You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 290: Freedom of speech, so please ask for a regulation

Chapter 290: Freedom of speech, so let’s ask for a regulation

"NASA has changed its commander?"

Hearing what came out of Minister Liu's mouth, Zhao Mo was a little surprised, but he quickly came to his senses and asked funnyly: "Is it because of the death of Ares X Rocket?"

Minister Liu looked at him in surprise and said: "I can't hide anything from you. According to our investigation, it's because of this. However, although they changed their commander, named Nelson, their Ares He bought an SLS rocket and said he would land on the moon before 2020."

"Year 2020?"

Regarding this time, Zhao Mo couldn't help but feel moved, and said with a smile: "It's about the same time as ours, this time is a bit of a coincidence."

Minister Liu waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this is just a coincidence."

He knew what Zhao Mo meant. Could it be that our planned time had been leaked?

But in fact, NASA had previously planned to return to the moon in 2017. Now that the Ares project has died, the switch to SLS rockets will not extend it too long. Three years is already a very conservative time for NASA and is not enough. strange.

Zhao Mo nodded, that's fine.

He immediately said with great interest: "In my opinion, the SLS rocket will probably have to be postponed again. It will be very good if the issue of launch stability can be solved before 2020. There is no need to think about it to return to the moon."

"How do you say this?"

Minister Liu became interested and asked with a smile.

Although he also doubts that NASA's SLS rocket will be the same as the Ares rocket, after all, NASA is an organization with the world's number one aerospace technology, and it is backed by America, the world's number one technological power. It has a very strong technical foundation. When it comes to returning to the moon, no one doesn’t believe it and everyone believes it can be done.

He didn't expect that Zhao Mo would despise NASA so much, which surprised him.

Aren’t scientists supposed to be rigorous?

Zhao Mo glanced at him, but didn't say much. He just said: "Bu Liu, you have more information than me. You should know that America has been hollowed out for a long time, and there are many shortcomings in the manufacturing industry. In addition, financial Crisis, lack of funds, lack of money. In this state, it will not be easy to return to the moon."

Minister Liu was startled for a moment, then nodded slowly and said: "That's true~"

As he spoke, he started talking about things on the Internet, and said with some embarrassment: "Professor Zhao, this matter has caused you to be criticized on the Internet. It is my problem. I want to tell you right here..."

However, before he finished speaking, Zhao Mo interrupted: "No, Liu Bu, you are trying to eliminate me by saying this. This matter has no impact on me. I don't even pay attention to it. If you don't Said, I don’t know yet.”

Minister Liu was startled again, and then praised: "China is very lucky to have scientists like you, Professor Zhao, who are dedicated to studying science! It would be even better if there were more!"

After sighing, before Zhao Mo could speak, he added: "Nowadays, many professors and scientists on the Internet do not engage in their own research, but come out to say some weird words and comment on some technical issues that are not their expertise. It is really regrettable. For example, Professor Zhong Yangxia from Wudaokou School of International Relations..."

At this point, he stopped talking.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Mo couldn't help laughing and asked: "Zhong Yangxia? I haven't heard of him. Did he say anything?"

Minister Liu was a little strange at first, but the next moment he realized that Zhao Mo had no intention of paying attention to these things, so he didn't know anything about Zhong Yangxia.

He hesitated for a while and then said simply.

This matter can be big or small, and it concerns Zhao Mo, an outstanding young scientist who is dedicated to studying science and does not understand the ways of the world. As a senior and elder, he still needs to pay attention.

Only then did Zhao Mo realize that there was such a thing, and couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

However, he did not curse anyone. He just said with a smile: "This is unavoidable because of freedom of speech. But I think that within the organization, there must still be regulations to regulate it. For example, if you ask for a regulation, you cannot publish and Regulations on comments unrelated to the profession. In this way, it can also prevent personal issues from damaging the credibility of the organization."

Minister Liu and everyone were dumbfounded: "..."

What about freedom of speech as promised? That's it?

He didn't expect that one moment Zhao Mo said it was nothing and didn't mind, and the next moment he said he wanted to implement regulations and standards. The contrast between the two was really big.

But soon, he came back to his senses: "Soliciting regulations?"

This is a wonderful point!

I have promulgated regulations, but they were promulgated after soliciting everyone's opinions and were not imposed by me. No one can find fault with them. More importantly, this does not actually violate freedom of speech. If you want to speak, just resign from the organization and speak again. No one will stop you. You can say what you want.

"This~ahem, this is a good suggestion~"

He coughed and said.

Zhao Mo smiled slightly, knowing that this suggestion was feasible.

The two chatted for a while, and Minister Liu also mentioned that thanks to the technologies he developed during this period, all social development conditions have been improving.

Especially the changes brought about by lithium battery technology, he focused on the issue of power batteries, saying that in addition to achieving great results in the automotive field, it has also brought huge benefits to our country on international climate issues.

"Climate change affects all mankind. As a big country with a population of more than one billion, we naturally have to contribute, but we are not forced by European and American countries. They hold this conference with the purpose of blocking and suppressing us...Previously The recent Copenhagen climate agreement has reduced a lot of pressure on us. Otherwise, we don’t know how we would be besieged by those European and American countries..."

Minister Liu said with a smile on his face. "It's my pleasure!"

Zhao Mo was also happy when he heard that, but then he pointed out: "Minister Liu, it's not that I look down on those European and American people with double standards. Just wait. It won't be long before they treat the climate agreement as waste paper. What should we do? Why, they have always been strict with others and lenient with themselves."

Minister Liu nodded repeatedly and said, "As you said, the boomerang will come back to them sooner or later."

"Yes, Boomerang!"

Zhao Mo couldn't help laughing.


Two days flew by~

New Year's Day has passed quickly, and time has entered 2010, which is a new beginning.

Zhao Mo returned to the astronaut training center and continued special training. From this time on, he was taken by training staff and coaches to go to other places for training and special training in the wild with other outstanding astronauts.

At this time, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Academy of Sciences and other departments jointly held a special meeting with other organizations and institutions to solicit opinions from researchers, university teachers, etc. within the organization, that is, "No publications shall be published." Opinions that have nothing to do with this profession".

There is no doubt that this request for opinions caused everyone to panic.

Everyone here refers not only to the scientific researchers and university teachers within the organization, but also to the general public, because this opinion was quickly spread to the Internet.

Anyone who knows about this solicitation for opinions is a little confused at first, and they don't understand why this is suddenly done for no reason? After coming back to their senses and looking at what happened recently, everyone vaguely understood what this opinion was about. Isn't this aimed at those "tricksters" who talk nonsense in the media and on the Internet?

"This is good!"

"Ten thousand supports!"

"Must support!"

"Well done, this is a good policy!"

"Don't talk nonsense, people upstairs. This is just an organizational rule, not a policy. It's just to stop those idiots from talking nonsense and deceiving the people."

"The Zhuang family is in a bad state now, and it's all caused by talking nonsense. The introduction of this regulation comes at the right time!"


On the Internet, there is almost a one-sided voice.

There is no other reason, just because there have been more and more "bricksters" in the past two years, and many of them have made weird remarks, which everyone deeply hates.

"Why are you soliciting opinions at this time?"

In Wudaokou, Zhou Zuochao, who was about to go to Principal Gu again, was startled when he saw the news.

After thinking for a while, he finally came to his senses and murmured to himself: "Initiated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and fully supported by Minister Liu? Not long ago, it seemed that Zhao Mo was being blamed by someone, and Zhao Mo had a private conversation with Minister Liu. It's been almost an hour, right? Is this Zhao Mo's opinion? However, no matter whose opinion it is, this rule should have come out long ago!"

He remembered discussing this matter with Professor Qiu not long ago, and Professor Qiu was silent at that time. Now, he believes that if this regulation is enacted, it will really bring relief after a long drought, and he supports it with both hands.

After a while, he walked to the principal's office, knocked on the door and entered.


Zhou Zuojian shouted, but before he could speak, Principal Gu, who was immersed in signing documents on his desk, pointed to the side and said, "Sit down, I'll finish approving this document first."

Zhou Zuojian said "Okay" and then sat down.

Last time I came to see Principal Gu to talk about recommending Zhao Mo, Principal Gu said that he should consider it carefully. Today he came to ask for the result of "careful consideration".

In just a moment, Principal Gu finished signing and approving the documents in his hand, but he did not speak to him. Instead, he stood up, handed the newly signed and approved documents to him, and said with a smile: "Take a look. I will hand this over to the Education Bureau later~"


Zhou Zuojian didn't know why, but he subconsciously reached out and took the document.

Looking over, the document clearly read "About the Punishment Decision on Professor Zhong Yangxia" in thirteen large bold characters. Below is the content, saying that Zhong Yangxia made untrue remarks and caused adverse effects on Wudaokou and other people, and then gave him a demerit. Punishment, etc., and finally the name signed by Principal Gu and the school seal of Wudaokou.

Zhou Zuojian was stunned for a moment, and after a while he came to his senses. He immediately slapped his thigh and said, "It should have been like this a long time ago, principal. You have made a wise and correct decision this time."

The smile on Principal Gu's face suddenly froze: "..."

Good guy, were all my previous decisions foolish and wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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