You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 292 YF1000 high thrust engine acceptance!

Chapter 292 YF-1000 high thrust engine acceptance!

In January, there were actually some things worth writing about.

One is the launch of the third Beidou satellite, and the other is the release of Apple's first-generation iPad.

The former is the global navigation system that our country decided to develop after the Galaxy. The launch of the third satellite means that Beidou can start to build a small-scale network. The latter is an important step for Apple to expand its ecological chain, and also creates a second mobile consumer electronics category besides laptops and mobile phones.

In the previous life, Apple's iPad was the only one in the world, and other electronic companies were latecomers, following Apple's footsteps.

But in this life, things have changed significantly. When Apple released the iPad, Weibo also released its iPad. Although limited by technology and systems, there is still a gap between the iPad of Weixin and Apple's iPad, but it is enough for the domestic market, so Yuliang became famous for a while.

Of course, the arms sales and other matters at the same time were happening and protesting as always, and they did not change much because of Zhao Mo's arrival.

Zhao Mo only paid a little attention to this, and then got busy after the beginning of the new year.

Only when we completely surpass America, in economic, military and other aspects, will America completely stop. Otherwise, don’t think about it.

In early April, Zhao Moren returned from special training on the grassland and paid attention to several news related to him.

One is that the plan to recruit 2010 people was passed, and the time span is from 2020 to . It is called the "National Medium and Long-term Talent Development Plan", but he did not sign up.

When Zhou Zuojian found him, he still had a look of regret when talking to him about it.

The second thing was the selection of academicians. Zhou Zuojian told him that Wudaokou had given him the quota and had been recommended and was under review.


When he heard the news, Zhao Mo had a question mark on his face and asked quickly: "No, director, I think I'm far from meeting the standards. Why did you just report it to me?"

Zhou Zuojian's mouth twitched: "..."

Good guy, you think you are not qualified, so you said before that Ruan Min of the Space Administration recommended you?

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Zuojian asked back, and then said: "If you don't want this spot, you should have told me earlier, and we can recommend others."


Zhao Mo was speechless for a moment, then coughed and said: "Ahem, I don't mean anything else. I just said that since the quota has been applied for, then just apply. The important thing is to participate."

Zhou Zuojian couldn't help laughing and said: "Haha, it turns out you want it, I thought you didn't want it~"

Zhao Mo: "..."

He was really afraid that the director of mathematics would say, "You want it? If you want it, just say it. If you don't tell me, how will I know that you want it? If you want it, you have to say it. Only after you say it will I know what you want." "...

After this incident, on April 4, Zhao Mo went to the Tongchuan Aerospace New Power Test Center in Qin.

Over there, the test run of the high-thrust rocket engine has been going on for half a year. Finally, it came to the acceptance stage, and he wanted to be on site.

"Professor Zhao~"


The arrival of Zhao Mo shocked the entire research team, which had been a little dispirited after half a year of testing. They all knew that it was the last minute and they could withdraw if there was no problem. They would never have to work as hard as this time. "Yes.

"Thank you for your hard work~"

Zhao Mo said some comforting words, and then checked the recent test data and the current status of the engine.

Stacks of information were stacked in front of him. It would take an ordinary person a day or two to read them, but it only took him less than three hours to read them. After checking them in his mind, he happily said to the team: "Experiment" The data meets the design requirements, and I think it’s time to notify my superiors for acceptance.”


"Clap clap~"

In an instant, the entire research team and the staff of the Aerospace New Power Test Center cheered and burst into warm applause.

"Long live Professor Zhao!"

Someone among them suddenly shouted loudly.

What followed immediately was the shouting of everyone, shouting "Long live Professor Zhao".

Zhao Mo was startled, and quickly waved his hand to signal them to stop talking nonsense, and then loudly said with a serious face: "The credit belongs to the team, not to me alone, nor to any one person."

"Hahaha..." The team members stopped shouting and then burst into laughter.

Zhao Mo breathed a sigh of relief, with a happy smile on his face.

The credit indeed belongs to the team. Although he designed the plan, it was only the core. Without other people, his core would not be able to achieve the current results. Not to mention the engine test run work, he is basically not responsible, it is all done by the team, he just "received" and "understood".

Testing work is very tiring, especially with this engine, the test time is greatly shortened.

Routine rocket engine test runs last for at least one year, and two years is common. For example, the 120-ton liquid oxygen and kerosene engine developed by Director Tan Kaihua is two years old and has not yet been put into normal use. But in order to save time, Zhao Mo asked the team to shorten the test run time to half a year, so it was common to work overtime and stay up late.

Of course, if you give something, you will receive something.

So far, according to the data and engine status that Zhao Mo has seen, the test run has exceeded 40,000 seconds. Every test run has been successfully completed without a single major problem. This has already met the acceptance criteria.

The facts were just as he judged. On the 12th, an expert group organized by the space agency came to the Aerospace New Power Test Center for final acceptance work. After a day of inspection and research, they all believed that this high-thrust engine met the design requirements. Determined to pass the acceptance!

When Ruan Minzhong, director of the space agency, announced the results, the entire team immediately burst into cheers and fell into a sea of ​​excitement.

Even Zhao Mo was no exception at this time, his mood was ups and downs.

In addition to the success in the development of high-thrust rocket engines, the Iron Will system was triggered again in his mind, and a "ding" sounded.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the active branch task of developing a high-thrust liquid rocket engine. The deadline is one and a half years, and it is completed half a year ahead of schedule. The special reward is 30000 attribute points and a lottery opportunity. Please confirm whether you want to draw the lottery immediately?"

"Thirty thousand attribute points? This is not a lot, but my wisdom attribute LV8 is only 7001 short of being upgraded~"

Zhao Mo's mood suddenly became very complicated. He was excited and excited, but also a little uneasy for no reason. He was worried about how big the change would be if he upgraded from LV8 to LV9.

He thought in his mind: "There will be no lottery for now," and he will celebrate the acceptance with the team first.

The high-thrust engine that passed the acceptance test also received its own name: YF-1000, a very special name and unusual.

The naming of rocket engines in our country is not so strict. It basically follows YF + different numbers, and uses different numbers to represent the engine scheme. Those within 10, such as YF-1/YF-2, are early nitric acid 27s fuels; those within 20-50, such as YF-20/YF-21/YF-22, are nitric acid 27s fuels. and dinitrogen tetroxide fuel; 70-90 are hydrogen, oxygen and methane fuels, such as YF-73/YF-75, etc.; those above 100 are liquid oxygen kerosene solutions, YF-100/YF-100M, etc.

The high-thrust engine developed by Zhao Mo is a liquid oxygen methane solution, and it should be in the 70-90 range.

Just like the previous YF-91/YF-77, these two versions are methane versions.

But there was no way. The thrust of the engine this time was too great. If I didn’t come up with a special name, I would be sorry for the huge thrust. So after discussion, everyone unanimously named this guy YF-1000. 1000 means that its thrust has reached 1000 tons. , simple and clear.

Among the crowd, Li Dong, chief designer of Chang Xiao Wu and Zhen Chang Wu, was also there.

While the rest of the team was still celebrating, Zhao Mo found him and asked him about the design of the Changxiao 5 and Zhenchang 5 rockets: "Mr. Li, the engine is ready, when will the rocket be ready? I can't wait for the test launch." "

Li Dong replied unceremoniously: "Professor Zhao, the rocket has been ready for a long time and has been waiting for your engine."

Zhao Mo was startled for a moment, and then said with a happy face: "That's great, so we can start the test launch immediately?"

"It depends on the arrangements above. If there's no problem, it's fine."

Li Dong nodded and said, feeling a little depressed in his heart, because Zhao Mo was not surprised at all that he had completed the development of the Changxiao Five and Zhenchang Five rockets so quickly.

However, this little depression only lasted for a moment and then dissipated.

He then thought about Zhao Mo's glorious history and thought: "Perhaps in Professor Zhao's opinion, our speed is normal~"

In fact, his guess was extremely correct.

Zhao Mo is used to the frequency of space activities that our country will launch once a day in the future, so he has lost the general concept of "fast" and thinks it is normal. As everyone knows, our situation seems incredibly "fast" to foreigners and is unimaginable.

Zhao Mo did not agree with what Li Dong said and immediately said: "Are you still waiting for the arrangements from above? I can't wait in a hurry. Let's go. Let's go directly to the above."

With that said, he took him and went to find Director Ruan Min.

Zhao Mo said: "Director Ruan, the engine and rocket have been completed. With the test launch work in full swing, I hope to test launch one into the sky this week, preferably some satellites."

Li Dong: "..."

Good guy, he could only call him good guy.

He didn't expect Zhao Mo to be so aggressive, so he went directly to the director and told him to arrange a test firing immediately!

What’s even more outrageous is that it was completed this week? Do you want to send some satellites up?

(End of this chapter)

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