resources.

Ruan Min was a little troubled at first when he saw this. It wasn't until he saw a comment from a netizen, "Thank you BYD veteran for the Rockets," that he felt relieved and burst into laughter.

Live streaming and giving gifts are a new ecosystem that appeared on the Internet at the beginning of this year after the advent of 4G technology. Ruan Min's job does not allow him to have much free time to surf the Internet, but he is not an old man, and he is also good at surfing the Internet. He also sees some new things on the Internet, so he immediately got it after seeing this comment.

"Is BYD so famous?"

"I heard that I have invested in several small targets, so I must arrange for them to be on the cards~"

"I really don't poke!"

"This space flight gave us a big surprise, haha~"

"Taking a car to the sky? What a genius idea, I love it~"

"It seems that the country is determined to promote new energy vehicles!"

... Ruan Min also saw such surprising reactions and felt even more relieved. This represents the support and appreciation of the general public for this matter.

As for new energy vehicles, Ruan Min knew that it was his nominal boss who took the lead in promoting them. Although the response was not big in the past two years, they were very determined.

Professor Zhao Mo also contributed to this.

Thinking back, Ruan Min suddenly discovered something that was very scary when he thought about it, that is, Professor Zhao Mo's proposal to fly a car to the sky may not have been a whim, and the leadership team above did not agree to approve this "whimsical" idea for no reason.

"It is said that new energy vehicles were proposed by Mr. Qian a long time ago, but unfortunately he has passed away~"

Thinking about it, Director Ruan Min couldn't help but think of Qian Lao, the guide in the aerospace field, and missed him very much.

After the National Day last year, one day before the end of the year, Mr. Qian finally ran out of fuel and passed away, leaving for another world. The aerospace field lacks a strategic scientist who can point out the development route for the next fifty years. China has lost a great scientist who is the Optimus Prime.

There are fewer scientists at this level, and they can only work as a team, work together, and use their collective talents to peek into the future.

He thought with emotion: "Zhao Mo does have hope, but maybe there will be no one left in the future~"

No matter what, the work must continue.

As a manager, these are not his concerns, but those of General Master Wang, Academician Shilong, Academician Li, Professor Zhao Mo and others.

Subsequently, all his work focus was devoted to the test launch mission of Long March 5B.

This mission is crucial. It is not only the test launch of a rocket, but also the test launch of the YF-1000 high-thrust engine and the first use of the Wenchang launch site. Triple verification, nothing else can compare with it.

From top to bottom, everyone knows the importance of this mission, so no one dares to be careless.

Suddenly, everyone was united.

Soon, ten days later, the engine and rocket body were transported to Wenchang by sea.

The engine is new and has been around for a while.

After the test run went on for a certain period of time, Zhao Mo reported the situation to the superiors and suggested that some new ones could be built to save follow-up time.

BYD also worked overtime to build a special new energy vehicle model and began to bring it to the Wenchang launch site under the arrangement of the space agency.

At the same time, the super communications satellite weighing 20 tons was also transferred, waiting for the first launch mission after the successful test launch.

Along with this big guy, there are other satellite equipment, secret experimental equipment, etc.

If the thrust is sufficient, it is definitely necessary to launch more equipment at once, so as to reduce the launch cost and improve the cost performance.

For this test launch, publicity was very important. Reports started from the time the test launch date was selected in the early stage. Naturally, the transfer process also needed to be reported. It was very intensive, and it was difficult to follow up the report.

The intensive reports naturally attracted the attention of more and more Chinese people, who began to pay attention to this launch.

Then, after the reservation for on-site visits was opened, the registration channel on the Internet was immediately blocked, and it was full in one morning, causing countless netizens to complain, hating their slow Internet speed and slow hand speed.

Of course, this does not stop netizens who have a strong interest in watching.

In the early days of the launch, many people posted messages on the Internet saying that they had set off to travel to the south of the sea, waiting for the launch to watch there, and even brought telescopes with them.

Immediately, it attracted many netizens to watch, and they all commented below saying "quick update".

This is to regard these netizens who can go to the scene as their own eyes, watching instead of themselves who cannot go to the scene.

The end of April is coming soon~

At this time, Zhao Mo finally completed the refinement of the draft calculation and formed the final paper.

When he was thinking about which journal to publish, or just publish it online, Director Ruan Min of the Space Administration came together and took him away, and went to Wenchang to keep an eye on him.

"If you don't want to go, you have to go!"

These were the two people's exact words, and Zhao Mo was not allowed to refuse for the third time.

Yes, Zhao Mo didn't want to go to Wenchang to watch the launch. He could just watch from a distance. The work he should do had already been done, so Director Ruan Min made two phone calls and invited him but he rejected it.


Zhao Mo had no choice but to pack up his things and prepare to follow them.

Before leaving, assistant Cai Bin came over and reported: "Professor, the International Congress of Mathematicians has sent you an invitation letter, inviting you to attend this year's Congress of Mathematicians in Asan Kingdom..."

"A Sanguo?"

When Zhao Mo heard about this place, he immediately refused and said, "Reject them, I won't go."

Cai Bin: "..."

Boss, did you not hear what I just said clearly?

(End of this chapter)

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