Chapter 296 Riemann Hypothesis?

America's official announcement is still credible.

Especially when the president of America stood up and made an official announcement, this credibility became even more credible.

Although many people sneered, more people still believed it, probably about 28%.

Even domestic scientific researchers and veterans in the aerospace field have a cautious attitude and positive comments when interviewed by the media. Not to mention that the Internet was almost full of celebration, and there was no sign of the cynicism when the Ares rocket project failed, let alone the doubts about NASA's official announcement at that time.

This is America's appearance during this period. Although it has been declining, not many people can see it.

The decline is very slow, measured in decades.

Only after seeing their capricious and unfaithful faces later, most people will wake up and realize that America's official announcement is not much different from fart.

Even though he is a president, he is just a puppet of the shadow government.

After coming out of the space agency, Brother Boatman went to Wudaokou to find Zhao Mo.

On the way, he paid attention to the news on Weibo and saw the heated discussion among netizens about America's official announcement of going to Mars. They all gave positive comments, and some even commented on it as "the light of humanity".

"Light of humanity? Hey~"

There is an indescribable feeling in the boatman's heart. He is sad that we are still far behind. He is also happy that we are catching up at all, and now we have almost finished the high-thrust rocket.

As for those words that require reflection, catching up, and facing up to the gap, Weibo is full of them.

Can't see it.

I can't even see it!

Brother Boatman usually doesn't pay attention to these things. Unless he sees it occasionally, he won't bother to read about such current events all year round. Today I also have to cooperate with the space agency, so I pay special attention to it.

He regretted it a little. He had known better than to watch it earlier. He felt that his soul was polluted.

"Let our people pay attention to the space agency's Weibo and start publicity as soon as the cooperation is finalized~"

The boatman put his phone away and then told his secretary.


The secretary responded and immediately sent a message to the person in charge of the public relations department who operates the Weibo account.

Within ten minutes, before the car entered Wudaokou, BYD’s official account had already followed the space agency’s Weibo account.

The secretary nodded, and just as he was about to report, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly handed the phone to the boatman and said: "Boss, the space agency has rejected us and sent a message saying that it will launch the Long March 5B in the near future. Launch vehicle! They also released the Long March 5B propaganda poster!"

"So fast?"

The boatman was a little surprised. Government departments are known to be slow in doing things and have to follow procedures.

I opened my eyes and took a look. Sure enough, as the secretary said, the space agency's Weibo account had closed BYD and released a lot of information.

This is a huge amount of information, super huge!

Even with just a brief glance at Brother Boatman's city, he was shocked. He subconsciously sat up straight, then took his phone and clicked on the Weibo to study it carefully.

"The Long March 5B launch vehicle is the latest heavy-duty launch vehicle developed by our country. It is the basic version of the Chang 5 series of launch vehicles. There are also upgraded super-heavy launch vehicles such as the Chang 5A and the Chang 5S..."

"The advent of the Chang-5 series of rockets is a milestone in my country's aerospace strategy. It will greatly enhance our country's deep space exploration capabilities and provide strong support for the subsequent construction of the Tiangong Space Station, manned moon landings, and the construction of lunar bases... …”


"...My friends, if you have any questions or other aerospace knowledge, please stay tuned to us~"

The posters are made with a sense of science fiction, but also realistic, warm and a little naughty. At first glance, they are masterpieces of the post-80s generation.

"Hiss~ The heavy-lift launch vehicle is just the basic version. Are there also super-heavy A and S?"

The boatman took a breath when he saw it, with a look of disbelief on his face, and then murmured to himself: "Sure enough, with the high thrust engine, the super-heavy launch vehicle is not a problem for us at all."

S, super. Anyone with S in their name means they are super powerful!

Even though our names are not as loud as America's "Ares" and "Energy", this is our long-standing tradition, and we can still compete with or even surpass you in reality.

The boatman, who is an engineer, can still see at a glance that the core of the success of the Chang-5 series of heavy-duty launch vehicles lies in the high-thrust engine.

The secretary smiled and echoed: "With the high-thrust engine completed, our country's aerospace industry is on the fast track~"

The boatman nodded in agreement.

While talking, the two of them arrived at Wudaokou.

Unfortunately, Zhao Mo is still in seclusion.

The boatman scratched his head a little, but decided to wait.

It happened that Zhou Zuojian heard that he was coming and had already come out to greet him, so he simply sat down and talked with Zhou Zuojian, Professor Zhao's leader.


“I didn’t expect it to be quite complicated~”

Wudaokou, in the office.

Zhao Mo finally woke up from the gushing inspiration. When he looked at the time, he saw that it had been a day and a night. He didn't feel strange at all. He just sighed that the problem solved by this inspiration was a bit complicated.

The manuscript paper on the table is full of numbers and symbols that he wrote all day and night, but there are still many problems that require further adjustment and refinement.

This time, the problem he solved was in prime numbers, and some new applications of algebraic geometry gave him some enlightenment. Of course, this is due to his constant study. Many questions have accumulated in his mind and he thinks about them from time to time. Otherwise, there will be no inspiration.

It's probably like this.

It is a pity that the problem he is solving now does not have a complete answer to any big problem. It is just a weak form of answer, which is only a small step towards a complete answer.

Zhao Mo thought to himself: "If I use the burst of inspiration opportunity rewarded by the system, I should be able to answer it, but it's not cost-effective, so I'd better save it first~"

Since he used the opportunity in 06 to solve the ABC conjecture, the value of the opportunity has reached its peak here.

On the other hand, it is currently unknown how much social progress will be promoted after the ABC conjecture is solved. The only thing that is limited is that there has been considerable progress in some encryption methods. Perhaps, only after more than ten or twenty years, or even fifty or sixty years, will the value be truly discovered.

This kind of value is not so urgent.

Comparing the two sides, Zhao Mo personally thinks that there is no need to use up the opportunity for inspiration.

He drank some water, stretched, and moved his slightly stiff body. Then he turned on his phone, sent a message to his assistant, and then called Yang Chan to report that he was safe.


bang bang bang~

Less than half a quarter of an hour later, as soon as Zhao Mo ended the call, there was a knock on the office door.

Then the voice of assistant Cai Bin came: "Professor~"

"Come in~"

Zhao Mo said.

Later, Cai Bin opened the door and came in. He smiled and reported: "Professor, Mr. Wang of BYD is here to visit you. He has been waiting for Director Zhou for more than an hour."

"is it?"

Zhao Mo raised his eyebrows. He had indeed seen a few missed calls from Brother Boatman when he looked at his phone. He didn't expect Brother Boatman to come to the capital to look for him.

It seems to be for the launch of the car.

Zhao Mo thought for a while and decided to go see them. Then he pointed to the manuscripts on the table and said: "Put these papers away for me. I will go over to see them now."

Then he turned around and left the office.

Cai Bin agreed and immediately started to pack it up.

Cai Bin was dazzled by the numbers and symbols on the table.

He is also an outstanding student who graduated from the Wudaokou Department of Mathematics. He can understand a little bit of these materials. It seems to be a discussion of the distribution of prime numbers, and he also introduced algebraic geometry.

"The distribution of prime numbers...wait a minute, isn't this the Riemann Hypothesis?"

Cai Bin was immediately taken aback, and his hands trembling as he collected the manuscript papers.


"Hello, Professor Zhao~"

Seeing Zhao Mo again, Brother Boatman had some emotion. Zhao Mo was getting higher and higher, and he was no longer the immature student before.

The Zhao Mo in front of him had a warm smile on his face. He had an ordinary appearance, but he exuded an indescribably powerful aura. His eyes were bright and energetic, giving him the impression of both "strength" and "wisdom". He looked like he was no ordinary person. .

"Mr. Wang, are you looking for me?"

Zhao Mo shook hands with him and asked with a smile.

The two of them were in a small living room.

Brother Boatman got straight to the point: "I came here mainly to learn about the cooperation with the space agency..."

Only then did Zhao Mo confirm that it was indeed a matter of launching a car into outer space, and the space agency had found BYD immediately. He knew in his heart that his relationship with BYD was probably taken into consideration, although he and BYD had no other cooperation except battery technology, and he was a complete outsider.

Brother Boatman also talked about the reason behind his immediate agreement, which was related to the recent development of BYD new energy vehicles, which was not very good.

The main reason is that public acceptance is low. Until now, BYD has sold more gasoline vehicles than new energy vehicles.

In addition, it is about to face direct competition from Tesla.

In Shanghai, Tesla's super factory is about to be completed and put into production, and the publicity offensive has begun.

According to BYD’s survey, people’s acceptance of Tesla new energy vehicles is several orders of magnitude higher than BYD’s!

"...Do foreign monks know how to recite sutras? No, they just worship foreign things!"

At the end of the story, the boatman had an indignant look on his face.

Zhao Mo was very touched and recalled the scene in his previous life when Brother Boatman cried when he drove a 500 million new energy vehicle off the assembly line. The journey of domestically produced cars was indeed full of hardships.

"It won't take long, it will get better~"

Zhao Mo encouraged him, and then said about Boatman Brother's spending four small targets to launch the car: "The price is not expensive, the cost of the rocket is there. Has it been finalized?"

The boatman brother said: "I said it still needs approval from the higher authorities."

Zhao Mo nodded. Just as he was about to speak, the phone rang suddenly. It was Minister Liu who called.

"Professor Zhao, are you finally out of seclusion?"

(End of this chapter)

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